cheryl rodriguez


Pompano Beach, FL

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
corgi lover
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
he is named simbay. he's a happy fun little redhead.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Cheryl and Simbay!
  • Edward and Gemima

    GreetScraps - -Ning Comments!
  • Tammey & Caven

    Hello and welcome to you and Simbay. I have pictures of one of your neighbors on my page.
  • Geri & Sidney

    Hi Cheryl! Thank you for the Jack-o-Lantern! I apologize that all I can "afford" is the pink ribbon, but I hope you appreciate the thought anyway :)
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Carol Powers

    Thanks for your notes Cheryl; yes he had the most astonishingly beautiful look to him. I took pictures of him all the time, he and the cat were pretty much my favourite subjects : )
    (Yardley passed away last months from a rare form of lymphoma)
  • Carol Powers

    (and thank you for the Tiara too! It's apropos in a way because our vet used to call Yardley a "drama queen". Nice to know you Cheryl)
  • Carol Powers

    Oh, no need to apologize Cheryl - I am so sorry for your loss also. Oh it's just so darned sad isn't it? I'd wager a guess that quite a few of us on this site are here in bereavement. These little munchkins totally steal your heart. We adored Yardley; he was the bright light of our lives.

    Grieving is such a difficult process; I hate it. But I'm slowly coming around, starting to accept his death. How are you doing?
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    Join the South Florida groups for updates on meet ups.
  • Carol Powers

    Hey Cheryl; I love your pictures! Is that your beautiful red corgi? And yes I'm okay. Both my husband and myself are getting through this and time will heal. I am able to watch my videos of Yardley, and look at pictures now without crying; big step! But my husband, not so much...with men sometimes they repress their feelings and that's a bit of a concern to me. However, as long as he's dealing with it in his own way I will let it be. At least now he will talk with me about the events leading up to Yard's death without shutting me down. That had become an issue with us but he understands now that I need to be able to talk with him about it; I can't bury it - I have to talk it through that's why we're on mycorgi!
  • Carol Powers

    I have only seen the term "DM" on this site actually. I will look it up; my dog was not paralyzed but had had problems with stiffness and pain, I suppose, in his hip ever since he was a puppy. We gave him Metacam for years (a veterinary anti-inflammatory you may have heard of), while he was still with his regular, non-holistic vet. He loved to chase and catch and before I figured out that "Duh; no high speed chasing games"; I would take him to the dog park and he'd play frisbee then be down for a day or two after with this hip thing. I suppose anything is possible; could that have been a precursor to the lymphoma? There are so many possibilities. My dog was so super high energy, but at the same time very sensitive to so many things. My dog, and I must admit this now as it's pretty much been confirmed by a couple of sources, was purchased at a pet store - way before I knew any better and boy oh boy, do I know better now - and the product of a puppy mill. He had health issue after health issue all through his life; ending with this disaster.
  • Carol Powers

    I am so sorry to hear that your Biscuit suffered at the end despite your best efforts. I really hope that this sad state of affairs with dogs (and cats too) and cancer improves. I mean it's like it's a given, especially with purebreds unfortunately, that their lives are going to end by way of some horrible cancer and that's unacceptable. Poor Biscuit.
  • Carol Powers

    Please don't apologize, believe me I understand all to well what you're going through. When did Biscuit pass away?
  • Carol Powers

    Oh, it's quite recent then for your Biscuit. When you bond that closely with your pet, it is just like any other loss. I have been doing some reading online re; pet bereavement and also checking out Amazon for books. Lots of great resources on the subject which I'm sure you know. We lost Heidi on July 12, which was the first big trauma for us, my 23+ year old torti (just after Michael Jackson died; I had been having this really uneasy feeling, and then we lost her); I really thought god would spare us Yardley. He was seemingly doing incredibly well. It's such a long story - I need to get a condensed version ready; but I tend to ramble and drone on about it - but I did actually call the complaints officer at the Alberta Veterinary Medical Association due to my concerns with the last 2 weeks of Yard's life/illness. It was a botch. Anyhow, people just think you're mad in general about the death; but there were some aggravating circumstances - I think we all really rely on these professionals to stay on top of things, especially cancer and we had been reassured that he was fine. Nothing at all to get carried away with...see what I mean? Lonnnnnngggg story : )

    Which pics are the ones of B?
  • Carol Powers

    Hi Cheryl; nice to hear from you. You're working too much, are you? Good for you!

