Sky and Lyla's Blog (67)

Lyla featured in the Aussie blog!

I haven't been on MC much lately. I still love you guys, but life has gotten in the way of spending hours on the computer. Not to mention, the Aussies take up most of my time. Lyla is still here and loving it though, and she just turned two a couple of week ago. I even featured her on my Aussie blog tonight. If you're interested in seeing some updated pictures of her, please take a look on my blog.

Added by Sky and Lyla on February 11, 2011 at 1:23am — 3 Comments

Corgis Need Rescuing

There are two Pems on Tulsa's Craigslist today. I hate that one of them actually says "get rid of." Ick! If anyone can help these babies, please do. I already have a foster in my home right now or I'd go scoop them up!

Added by Sky and Lyla on February 1, 2011 at 7:33pm — 2 Comments

Pembroke in Shelter

Hey all! There is a really cute male neutered Pembroke at the City of Tulsa animal shelter (Oklahoma). It looks like he's been there a week already, so I can't imagine he has much time left. If you are wanting another dog, he would be a great one. Now is not a good time for me financially to take in a foster, but I would love to see him find a home. If you are in the area, consider adopting him. If you are not, but would want to adopt him anyway, let me know and we might be able… Continue

Added by Sky and Lyla on July 13, 2010 at 2:35pm — 4 Comments

Happy 4th!

Brando, Amelia and Lyla wish everyone a 4th full of playing with friends, making silly faces, or just standing around looking pretty if that's your thing!

Now off to let everyone out to potty before the fireworks start!

Added by Sky and Lyla on July 4, 2010 at 9:02pm — 6 Comments

For the Bloggers

I've never been much of a blogger myself, but have started a blog to chronicle my adventures into showing and breeding, and just generally being crazy enough to have as many dogs around as I do. Check it out for updates and fun pics.

Bona Dea Australian Shepherds

Added by Sky and Lyla on June 28, 2010 at 11:34pm — 1 Comment

Lyla's a Nurse!

Not really, but she did get her RN (Rally Novice) title this weekend... 3rd place every single day, lol. I am so proud of her. She has come a long way in a short amount of time. And I can really see a boost in her confidence level since we've started training for Rally. Now the next step... Rally Advanced... off lead! Scary!!

Added by Sky and Lyla on June 4, 2010 at 10:59am — 6 Comments

Three must be our lucky number....

...because Lyla and I got third place again today!

We had a couple of bumps along the way, but ended up with a score of a 92 (out of 100), which is 5 points higher than we got yesterday! Now, fingers crossed that we don't lose it tomorrow. If we can Q again we will have our very first title!

Added by Sky and Lyla on May 30, 2010 at 3:24pm — 4 Comments

Big Brag!

Lyla and I have been training for Rally for about 2 months now. This weekend is our first show. Today was our first run (I didn't enter yesterday, as I wanted one day to walk her around and get her used to the environment). I was so nervous and she was just loving being there! We had a couple signs we'd never seen before, so that was scary, but still doable.

Well, the second we walked into the ring, she realized there were lots and lots of…


Added by Sky and Lyla on May 29, 2010 at 2:30pm — 8 Comments

Natura Bought by Protcor and Gamble

P&G has signed a deal to buy out Natura, the company that makes Evo, Innova, Healthwise, and Karma. This is disappointing to me as Natura was one of about half a dozen pet food companies left that I trusted. I have successfully switched my dogs to a raw diet, but I still supplement with Evo from time to time, and like having that option available. Not to mention my kitty will only eat dry and canned food, and Innova… Continue

Added by Sky and Lyla on May 6, 2010 at 11:05am — 4 Comments

Why I've been so busy lately =)

My poor Sky doing his rehab on the treadmill (he's pretty much all better now)…


Added by Sky and Lyla on April 29, 2010 at 2:06pm — 3 Comments

Canine Good Citizen

Lyla passed her CGC test yesterday!! Longer update later. My life is in perpetual motion these days!!

