

United States

Profile Information:

Griswold Iowa
About Me:
We are a small home breeder with corgi's and longhaired dachshunds. I have been in love with the corgi's ever since seeing one on one of the dog shows on TV. We will be entering the show ring with our new boy this summer and can't wait
About My Corgi(s):
I have Muffin my first. She is a high engery girl on the go. My wife just loves her face even if she is not great in her comformation. Our next was Ted E a male. What's not to love. He is a fun loving little guy who knows when to slow down and give you a hug or kiss......and if he sees you getting attention from someone else he might butt in. Buttercup is alittle sweet heart. Layed back..for the most part...and love her hugs, can't get enough of them. She has awsome comformation and a pedigree to match. We will be getting anther male named Snowy soon just for Buttercup. He also has the comformation and pedigree to die for and he will be starting his show career in the summer of 08. Can't wait to see their babies

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  • Shannon

    not sure how to get to your email
  • Cat & Casey

    Shannon sorry I am just getting back to you. I dont come to this site too often.
    We did not go to Omaha the weekend of the show July 19. Too busy! Hubby's Aunt's 90th birthday party, cousin's wedding, local celebration all the same weekend.
    Is Omaha show usually the 3rd weekend in July? If so I will add to my calendar & maybe we can make a plan to go next year.
    We missed the dog show @ Ft. Dodge, IA (only 1 hour drive away) August 3rd. Again too many events happening on the same day.
    Your Corgi puppies are darling! Glad to read Snowy is showing good. Keep up the great performance.
    cat & Rascal oo & xx
  • Renee

    Griz is doing great. We enjoy him so much. He has been a mellow puppy from day one. Hes the kind of pup you can take anywhere with you.
    Thank you again for him!
  • Kristen

    So sorry about the litter. Tough on everyone I'm sure. Is Buttercup doing okay? How about all of you? Warm thoughts and sympathy going your way
  • Cat & Casey

    Shannon, doubt if we can make it to Des Moines to see a show in September. We have an event to attend every weekend! Hubby trucks during the week so until he retires in 09' we only can go places on weekends.
    Wishing you & Snowy lots of luck @ the show. Is the dog show held @ the State Fair grounds? cat oo & xx
  • nirin

    I just got my corgi 3 weeks ago when he's almost 3 month age. I took this pic the 3rd day he came to my home. He's now growing up everyday (getting fatter and fatter : ))
    Anyway, nice to see you drop message in, your corgi is so adorable too. I really like your display pic.
    Anyway, I'll upload more photo of mine for you.
  • Makya Hyatt

    Thank you. I am soon to get a Corgi, the woman I am getting mine from is waiting for the litter to be born, they are due anyday now. I'm so excited.
  • Shannon

    Ask for lots of pic of the puppies so you can watch him grow. We try to get aleast one pic of each pup each week to send out to people interested or buying. That way the first time they see him/her in person either here for a visit or picking up they are all ready feeling bonded to the pup
  • Max and Andrea

    Oh you don't know the half of it! :) Wait till I put more pics up...
  • Kristen

    Thanks for the update! Do you know what time the Corgis will go? I have to be in Grand Island for a breakfast, but am heading back east as soon as it is over and could just as easily stop through Fremont on my way home! Nice if I can work it out.--Kristen
  • Amy Bohack

    Hi! Thanks for your welcoming messge!
  • Tati and Corgis Laika 'n' Maple Leaf

    Thanks for your welcoming message!
  • Kristen

    It was fun getting to meet you, your mom and Ryan. I just fell in love with Snowy. How are Muffins puppies doing? I didn't make it to the second day of the show. I was hoping to meet the Corgi from Lincoln as well. Let me know when the show in Lincoln is. I would like to see Snowy in the ring again! Will Buttercup be showing at all?
  • Rebecca and Paul

    Hello! I loooooove your pics how cute!
  • Kristen

    Unfortunately I'll be on a plane to DC on Saturday the 15th. Work calls! How far is Griswold form Ames? Perhaps my husband and I could make a side trip to see Buttercup and Muffin and her puppies when we bring Fern to Iowa for her surgery.
  • Rebecca and Paul

    We're thinking "Arthur" like Arthur from "King of Queens" or something beer related like "Barley".
  • Laura K.

