Dee & Yoshi's Page


Los Angeles, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Los Angeles, ca
About Me:

I traveled about 2 hours away from LA to meet the breeder and pick my puppy. It was so hard. I wanted them all but I pick the most smallest shiest puppy of the litter. :) Now he's the most pain the butt puppy. lol. But I couldn't be happier! Yoshi is the best thing that has ever happened to me...

Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
One beautiful Corgi....i got as a gift and i love him so much...he sleeps with me... he's so cute i just want to bite him.....just kidding...he's a male... born April 7, 2009.... and his name is Yoshi. He loves spending time just laying around and killing his toys. He enjoys spending time with his poppa. They enjoy catching games. Especially from his poppa's alma mater... USC. aye...

baby development

I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Dee and Yoshi! He is incredibly cute! I'm from San DIego and we also drove about 2 hrs to get Sidney. What town/breeder did you get him from?
  • christy fry

    welcome to the group!! he's a cutie pie
  • Julie

    *GASP* A German shepherd AND a corgi! Soooo lucky! They're both quite handsome. I can't wait to get a yard so I can add a German Shepherd to my pack! Welcome to Mycorgi!
  • Julie

    You're awesome!! Thank you so much for that link! I'm definitely going to rescue a shepherd when I have room for one! I just spent the last 10 minutes oohing over them all. Hooray for rescues!
  • Juel

    I am about to bring home my corgi home and my boyfriend has a german shepard, if you have any advise or hints, I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks
  • Juel

    Sorry i was so excited to see your pictures! welcome and cute doggies!
  • Boo Buchheit

    Those two are quite a pair. Yoshi is so cute, he looks tiny next to his BIG brother.
  • Juel

    i believe he will be coming home at the end of september. are your babies the same sex? how did you interduce the two? Thank you for your help.
  • Dez Hunter

    Oooh, thanks for the add and the name compliment! Your Yoshi has quite the cute name, too! ^^ Our pups seem to be just about the same age! ^o^ Hope your puppy corgi experience is going great! *points* Omigaw, your Yoshi has a little spot of white behind his head like Dex does too! ^____^ So awesome!

    P.S. Mas is a cutie, too! Seeing the two together is so adorable. ^o^
  • Juel

    that is the same with my Rusty he wants to be top dog, we planned on getting a male. Rusty does very well with other dogs, except for unaltered males, but that wont be an issue with the new puppy. Rusty has been around human babies and done very well, I am hoping it will be the same with a puppy. We also have a cat and also does very well, although the herding urge can be to much some times. Thanks for the help I will definately update you as things go!
  • Shockoe "Bottom" Bell

    Thanks! Love the profile pic btw! I wish we could call that big yard our own but we take him to this dog park least 3 times a week for hours. He loves it, only hes still too little to chase with the bigger dogs
  • WhiteDove

    Did you get my e-mail on the code???
  • Ronald

    hii thanks for the advise and hey u know wat my corgi pillow was born April 17 2009 too ! she was from Oklahoma though =)
  • WhiteDove

    check you e-mail. . . .
  • WhiteDove

    Looking good!!!. . .might I suggest making your corgi line picture under Yoshi's picture without the white background and the corgi butt also without the white background. . .if so, let me know and I'll send you the links. . .I have both styles if you want to change back.
  • WhiteDove

    I've sent you a message here. . . .please read it.
  • Steve

    Your boys are cute together!'d you end up with the name Yoshi? You should get him some Yoshi dolls, you know the character from the Mario Bros game).
  • Steve

    Since you're in L.A. try the small mom n pop stores in Little Tokyo - I've seen them there... My brother went to Japan last year and was telling me he saw a 4feet tall Yoshi, now that's cool!
  • Steve

    Yah, about a dozen (or more) corgis are at the Redondo Beach Dog Park every Sat & Sun morning. I went a couple times and it's cool to see soooo many corgis at once. There's a few who looked just like my boys and was worried I'd take the wrong one home...
  • WhiteDove

    OHHHHH YEAHHH!!!!!!!
    Looks very COOL!!!!!!
  • WhiteDove

    You are quite welcomed. . . .I too love how it turned out. . . .keep in touch. . . .
  • Steve

    Thanks. The younger one, Turtle, is a year and a half.
    The Huntington Dog Beach is great. You should try the Long Beach Dog Beach too. It's nice cuz it's not as crowded.
  • Lewis & Bumblebee -BJ -

    I love this picture... your corgi cute ^__^
  • Lewis & Bumblebee -BJ -

    hi corgi is 4months...old..and he's ear is just like him!!.....
  • Michele Bani

    Hallo guys!
  • Juel

    I couldn't bring my puppy home. my father in law was very sick and did not make it. i opted not to bring a puppy home. the breeder was very understanding and said when we were ready again to give her a call