    Nice pics; I finally have a handle on who's who in your dog family. The little Japanese corgi that you adopted is nuts? Ha! So was Yardley, for about 4 years! After he calmed down though, just an awesome smart critter. He loved to bark though. A good strong deep bark; however he did a lot of whining too, when he wanted his own way. I think I just described a young child : )

    You asked how much snow we have; about 8 to 10 inches I would say. It's actually very pretty I think. Allan disagrees, he hates winter; but I always wonder why people who hate winter live this far north? We love Las Vegas and Palm Desert but not much possibility of relocating there, so might as well enjoy the lovely snow...
  • Carol Powers

    Hi Cheryl; i think I missed putting this block of text in our thread; not sure so I'll paste it in here; it's from about a week ago. I put it on my own wall - dOH! At 12:33pm on January 28, 2010, Carol Powers said… Thanks for the compliment on the yard Cheryl. It's small. And isn't it funny, to us the desert is gorgeous! The heat, the dry hills, the palms (love the palm trees). I'm sure your home is amazing. Florida. I can't imagine, that is the tropics. Practically the caribbean! This Rimadyl; I have seen it discussed somewhere recently. I am not sure what it is. Well, they're all pill pushers and even the holistic ones are pushing their own versions (as we know very well). I am so sorry to hear you have lost 2 dogs - I assume they were both corgis (?). I won't take any of these vets totally at face value anymore, and unfortunately the dog can't tell you how he is feeling and it becomes a real art to assess how they're doing by just looking at them, watching their behaviour. Unfortunately these deadly conditions are so far advanced by the time they show any signs at all. Wouldn't you agree? Both of our "kids" died at home, overnight. It's not good either way, but we had no chance to rush them in to the vet to have to put them down anyway. However, the fact that they were so far advanced in the disease is so distressing; how much were they suffering the last day? We paid thousands and thousands in for the best care and we still ended up with a very bad scene in the end also. You did your very best. You used the resources you had and you tried to save them. That is all we can do. We did holistic with Yard and although we got twice as long with him as we were told we would have, we have so many doubts now. But we would definitely feed another dog the way we ended up feeding him. The chinese herbs? We don't know about that.
  • Carol Powers

    Seriously, did you live up here? Banff!? Now they have some serious snow up there. And yup, it's all very real.
    Oh, isn't that tempting with little Hank. Corgi's are really hard to find around here There are a couple of (good) breeders, one very close by. I think the website says they only do 1 litter a year, or something.

    I'm really afraid of cancers in the purebreds now. Honestly, I'm spooked. Lymphoma and environmental causes? Yardley got into a toxic pond once and stupidly, I did not bathe him when we got home. This was at a dog park outside of town which was built on top of an old dump. I can't believe I took him there. But everyone was out there. It was a really lovely dog park. They have since fenced off those ponds and put up warning signs around them. A woman who was out there with her dog shouted at me once "Keep your dog away from the pond. My dog got really sick after being in it". I don't know what she meant by "really sick". I will never know. His cancers came up after that.

    Anyhow, it's all too much of a downer! Time for some happy : )
  • Carol Powers

  • Carol Powers

    We'd love to be snowbirds too someday, but you know how it goes; gotta plan for those things - one of my aunts and her husband winter in Los Cabos with their 5th wheel every year. And they live in British Columbia, on a beautiful lake in the mountains for the other part of the year. It's funny how you say you work then go home and that's it; well isn't it the same for everyone everywhere - who would have thought? Lucky you, you are already in paradise. Singing moose on a golf course, at the Jasper Park Lodge just can't stack up to living the dream in Florida - trade you places for awhile! Chat with you again soon.