

Edmond, OK

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Luv dogs - had 3 Chow Chows but a male Corgi mix found by my girlfriend in an alley, whom she named Caesar, stole our hearts and "raised" our last Chow. She already had two dogs, and she asked us to take him. We had always had female Chows so we didn't know what to expect. We had just lost our 14 yr. old Chow, and a month later our 11 yr. old Chow, (cancer). We had a female Chow (Ginger) about 4 months old when Caesar came to us. Caesar was a wonderful mentor. However, 8 yr. old Ginger was hit by a car when we were remodeling. The contractor left the gate open. Caesar passed away in 2008, at age 15 or so, but because of him, we will always want a Corgi or a Corgi mix. I am a tax accountant and my husband is a pharmacist. Our Corgis keep us from being total nerds!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Cheyenne, purebred Pembroke red and white female, 4 yrs. old; got her from the rescue in Chandler, OK,, and also adopted the same day a Corgi Boxer male mix named Rex, 2 yrs old. Adopted in October 2008. Cheyenne is absolutely a "big dog" in a "little dog" body as she has her bluff in on Rex. He is just a big bundle of love! She is a "princess", who thinks she's the Queen, but she has her lovable side, too! She has decided to give me kisses in the morning before her breakfast. Rex kisses on command and whenever he feels like it!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Welcome! I believe someone else on here has a dog named Cheyenne!

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome SM, Cheyenne and Rex! I'd love to see what Rex and Cheyenne look like.
  • Candace

    Chey just turned 2 on the tenth. And she's soo tiny lol. I see other corgis and they look huge lol
  • Julie

    *GASP* Yaaaaaaay for Pat Pearce and her rescue Corgis!!!! That is so awesome that you found us! Cheyenne and Rex are adorable! I love that Rex is a corgi / boxer mix! My brother has a boxer and he's massive. How big is Rex?
  • Candace

    Aww. We got our Chey from a breeder out of Sanger, TX. She is our peach. Everyone trys to tell me she's a mix b/c she's a black headed tri color. LOL People dont relize they come in her coat color. How long have ya'll had your Chey?
  • Julie

    Caleb's name was temporarily "Ricky". They were calling him that in the shelter when Pat picked him up, and when I called about adopting him she said I could change his name, as nobody had been calling him Ricky for long. So I said, "His name is Caleb!" :-)
  • Julie

    You are the only person to get it without me having to explain it! YES is the short answer. The longer answer is Joshua is one of my favorite names of all time (As it is also one of my favorite books of the Bible), and I can't decide if I want to name a future doggie brother Joshua, or keep it on the reserve list for another potential (human) addition to the family (which will be MUCH farther off in the future)! Decisions, decisions...
  • Kitty

    Your welcome, getting Maxie to finally start losing weight has been a very difficult thing and I am glad to forward along anything I have learned along the way
  • Joyce Downing

    Thanks for invite.
  • Cathlin Barry

    Thanks! Wellie needs all the friends he can get--he's not the most sociable dog in the world. Must be the Chow Chow in him!
  • Jeanette

    Absolutely Rex counts; I've never seen anything quite like him. Actually my Alice is a Blue Heeler-Corgi. She just happens to look more Corgi. The lady that gave her up to me just swore she was a purebred; it didn't matter. She was another one that I wasn't "gong to stay." :)
    I've worked with Pat from the rescue in Chandler but have never met her. Your dogs are gorgeous! Keep working on your husband to have more than 2! ;)
  • Jeanette

    Alice is remarkably strong also, but she doesn't play much like the other dogs. Walking her is my biggest challenge. She is a very intense little girl. Maybe Rex would benefit from a day or two a week at doggy daycare where he could "ruff-house" with some dogs more his size and style? I would say that's the boxer in him that is so rough and I'm not sure that will change much. As long as they don't get in to any serious scraps. Ramsey, the smallest and youngest of all of mine has what I call the "little man" snydrome and he's constanty bullying my German shepherd and Gordon. If I correct him he stops but it's a constant thing. At least with him he's small enough he can't really hurt them once in a great while Dylan, our dog with legs will turn on him but it's always over as soon as it starts. Keep me posted on your pair. - J.
  • Victoria

    hi and I think I will really enjoy this site-and all the pictures-just met Cindi and Twinkie at the park in the rain-but no one cared-was fun and we will get more corgi lovers to come out too I hope,Victoria
  • Clif

