Virginia Dunham


Satellite Beach, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Indian Harbour Beach, FL
About Me:
I am recently retired (since August of 2009). My husband, Roger, is disabled. On good days, he takes Emma for her walks...he rides in his motorized chair...and Emma runs...until she is pooped...then she gets to sit in Roger's lap and ride home.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We adopted our Corgi, Emma two years ago this month...she is now 7 years old and the love of our lives...and this is coming from two people who were proud German Shepherd owners for over 30 years. Emma came to us from Michigan so she had some adapting to do to the Florida weather. We do our major walking with her late in the evening (or wee hours of the morning). Of course, with this cold snap...Emma is the only member of our household who is in seventh heaven.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Virginia, Roger and Emma. You guys sound like a wonderful family :)
  • Darlene Hennessy

    Welcome Virginia, Roger and Emma. I live in Michigan.. where up here did you get her from. LOL about Emma and the cold snap down there.
  • christy fry

    welcome to my corgi !
  • Edward and Gemima

    WELCOME FROM 2 FELLOW COLD SNAP LOVERS!!!p style="text-align: left;">

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • WhiteDove

    Hello Virginia,

    I know what you mean about the short legs. . .lol My Babs' legs are just a tad shorter than Sid and Cloe. . .but she manages to keep up with them. She can run so fast her little legs look like they disappear--like she's flying. . .a sight to behold!!!. . .LOL