    Thanks! You've got some cute puppies! :)
  • Tanya Taylor

    Hi, I am working on a site right now through You can build your own. Although I am much better w/ the dogs, LOL... I would love to see what breeding stock you have.
  • Cat & Casey

    Shannon will you go to an Expo this Saturday @ Des Moines? I work for an insurance company & we now have insurance offered for dog breeders & kennels. Our agent was notified by the guy putting on an Expo for dog breeders & companies that sell dog products. We are not able to send a rep from my office, but she is sending brochures & magnets to the Expo. I thought of you with your breeding kennels & wondered if you were planning to attend. If you do-watch for material from Colburn & Son, Inc. - that is where I work! I am the main receptionist & claims secretary. But since I own Rascal & like dogs the boss & this agent have asked my input on some of our advertizing. If you are interested in liablity insurance for your kennels maybe I can send you our brochure.
  • Cat & Casey

    Good luck @ Lincoln. Hope the weather cooperates so you can go to Des Moines in January! We usually do not travel far in winter. Almost 3 hour drive for us to Des Moines. Busy raking the yard this last weekend. Of course, Rascal watches our every move!
  • Kristen

    Congrats. Wish I could have been there. Were there many Corgis there?
  • Cat & Casey

    How was the show @ Lincoln? I see a picture of your beautiful Corgi & human family receiving an award. Was that picture from the show or past show?
  • Bonny

    Thanks. My boyfriend is an amateur photographer, and he took those pitures. I love them! Your babies are sooo cute! Hehehe...

    Thank you, yours all have the great faces too. Wilson is in training, trying to get some of his excess weight off.
  • Cristi

    Thanks. I really enjoyed the photos of your corgis. They are all very cute!
  • Joanna Hubbard

    Thanks, it has been fun getting the stories down as she just keeps generating more and I'm sure at some point I'll start forgetting :)
  • Gus's Dad

    Thanks. He's still getting used to his new home.
  • Melissa Bickham

    thank you! :)

    Thanks so much! your corgi puppies are so adorable and cute. my husband and I want to get another corgi baby soon!
  • Kristen

    Just checking in. How are things going with Snowy? Been showing quite a bit? How are Buttercup, Muffin and Ted E? Our gang are all doing well. Loving the snow that is falling right now. Take care!
  • Cat & Casey

    How have you been thru the long winter weather? We have enjoyed the warmer temps lately but rain, snow & cold return this weekend.

    Once again I thought I would ask if you plan to attend the Iowa Pet Breeders convention this year March 13 & 14? It is @ Tama Mesquaki Casino. I assume it is too far for you to travel?

    Anxious for spring so you can begin go to shows with Snowy? Or have you been to some this winter?
  • Mystic

    Hello Shannon! what beautiful babies Corgi puppers you have. I wish I can post mine soon. I do have tons of pics all stuck in my cell phone, lol! I need to find that chip and transfer them.
  • Kristen

    Congrats to you and Snowy. Be sure to let me know when you will be showing in the area. Would love to see all of you again! Hope all is well.--Kristen
  • Renee

    Hi Shannon! Just letting you know Griz is going to be a daddy sometime around Easter. Hes bred to my sable female Ramsey. I'll send you some photos when they get here! Take Care!
  • Kristen

    Wow! Congratulations! I'll bet he will be happy at home as a house puppy for a while. I hope you do come to Omaha. My daughter Sarah and I will be there and we will look for you!
  • Cat & Casey

    With a sad heart I must report our Corgi Rascal passed to the Rainbow Bridge on Monday, June 8. The vet tested to find he was dying of stomach cancer & the tumor had burst.

    Rascal will be missed. But he is no longer in any pain. We will always have our memories & our pictures.

    For now we are taking 1 day @ a time, but someday you may see we have a new Corgi to share our home & lives.

    Shannon we are planning to go to a dog show this Sunday @ Ft. Dodge. In the past we have wanted to attend but have missed the event. It will be nice to see other dogs perform.

    Maybe someday we will contact you to see about a new Corgi? But we feel we do not want to get a puppy. If you know of anyone wanting to find a home for a Corgi around 1 year old please let me know. Good luck with your Snowy showings.
  • Cat & Casey

    Thank you for your kind words of comfort @ our loss. Also thanks for keeping a look out for another Corgi in search of a new home.

    We had a nice time @ the Ft. Dodge dog show. We watched the obedience show, but wished we knew more about the judging.

    Of course, we saw Corgi dogs. There was only 1 Pembroke in the show! Others had registered but did not attend. Visited with his owner who also owns & shows Cardigans. 1 of the owner's Cardigan won breed over 7 others.