    Oodeveer came from a breeder in Norman. I wish I had known about the rescue in Chandler. I tried to rescue a couple of Corgis from the North Texas Rescue but they never responded to my inquiries. Your Corgis are good looking pups!
  • Tammey & Caven

    Thanks for the comments. I hope you like the new Okee shot that we did this morning.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Kerri

    Thanks so much! I can be very slow replying at times! We have been very busy with the horses and took a little vacation to Mexico. I have mostly good days now but every now and then, I stop and wonder what Kylie would be doing if she where here (it usually brings some tears). Thanks again!
  • Kitty

    Sorry to here Cheyenne seems to have such pain, Maxie at first just came up limping one day although she had been not wanting to go for long walks and sitting down taking "breaks" before she came up limping; when I took her to the vet, he had to reach down in there to make her yelp although she has always been rather sensitive about letting them do anything around her backend like take her temp and stuff like that. The vet put her on an anti inflammatory and gave me pain pills for her really bad days. Finally losing some weight seems to have helped (it took awhile to find the right combo of food to get her to lose weight) some cause she has days when she wants to go on longer walks now then others - she just seems to have good days and bad ones just like my elderly parents. Good luck!
  • Tonya Westerfield

    He is so so onery! I've had a lot of puppies, but cannot say I've had one quite like him......He is such a character!
  • George, Amber and Mickey!

    thanks for the advice! We are very excited!
  • Amy and Marlee

    Well...According to my youngest son, Jade (her litter name), and according to my oldest son, Marleigh. Not sure how it will play out.
  • Karen and Hardy

    Thank you for stopping by my page. :)
  • Kim Watson

    Her registered name is Lonestarr Hocus Pocus Cat (if you are familiar with Cutting Horses...that is where that came from)...we call her Kit Cat.
    I will try and get a picture up to share.
  • Kelly Hulbert

    I am looking to find another Corgi. Please let me know if you have any suggestions as to where I can find one. I seem to be striking out. Your dogs are so cute!!!
  • Kelly Hulbert

    Thanks for the information! I don't care if its a puppy or young adult as long as its healthy.
  • Kelly Hulbert

    Thank you thank you!
  • Bev Levy

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you! Best of luck to you and hope the surgery goes really well.
  • WhiteDove

    My most precious prayers go out to you and your family. . .keep us informed of your progress. . .hugs & kisses from my fur-babies and I. . . .
  • Bev Levy

    Haven't heard from you in a while. I hope you are feeling better each day. You and your family are in my prayers!
  • Bev Levy

    I am glad you are a little better. Good luck with the chemo.
  • Sam Tsang

    Here's a great article, I used to work with human hip dysplasia cases with my day job, keeping a healthy weight and maintain mobility is the most important part. hydrotherapy will encourage blood circulation and put the pressure off the joints.
  • Sam Tsang

    You're very welcome, keep us updated :)
  • Suzette & Rueben Dog

    Love your pics! Rueben also kisses on command and sneezes to go outside! I love him.....
  • Anna Radlinger

    Hello and thank you for inviting us into the group. I love your slide show. I am new to this so I might come back and ask you how you did it.

    Clancy is 4 years old and he is our JOY!!! He has had a wonderful Christmas, so far and is resting on the futon as I write this. He is saving up energy for the company which will be arriving shortly. Have a Merry and a Happy.
  • Anna Radlinger

    Just to let you know the time here is 1:14pm on the West Coast.
  • Alice

    Hello, I remember you posting something about Cheyenne having sever HD a while back and I wondered what you ended up having done and how she is doing. My 1 year old Corgi has HD. We knew since he was 8 months old and it's very distressing. I'm hoping to learn more from other owners of Corgis with HD.
  • Alice

    I'm glad she's doing well. How old is she? When did she start to show symptoms? I would like to avoid surgery as long as possible as well. We give gucosamine in the morning but perhaps I should move him to twice a day. How much glucosamine does that end up being per day? I think i will get a fluffier bed for his crate as well since I notice he is most stiff when he get out of his crate. We have pain meds the vet gave us to give Finn when he begins to limp. Since he only does it after a lot of activity such as an hour at the dog park, we rarely give them.
  • Tammey & Caven

  • Alice

    Even 4 seems so young to be effected by hips. It makes me feel so bad for her and Finn who is only a year and half. I'm glad she is doing well though. There's no need to stand in the "beg" position anyway. I'm sure one day Finn won't be able to either. I'm glad to have found someone who is in the same boat as I am. Thanks for the information. :)
  • Bev Levy

    Happy Birthday!