

Lafayette, Louisiana

United States

Profile Information:

Lafayette, LA
About Me:
I'm completely obsessed with balls and frisbees. I also enjoy eating ice, shreding toys, playing with my favorite friends, and getting oodles of attention at Petsmart when i go to work with mom. We do lots of training too. Obedience, (so i know how to be a good boy) and Tricks (so i can show off). Our training is pretty intensive so i don't drive my mom nuts!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Warhol came from a wonderful breeder from Pineville Louisiana. Both his mom and dad were champion show dogs named Dice, and Chloe. He turned 1 year old June 3rd 2009. He came into my life August 28th 2008, and i have not since spent a day without him. I've wanted a Cardigan Corgi for nearly two years now, so i'm really enjoying my time spent with him being my companion, and having a blast with training. He's a smarty.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Katie

    Dear Warhol, Tigger and Molly are so excited to meet a fellow "Laf-itian"!
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome Warhol! Also the name of one of my favorite artists!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Warhol and family!
  • scotthoutx

    Hello from Carson & Logan
  • Michelle

    Hello--Warhol is a doll. Cardigans Rule!! Be sure and check out Cardi Party Group.
  • Tammey & Caven

    Hello and welcome. I am glad to see y'all here. I thought that your area might be under water still. We were just talking about taking a trip to Avery Island before Ike hit.
  • Lisa P from WV

    Welcome, your puppy is sooo cute!
  • Cheryl

    Hi Warhol! You are one cutie...
  • Libby and Dyddy!!

    Hi new cute friend!
  • Arlette

    what a cutie and thanks for joining the Cardi group!! :) Does he have any white on his tail? (it doesn't look like it which I guess is rare)
  • Cindi

    Hi! Glad to have another PetSmart trainer aboard! I'm at 0634 in Mobile, AL
  • Megan and Penelope

    Hi! What's your name? What do you look like, I'm sure that I would remember seeing you! I love Warhol, especially that he's got even bigger ears than Penelope! That is the best thing about Cardigans! Will you be going to Bark in the Park?
  • Megan and Penelope

    n/m, just read you will be there!
  • Megan and Penelope

    I thought that might be who you were. I think you practiced with Penny one day when we had a make-up session. I thought you were the only one that would Penelope enough to figure it out. I didn't know you had a corgi, did you get him recently?
  • Megan and Penelope

    That's awesome. Penny can be a handful sometimes, but I love her, she's so fun when she's not overly ADHD, haha! We'll see you this weekend I'm sure!
  • Lisa P from WV

    We live in Hurricane WV between Charleston and Huntington. I am trying to get some more WV corgis on here but with no luck! Warhol is a total cutie! We been through your old stomping ground several times and it is very beautiful there. My husband's Uncle lives in Shrevesport, LA. We have never been there though!
  • Boomer & Elisa & Chris

    warhol is such a cutie!
  • Randy & John

    My partner John is from around Lafayette. He makes a great gumbo...our Corgis love to lick the bowl for a treat. They sure are spoiled. We bring them down to his dad's farm and they have a blast running around the farm. They like to chase the sheep. It doesn't last long though, they're pretty much city dogs and poop out pretty fast. :)

    Warhol is a handsome boy!
  • Michelle

    What a handsome boy Worhol is!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi, what has Warhol been up to lately?
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    The halloween costumes are great!
  • Alice

    Warhol is darling. I bet you have a lot of fun being able to bring him to work. Our Finnigan just turned 3 months and we are looking into enrolling him in puppy classes at petsmart out here in Az. Corgis in general are rare out here and a Cardigan is almost unheard of. When people see Finn they think he's an Australian Shepherd/Basset Hound mix. What can you do but laugh!
  • Emily Rose

    I adore that adorable Peter Pan costume! AWW!
  • Alice

    I think we are going to. The Petsmart by us has puppy classes starting this month. He is getting his last shot today so that should make him eligable to take the classes. He's very smart and has already learned sit, come, down, shake and roll over but he needs to work on other things and the socializing would do him good. Everytime he sees a person or a dog he barks nonstop untiil they come up top him then he loves them to death but the barking has got to stop. I'm hoping socialization will help correct that. :)
  • Alice

