Sky and Lyla


Tulsa, OK

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I have a 1 year old Australian Shepherd named Sky and a 7 month old Pembroke named Lyla. We also have a sweet cat named Izzy.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Lyla is my first Corgi. She is super laid-back and doesn't seem to have many of the typical Corgi traits. I don't think I've ever seen her FRAP (maybe in the backyard when doesn't want to come in yet), and she prefers being a couch potato to any kind of obedience training, agility, or walking around the neighborhood.... and don't even think about running, she won't.

My other dog, Sky, is a Mini Aussie and is Lyla's polar opposite. He is tall and skinny, super obedient, and never ever stops moving. He loves Lyla, and she could care less if he's around or not. I guess that's just how girls are with boys! ;) Sky enjoys learning new commands and even as a 3 month old pup would do a 30 minute straight training session and still look eager to continue when I said it was over.

I like to say that Sky is my obedient dog that will excel in rally and/or agility, and Lyla is my naughty, lap dog that watches House, MD with me.
I have:

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  • Lawren and Teddy

    I hope Sky is feeling better soon.
  • Avyon

    that's awesome! :) Its the usual questions I believe that any new person would have. How do you figure out how much to feed? and how does it balance with the added nutrients in dry food (joint/bone health/vitamins).

    I know someone once told me it helps to rotate different cuts.. beef/chicken/pork and fish twice a week.
  • Beni

    Happy Birthday, Lyla! Today, I got some extra pumpkin for breakfast!

    Love, Beni