Lawren and Teddy


Redmond, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Redmond, WA
About Me:
New dog owner. Teddy's my first pup. I've had cats most of my life but have been around all sorts of animals growing up and spending every summer with my aunt. I'm excited to have Teddy and am enjoying it, accidents and all.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Teddy is a little ball of energy who loves to play with balls and squeaky toys. The stuffed squeaky toys are the best. He thinks he's a bird dog and tries his hardest to catch them, forgetting that he's on the leash. He has made friends with one of my cats, Miss Mooch and my other cat, B has learned to tolerate him. He keeps me smiling and laughing and I am glad he is in my life.
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  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    my corgi puppy is named teddy too!:D lol
  • Sky and Lyla

    Thank you so much for your good thoughts! Sky is doing better, but is on two weeks of 24/7 crate rest except for potty breaks. He's going a little stir crazy already!!
  • Jane Christensen

    I never thought of Snoopy:) That's a good one!