    Good luck & hope all goes well for Snowy in the Omaha show. Unfortunately we will not be able to come down that weekend. A cousin of hubby's will be @ Schaller that weekend for a class reunion so we hope to visit with him since he lives in CA & have not seen him in over 10 years. Thanks again for your caring thoughts.
  • Cat & Casey

    Shannon we have found a new Corgi to adopt. He is @ a shelter in Kansas City. We plan to go there this weekend to bring the young guy home. He is about 3 years old. There will be new changes for us & this dog, but that is the "joys" of owning a dog.

    I though maybe it was a little to soon after loosing Rascal to get another dog already but hubby says we need another dog in our house to keep us busy & entertained.

    Hope to have pictures & introduce the new dog (still dont agree on the name!) soon.
  • Cat & Casey

    Meet Casey! We did not like his name so on the 5 hour ride home from Kansas City we chose a new name. Casey = from KC, MO. Casey is a Gaelic name that means alert & watchful. He is both! He is a good dog. He gets wild over loud & noisy things=lawnmower, sweeper, motorcycle & is very afraid of thunderstorms. We are learning about him & he is learning about us, his new home &neighborhood.
  • Molly

    Hi Shannon and Deb,
    I did make it to the show on Sunday but was too late to see the Corgi's, How did Snowy do, I was really hoping to see him.

    Jack is doing really great, he has quite the little personality now, I will have to update the corgi site with new pictures so you can see how he has grown. I always get such great compliments about him when he is out and about and he has started a puppy agility class to see how he likes it, he is really fast, last week he just kept running as he got towards the end of the course, ha. I will upload some new photos and hopefully catch Snowy in the ring next time!
  • ederyn

    Thankies so muchly! *waves*
  • Cat & Casey

    thanks! He is a happy guy. But we found out "the hard way" he likes to attack the carpet sweaper, lawnmower & motorcycles!! He is very afraid of thunderstorms & firecrackers. Both happened the 2nd weekend @ his new home.
  • Dez Hunter

    Thanks for the comment! I love your puppy pics! Omigosh, they are so cute. ^___^;; I especially like the pics of the dogs playing in the snow!
  • Frankie

    Hi Shannon, how are things going with all your babies? Teddy and kola are doing great. I am not sure if you have our new e-mail address, but we would love to hear how Ted E and the others are doing.

  • Frankie

    I will keep my fingers crossed that the tie worked. Kola just went through her heet cycle but we never saw her or Teddy tie. I guess we will see in a few weeks if things worked out or not. I am sorry to hear about Buttercup maybe next time.

    Teddy is full of energy! He loves to boss Kola around. Kola now she loves to walk and run. She would do great in agility classes, if we had them here. I wish we did for her sake. She listens well whereas Teddy is still working on the word come. I think I will celebrate when he finally get that command!

    I will have to download some new photos for you .

  • Kristen

    Shannon, it has been a while. I wanted to let you know that we are hosting a Corgi meet-up at our Farm next Sunday (November 15). I would love to have you and your family join us. Fergie's puppies will be two weeks old. Needless to say they will remain in the house, but the rest of the pack will be outside playing! There is more informaion in the events page on MyCorgi. Let me know if you think you might come. Hope all is well with you and your family.
  • Suzan and Tommie Girl

  • Frankie

    Thanks Shannon, we took the photos of the little guys at the park. They are such hambones when a camera comes out.

    So far, Kola doesn't seem to be showing any signs . Oh well, maybe next time.

  • Shelby Shirley

    Hi - not sure if you'll remember me but I work with Dr. Jack Anderson, Renee's husband, they got "gris" from you. I am looking into the possibly bringing my corgi, Leo, down to Ames to the vet hospital for a diagnosis on his rear leg/hind end lameness that's been going on quite awhile now. I was wondering if you have had any experience with the small animal hospital there. I'm only 45 minutes from the Univ. of MN Vet school but I've heard that Ames is much better/nicer than the U of M and also less expensive which would help to offset gas/hotel expenses. I'm just trying to reach out to a few people on MyCorgi that might be able to offer some opinions/insight. Thanks for anything you might be able to tell me. Shelby
  • Suzan and Tommie Girl

    Thanks! You corgis are beautiful. The puppy pictures are do cute. I want a puppy so much! We are holding off a while as Molly, our shitzu, is so old. I think a puupy might put her over the edge lol.