Sky and Lyla
  • Female
  • Tulsa, OK
  • United States
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Sky and Lyla's Friends

  • Renata M.
  • Alaina, Dyer and Odin
  • Ollie & Prie Misra
  • Tube Sock
  • Susan S.
  • Elizabeth, Hermione and Luna
  • RILEY, MAGGIE and Christine Kemp
  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan
  • Hieu and Kimi
  • Emiliano S.
  • Buddy & Wynstan
  • Rachael & Waffle
  • Jessie & Lola
  • Chris and Andrew
  • Jennifer Markley

Sky and Lyla's Discussions

How Far is Too Far?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Shepdog May 26, 2010. 19 Replies

Raw Feeding Resources

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sky and Lyla Mar 24, 2010. 1 Reply

Cruciate Ligament

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jill Usher Apr 14, 2010. 54 Replies


Sky and Lyla's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
I have a 1 year old Australian Shepherd named Sky and a 7 month old Pembroke named Lyla. We also have a sweet cat named Izzy.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Lyla is my first Corgi. She is super laid-back and doesn't seem to have many of the typical Corgi traits. I don't think I've ever seen her FRAP (maybe in the backyard when doesn't want to come in yet), and she prefers being a couch potato to any kind of obedience training, agility, or walking around the neighborhood.... and don't even think about running, she won't.

My other dog, Sky, is a Mini Aussie and is Lyla's polar opposite. He is tall and skinny, super obedient, and never ever stops moving. He loves Lyla, and she could care less if he's around or not. I guess that's just how girls are with boys! ;) Sky enjoys learning new commands and even as a 3 month old pup would do a 30 minute straight training session and still look eager to continue when I said it was over.

I like to say that Sky is my obedient dog that will excel in rally and/or agility, and Lyla is my naughty, lap dog that watches House, MD with me.
I have:

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At 10:23am on February 2, 2011, Beni said…

Happy Birthday, Lyla! Today, I got some extra pumpkin for breakfast!

Love, Beni

At 4:39pm on May 24, 2010, Avyon said…
that's awesome! :) Its the usual questions I believe that any new person would have. How do you figure out how much to feed? and how does it balance with the added nutrients in dry food (joint/bone health/vitamins).

I know someone once told me it helps to rotate different cuts.. beef/chicken/pork and fish twice a week.
At 11:18pm on March 16, 2010, Lawren and Teddy said…
I hope Sky is feeling better soon.
At 6:21pm on February 12, 2010, RILEY, MAGGIE and Christine Kemp gave Sky and Lyla a gift
At 8:59pm on February 08, 2010, RILEY, MAGGIE and Christine Kemp gave Sky and Lyla a gift
At 9:44pm on February 6, 2010, Jane Christensen said…
Brando...I hope you're feeling better soon so you can enjoy your new family and they can have fun with you!
At 9:14pm on February 4, 2010, Jane Christensen said…
How's Brando doing???? I bet you're having a great time!
At 11:05pm on February 2, 2010, Jane Christensen said…
Happy Birthday Lyla!
At 4:03pm on January 30, 2010, Beni said…
Has Lyla started eating more? Now that we're on Innova, Beni has started eating his whole bowl, so we're doing portion control. He's also filled out a little and is not quite so skinny. I think he's around 26 pounds now!
At 3:57pm on January 30, 2010, Beni said…
Beni is scared of new things that move on their own. For example, if I leave a jacket on the couch and it starts slipping off the couch, he'll have a cow. If he's licking the yogurt container and it starts to wobble a bit he'll jump a little. But he has gotten a little better about it. Our Petsmart trainer suggested rolling things away from him and having him chase it, and he likes that, and I think it has made him more confident. He also really likes chasing/herding the soccer ball, when at first he was really scared of it. I think he's fearful of those new things, but once he gets used to it he's better the second time around. He will come and sniff new things, but very cautiously, and the instant it starts moving on it's own he does a mini-spaz. :P

Beni also loves people and is getting to love dogs. He's fine with dogs his size (he had a meetup with Roger and they instantly took a liking to each other) but bigger ones he's a little intimidated of at first, and then after a few minutes he gets more comfortable. It's that first greeting sniff. If the other dog goes too fast he'll sometimes bare his teeth a little and then after they play more then he's fine.

Hope you're having fun with Brando! He's such a nice looking dog!

Sky and Lyla's Photos

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Sky and Lyla's Blog

Lyla featured in the Aussie blog!

Posted on February 11, 2011 at 1:23am 3 Comments

I haven't been on MC much lately. I still love you guys, but life has gotten in the way of spending hours on the computer. Not to mention, the Aussies take up most of my time. Lyla is still here and loving it though, and she just turned two a couple of week ago. I even featured her on my Aussie blog tonight. If you're interested in seeing some updated pictures of her, please take a look on my blog.

Corgis Need Rescuing

Posted on February 1, 2011 at 7:33pm 2 Comments

There are two Pems on Tulsa's Craigslist today. I hate that one of them actually says "get rid of." Ick! If anyone can help these babies, please do. I already have a foster in my home right now or I'd go scoop them up!

Pembroke in Shelter

Posted on July 13, 2010 at 2:35pm 4 Comments

Hey all! There is a really cute male neutered Pembroke at the City of Tulsa animal shelter (Oklahoma). It looks like he's been there a week already, so I can't imagine he has much time left. If you are wanting another dog, he would be a great one. Now is not a good time for me financially to take in a foster, but I would love to see him find a home. If you are in the area, consider adopting him. If you are not, but would want to adopt him anyway, let me know and we might be able… Continue

Happy 4th!

Posted on July 4, 2010 at 9:02pm 6 Comments

Brando, Amelia and Lyla wish everyone a 4th full of playing with friends, making silly faces, or just standing around looking pretty if that's your thing!

Now off to let everyone out to potty before the fireworks start!

For the Bloggers

Posted on June 28, 2010 at 11:34pm 1 Comment

I've never been much of a blogger myself, but have started a blog to chronicle my adventures into showing and breeding, and just generally being crazy enough to have as many dogs around as I do. Check it out for updates and fun pics.

Bona Dea Australian Shepherds


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