Susan Parkins


Cheyenne, WY

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I love to quilt, make cards and read. I have worked in a library for 21 years and have the absolutely best job. I love my corgi and was inspired to own one after growing up with Tasha Tudor's fairy tale books and "Corgiville" books.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have a Pembroke Corgi named Kady. She is just about to turn 5 yrs. old (born Feb. 2005). She lives with a Golden Retriever puppy (currently 10 mths. old) and a 7 year old Tortoise shell kitty.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Susan and Kady!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello and Welcome!!

  • Tammey & Caven

  • Susan Parkins

    Thank you for all the howdy's and welcomes! I'm looking forward to interacting with other corgi lovers. :0)
  • Edward and Gemima

    V-DAY ED
    Myspace Glitter Graphics

  • Mary and Rosie

    Welcome Susan and Kady!

    I work in a library also (I really enjoy it). =)
  • Mary and Rosie

    Thank you for the friend invite! I work as a library assistant, so I mainly run the circulation desk. It’s a good job to work me through school, and I really enjoy it! =)
    I’m working on my bachelors right now but plan to go on afterwards for a masters in library science. Outreach services are wonderful, it sounds like you have a great job!

    Kady is such a pretty corgi! I hope she had a really Happy Birthday! :D
  • Holly W

    Hi! Nice to meet you! Do you ever get back to Papillion for a visit? My Corgi and Golden are best buddies! We have a Yellow Lab too. Your fur babies are adorable!
  • Holly W

    Well, if you ever do make it to Omaha and you bring Kady we will have to get together!
  • Kathleen

    Thanks for the add. If you know of anyone in the area looking for a corgi...there is a 5 year old female at the cheyenne animal shelter! Thanks again!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Kathleen

    I am very glad to here that she is gone from the shelter! I do commute from colorado to cheyenne. I work at hathaway and kunz downtown! It is a good job! I would love to have a get together of corgis in my area, we arranged one once, but not many people showed, my self included as I had other plans that day. I would also love to get another corgi some day...I would love to rescue one!