Added by Sky and Lyla on April 28, 2010 at 8:51pm — 2 Comments

Special Needs Corgi in OK

Rosco Needs New Home

Added by Sky and Lyla on April 7, 2010 at 10:54am — 2 Comments

Mr Murphey is Here to Stay

And if he doesn't leave soon I'm going to start charging him rent!

Lyla had diarrhea in the living room tonight and judging by the smell and the fact that we've had a lot of rain and Lyla is a puddle drinker, I'm placing my bet on Giardia. Sadly the store where I can buy Panacur isn't open until 8AM tomorrow, so until then she's locked in the dungeon (aka kitchen).

To top it all off I have a dog show tomorrow. Brando isn't actually entered. He was supposed to be, but… Continue

Added by Sky and Lyla on April 2, 2010 at 11:23pm — 1 Comment

Things are Changin'

Sky and Lyla's bag of Evo Red Meat is getting to that point where I will soon see the bright, shiny silver of the bottom of the bag. And this means it's the perfect time to switch them to their new diet. I have been researching raw diets for the better part of the last 8 months and have finally decided to take the plunge. I never, ever in a million years thought I would be doing this, but here we go. Sky and Lyla's new diet will roughly be:…


Added by Sky and Lyla on March 26, 2010 at 10:55am — 9 Comments

Murphy's Law

At what point do you admit defeat? When the new puppy gets a case of Giardia that refuses to go away? How about when another dog injures his knee? Or maybe it's when the injured dog is going stir crazy from the past week of crate rest and the puppy (who has been doing fine for a month) magically comes down with horrid diarrhea again early on a Monday morning? Wherever the "defeat admitting point" is, I think I'm almost there. Dog-wise (aka budget- and sanity- wise) it has been…


Added by Sky and Lyla on March 22, 2010 at 11:00am — 8 Comments

7 Month Corgi in Tulsa, OK

Added by Sky and Lyla on March 15, 2010 at 11:26am — No Comments

Bad News

I noticed Sky limping this morning and then stop walking on his leg at all. I took him in to the clinic because he was in obvious pain. The news was not good. The Dr strongly suspects it's his cruciate ligament and will need surgery. $1500-200!! Idk how I'm going to make that one come together without going into some major debt. Today is not a good day...

Added by Sky and Lyla on March 14, 2010 at 1:54pm — 2 Comments

Rally Dreams, Pet Store Trips, and Compromising Principles

Lyla "graduated" into the 3rd and final level of obedience class about 4 weeks ago, and has been doing beautifully. So beautifully in fact, that we attend an Intro to Rally class the other day. I think it would be lots of fun for Lyla and I to try and since I will be going to shows with the new pup anyway, I can take one more dog and crate and do Rally with Lyla. So Lyla and I will be starting Rally classes sometime next month with the hope of competing at Brando's Memorial Day Weekend…


Added by Sky and Lyla on March 7, 2010 at 1:00pm — 5 Comments

Warning: This blog contains ranting!

Okay, ya'll, my stress level is through the roof right now! The pup came down with Giardia on Friday morning, and while he seems to be "better" as far as stool consitency and energy levels, he absolutely refuses to eat or drink anything! I have tried feeding him just about everything safe for dogs in my house and nada. And you can forget drinking any water, the only way that is happening is when I use a syringe to squirt it down his throat. I am frustrated and tired and don't…


Added by Sky and Lyla on February 7, 2010 at 10:39pm — 22 Comments

Happy Birthday Lyla!

I can't believe my baby is a year old (and thanks to Beni's mom for reminding me or I would have completely forgotten... Beni and Lyla are littermates for those of you that don't know)! She has come so far in the past 9 months I've had her, and I just can't imagine my life without my little LylaBug laying on the couch with me every night.

In other news the new puppy is still getting acclimated. Adding a new dog has just strengthened my belief that Lyla is "Queen Lyla" of the dogs in… Continue

Added by Sky and Lyla on February 2, 2010 at 11:53am — 3 Comments

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