I think, for the first time in my life, I can truly understand what would drive someone to harm someone else's dog. I have put up with our new neighbors' dog for over a month now and all the horrible things that have come along with it. My dogs can't play outside unsupervised anymore because their dog starts fence fights (and as much as I hate to place the blame all on their dog and not think my precious pups could do any wrong, I have been working hard to teach mine that this is not acceptable behavior, and they are getting so much better, I see them try to resist it, but they can only handle so many solid minutes of barking and growling before they give in and run over to show that dog who's boss). Their dog is a yappy little Scottie and is constantly outside barking. Worst of all, no one in the house seems to realize this is a problem!!

I've managed to live with all of that until last night though. Last night that stupid dog barked ALL NIGHT LONG! My bedroom is on the back of my house closest to their yard, and the dog woke me up 3 times!! After the 3rd time I began fantasizing about the dog running away or coming to some other unfortunate fate. Now, I would NEVER EVER actually hurt a dog no matter how annoying, but when I'm tired and grumpy at 4 in the morning, it is a comforting thought. I just really wish these people would realize what a nuisance their dog is and at the very least keep it inside!

Please excuse me, I am running on very little sleep today. ;)

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Comment by Jane Christensen on October 29, 2009 at 9:58pm
I think it would be a good idea to maybe talk with the neighbor BUT at some point if they continue to leave the dog out and he's barking late into the night then there are laws about this and you may have to call animal control or the police! People need their sleep too!
Comment by Kristin P on October 29, 2009 at 8:05pm
This is why I'm glad to be blessed with the Silent Corgi. :)
Comment by Parker on October 29, 2009 at 7:51pm
We have this issue with our neighbors dog, but fortunately, she isn't out ALL the time, just maybe once a week. Grover ignores it. But he's never been one to bark back when another dog is barking. He, on the other hand, just avoids that side of the yard when he hears that dog out there. Poor guy, he's afraid of her. :(
But, yeah, my husband and I have said a million times that we just don't get how they are not driven nuts by the noise! Don't they hear it?? When Grover barks loudly and annoyingly in the back yard, I immediately go out to see what his deal is. But, then again, I don't leave Grover outside for hours on end.
Comment by Sam Tsang on October 29, 2009 at 3:28pm
have you and the neighbours been introduced? how about the dogs? a good neighbor relationship goes a long way.
Comment by Michelle on October 29, 2009 at 3:16pm
I am not casting blame toward terriers or anything but our neighbor dog is a west highland and honestly I am not sure how she keeps the energy level to bark so much. On a positive side she is quite the neighborhood watch hound ...I can not even enter or exit my back door with out her barking..thank goodness she is in a chain link fence HAHAHAHA My two are at a point they just ignore her..they get this look like..."whatever" it just takes to much energy to keep up that momentum. Sorry your having a difficult time, try talking to your neighbors. They may be like AJ and JR and just no longer hear the incestant BARKING......
Comment by Chris and Andrew on October 29, 2009 at 1:02pm
Recently Chicago City Council passed an ordinance that would slap hefty fines - ranging from $50 to $250 for each offense - against the owners of loud or annoying dogs.

According to the newspapers, the ordinance defines “excessive noise” as “continued, repeated or habitual barking, whining, crying, howling, whimpering, crowing, or loud noise.”
Fines would be triggered only if the racket “exceeds ten consecutive minutes” or occurs “intermittently for a significant portion of the day or night” and is “louder than average conversational level at a distance of 100 feet or more.”
Unless a police officer or animal control makes a “personal observation,” citations would have to be “signed and sworn to by residents of three different addresses.”

I love dogs but I just don't understand some irresponsible, inconsiderate dog owners.
Comment by Bev Levy on October 29, 2009 at 12:33pm
That is a drag. We had a neighbor who left their beagle out at all hours barking and howling. I asked them to quiet the dog but they really did not do anything until another neighbor complained to the township and they got a warning from the police. They got rid of the poor dog and did not speak with me again because they thought I did it. Oh well, we have moved since and at least my current noisy dog neighbor doesn't leave them out at night. It is beyond me that people don't think they should quiet their barking dog!

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