    We started classes yesterday. Finn handled it better than I thought he would but I'm not sure that I like our trainer. She contradicts herselft quite a bit and argues with the handlers even if they are making a valid point like she just has to be right. When she said dogs love cotton because it comes from a sheep I didn't even bother commenting. I guess wool must come from a plant then. :) Oh well, what can you do. As long as Finn comes out a more obedient puppy I guess it will have been worth it. Too bad we aren't in your area or we could have taken your class. :) I wanted to ask, do you recomend a certain type of collar or a harness for training a puppy? He pulls quite a bit and I don't want him to hurt himself but I want to have enough control to make corrections too.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Wow, Warhol is so handsome! What color his he, he looks like is has some brindle in him. 6 months, woo hoo, time is going so fast. Love the Robin Hood Costume. Hope you are having a great New Year!!
  • Alice

    We did end up getting a harness for the class just to make the trainer happy. We got the one that they just step into and it buckles between the shoulders (it was at Petco and I think it was called a comfort wrap design) and the trainer didn't like it. She wanted us to have the standard one that the leash hooks to the back on that you mentioned. We bought that one too and I agree that it makes him pull more plus if he wants to turn around and bark at something I cannot stop him with the leash since it's attached at the middle of his body. We also ended up having to buy two new leashes because she thought the one we had was too thin and when we got a new one she said it was too thin also. We now have one of the thick ones that is meant for large breeds. This lady's costing us a fortune! She didn't mention the harnesses you suggested but I was thinking about trying the head harness. I hadn't heard of the other one you mentioned but it sounds like it would be good. I will definitely go look at those. At least then I can use that when we go on walks and when we are in class I'll use the standard one the trainer loves so much. Thanks for your help! You've already been more helpful than our trainer. :)

    By the way, I love that Green hooded sweatshirt Warhol has on in one of his pics! Is that from Petsmart? I'm not a big pet clothes person (aside from costumes) but I would totally get Finn a sweatshirt like that if I could find one.
  • Alice

    That is a bit pricy for something he'll grow out of in a month, but it is very cute. :)

    I did have one other issue I wanted to get your opinion on. We asked Finn's trainer but she kind of danced around the question and never really answered. There are times when it's like a switch flips and Finn becomes a little demon dog and is uncontrollable. I don't know if it's just a sudden burst of energy or what but if we are outside he will grab the leash and pull and jump around, wide eyed and growling. If we walk towards him he'll try to run (as much as he can on leash) and if we reach down to take the leash from his mouth or pick him up he will snap at us. I can't tell if it's play or if he is testing us. We tried putting him on the ground in a submissive position like Cesar does on the Dog Whisperer and he makes these growling/whining noises like a gremlin and tosses his head back and forth trying to bite our hands. All of this is totally out of character for him. He never acts this way even when we take food from his mouth. It's like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Any idea what those episodes indicate and how we should handle him when he is in that state?
  • Alice

    Thank you so much, that's just the information I needed. Why couldn't we have had a trainer like you? :)
  • Alice

    We gave in and bough the green hoodie for Finn because it was on sale for something like $12. :) We got a bigger size so it will fit him as an adult so in the picture he's swimming in it but I thought you might get a kick out of it.

  • Alice

    We do plan on doing the intermediate class next but we need to get him neutered first. Because he has a retained testicle, it's more surgery and longer healing time so we want to make sure his good as new before enrolling him. We just got him back from staying at my Mom's while we were on our honeymoon and he is limping so we'll have to make sure there isn't a problem in his hips or knees too. Speeking of knees, how is Warhol's knee?
  • Alice

    I'm glad he's doing better without having to get surgery. Finn is like that right now. He'll be fine but if he runs for a while or jumps around while playing with his toys he'll end up limping again. It never seems to stop him. :)
  • Libby and Dyddy!!

    Happy Birthday!!!!!!!
  • Kate & Brandon Hesson

    happy belated to Warhol!! He is so cute! I'm going to start a Louisiana Corgis group, you should join us! :) My brother lives in Lafayette, I'm from Alexandria, but my husband and I live in Shreveport now. Maybe we'll be able to have a meetup somehow, if I can get enough people :)