



Profile Information:

About Me:
I am a Computer Animator, who loves her dog and going with him to the dog park.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
1 welsh corgi, male, name:Picasso. He loves the dog park, digging holes, and eating ice cubes.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • christy fry

    welcome to the group!!! you have a handsome tri-boy =)
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's


    Welcome Kasha and Picasso!!
  • Edward and Gemima

    Puppy kisses and stump wags from Edward and Gemima!!! Picasso has alot in common with Ed and Gem who also love digging and eating ice cubes!!!!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Kasha and Picasso! Nice to have you here. Picasso is adorable!
  • christy fry

    I love this site also!!! I spend more time here that any other site =) I even found 1 of Teagens litter mates
  • Mal Schaal

    Yes, they do. Aren't they beautiful? How old is your corgi?
  • Kasha

    Chocolate Birthday Cake
  • Abbea and Vivi

    Aww, you're right, he does look a lot like my Vivi! His puppy pictures allow me to see what Vivi probably looked like. I never got to see him as a puppy since we adopted him.
  • Tobias, Meiko, & Marshall

    Just wanted to say you have a beautiful tri boy =)..he reminds me of my Toby
    i love his name too

    **Abbea, that was exactly what I was thinking about Toby when I saw the puppy pictures =) **
  • Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug

    Hi Kasha, you asked about the "agility tunnels" we use; they are kid size play tunnels from the toy department at Target. Paid about $15 for the colorful one. I see you're up there in the frozen north but I'd suppose any large department store like Target or Walmart would carry them. Have fun with Picasso, great name!
  • Karen

    I have never had Eric to the dog park. We go to Springbank once a week though. I actually have found another Corgi owner here in London too - she now has two - and we are going to meet up with her soon. She goes to a dog park up near Windermere. Maybe we should all meet up some time. Etric is still a very "selective" listener in terms of "Eric, Come" . . . unless . . . of course . . . cheese is involved!