Linsey & Grissom


Orem, UT

United States

Profile Information:

San Diego, CA
About Me:
My name is Linsey. I've loved Pembroke Welsh Corgis for many years and finally was able to get one of my own on New Year's 2009.
I grew up in San Diego, but have lived in a few places in the last two years and an currently settled in Orem, UT... but will be moving to Vegas soon!
I have two dogs, my Corgi Grissom, and my Shepherd/ Golden mix, Champ.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Right now I only have one Corgi, a Pembroke named Grissom born November 6th, 2008. We were going to do agility with him, but when I moved out of Denver to Utah that dream died a little. Utah isn't very dog friendly. :-(
Grissom loves to go to the doggy daycare I work at and play with all his friends. He's most attached to his big brother, Champ, my Shepherd/ Golden mix.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Shockoe "Bottom" Bell

    Grissom is so cute! He looks just like my Shockoe. =D
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Linsey, Grissom and Champ! Is Grissom named after the astronaut or the CSI? He is soooooo cute! Hopefully Vegas will give you the opportunity to start agility. We were going to do it, but got bored waiting for an opening at the facility, so took therapy dog training instead. We've gone on 2 visits so far and it's been a great experience.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Shockoe "Bottom" Bell

    Isnt it though? =P i have so many "bunny butt" pics. haha
  • Shockoe "Bottom" Bell

    Awesome! =D
  • Britney Piercy

    Really??? Sydnei's parents are Harris and Dixie Doodle, so looks like they are related!!! So what made you come to Indiana for a corgi if you live so far away???
  • Britney Piercy

    Yea, i seen it was the last litter of pups last time. I didnt exactly like how the dogs were caged when i went there, but just like you, as soon as i held her she was mine :) Did you know she is also selling Harris??
  • Britney Piercy

    I was not aware that she fed them a low quality food. Purina wasn't it? We switched Syd to Iams as soon as we got her, just because that is the kind all of our other animals eat. And an unbilical hernia???? She really shipped him to you like that? I thought there was some type of contract where she is responsible for those sort of things. If that were Syd, there is no way my dad would of let that happen. Sydnei's temperment is perfect also, i could not ask for a more perfect dog! :) AND Syd is also perfectly alright alone in a quite cage. I hope i can describe this alright for ya. Well, all of the dogs, and puppies, the first time i went out there, were in this extremely small shed. Actualy if you go here: you can see the small cages that they were in. You will have to scroll down the page, it was the crates that were two and three stacked high. It WAS NOT air conditioned in there in the middle of july, there was just a fan running. Like i said, the first time i went there all of the puppies and their mother were in the cages since they were still nursing. I can almost guarantee that the puppies were never taken inside and played with often. I hate to say this but, she was not the friendliest to me either. Possibly, it could be due to the fact that i am only 20 years old walking in there wanting a puppy, but i dont know. Anyway, in the shed like every cage was filled up with puppies and their mother. It amost looked like something you would see on TV. So i left thatday and went back like the next month to pick Syd up. This time i took my boyfriend at the time with me because ho offered to help me pay for her. Within 2 minutes of him walking into the shed, he walked out and went and sat in the car because he was so upset about them being caged like that.There was WAY too many dogs in such a little place. I felt they should of had way more room to play and stretch their legs.I hope this gives you a little better of an idea. :)
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    Thanks for your input. I have had bad experiences with pitts in the past. I try to keep an open mind but I am afraid of that breed. I never knew goldens could be aggressive! Thanks again for sharing
  • Sky and Lyla

    Thanks! I will definitely have to check out that forum and see if I can gain some more info.
  • Beauty and the Beast

    Naughty you with your Christmas Puppy. LOL
    I wanted mine for my birthday actually, but didn't have enough money at the time and didn't want my fiance to bring me one from a puppy mill. So we waited and waited and waited (for 3 months).
    What I meant by "getting puppy for Christmas" was buying on a whim. People are more prone to make bad decisions about purchases on Christmas in general and all this holiday rush in not good for a puppy in a new home.
    My friend works at a pet store and every year there are people bringing back small animals that they got for their kids.
  • Chris

  • Deanna