
Profile Information:

Saratoga, CA
About Me:
New mom of a corgi pup.
About My Corgi(s):
Brought Lucy home on January 27th, and she's busily teaching us how to be proper corgi people!

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Lynn! Feel free to ask us any questions you may have with you pooch :) we're very excited for you!
  • Ivy & Bryson

    Welcome Lynn! Thanks for checking out Bryson's blog and his page here! Have you been to the SF corgi group? It's tons of fun watching them chase each other silly. And I went there a couple times before we got Bryson, a lot of corgi-less people do that either while they're waiting for one, or just to see if it's the right dog for them. Hope to see you there (and your new corgi) soon!
  • Ju Lo

    Wow, we really are in the same boat! I'm an engineer in California too! And I like crocheting, and I sewed when I was little. Wow, we have a lot in common! Hehe.

    I won't know if my puppy mamma "catches" for a few weeks I guess. Oh, the waiting!!! I hope everything goes well for you!
  • Silvia Li

    Welcome aboard Lynn! I'm sure you'll fall in love even more when you see all these photos from members here at! Hope you find your little one soon!
  • Ivy & Bryson

    Glad you like the pix from the last SF meet up! Yes, it's always a ton of fun, you should definitely come next month. Look forward to meeting you!
  • Aine

    So cool that you're here from Ravelry! Thanks for friending me!
  • CorgiPants

    Of course! Totally adding to my friends!
  • Ju Lo

    Any news on your puppies? :)
  • Ivy & Bryson

    Thanks! I'm actually embarrassed now seeing how many pictures we've submitted to the calendar... I think we got a little carried away :D Are you coming to the next SF corgi meet up next Sat?
  • Ju Lo

    Hi Lynn. My puppies are still gestating! Hehe. Not till about Dec 15th is what I originally heard from the breeder. I'm going to wait until December hits before I start bothering her for updates. Right now I think we're just waiting.

    Wow, now you're getting two puppies? Be careful. I've read that getting two puppies at once you're in danger of the puppies bonding to each other, rather than to a human. I'm not saying that's true, I'm just saying you might want to research it a bit before you bring home a second dog. :)
  • Ju Lo

    Hey Lynn, I checked her website, but I see no puppies! Where's the link?
  • Ju Lo

    Ok, I swear I checked her site a few minutes ago and there was no mention of puppies. But I just looked again, and now there's a whole page on it! LOL!
  • Ju Lo

    Oh I see what you mean. Yeah, that's a great idea! She actually asked me the same thing, about getting two dogs I mean. I told her that I'd love two dogs, but it's not going to happen anytime soon because my house isn't big enough.

    Did you see new pictures of the puppies she put up? Two weeks old! They are too adorable! Are you starting to pick favorites? :)
  • Ju Lo

    Hehe. That's going to be me in about two weeks. :p

    From the previous puppy pics I've seen, they're pretty developed by 6 weeks (usually just their ears are still down). I wouldn't be surprised if she decided pet vs. show quality by then. Then again, maybe I'm just being hopeful for you. :)

    Do you have a preference for the gender of your puppy? 3 boys and 5 girls, you have a good chance of getting either!
  • Ju Lo

    I'm torn! I think I would prefer a boy pup's personality, which is supposed to be a bit more laid back and not as bossy. But I don't really want to deal with the other things that may come with having a male, like leg humping and marking. But I guess that fact that I can only think of boy names is also a hint that I lean toward males. :p
  • Ju Lo

    No, I don't think she does have the gene. The last litter between those two had all red and white puppies. Yeah, I think black headed tri coloring is the prettiest of the colorings for a Corgi, but I like red and white too, so that's ok. I just think the puppy daddy for this litter is so gorgeous. I wouldn't mind getting one that looked just like him. But that's ok. :)
  • Ju Lo

    It's the picture to the right there. Well that's him as a puppy anyway. Doing a blog post on him would be a neat idea though. Stay tuned. ;)
  • Ju Lo

    Thanks! I like him too. :)
  • Ivy & Bryson

    Hey Lynn, sorry you missed the last corgi meet up! It was a lot of fun, and quite a bit of challenge getting everybody lined up for the group pix (that's why you only see Bryson's butts...) Hope you can make it next month, and hope you'll have your new corgi to bring along by then!! So excited for you guys :)

    We've never had to pick a puppy, and Bryson pretty much picked us! So I'm sure whichever pup the breeder picks for you, it'll be great. Can't wait to see puppy soon!!!!
  • Ju Lo

    Thanks! Hehe. No, I haven't heard anything. :( Her website now says they're expected on the 18th. I'm expecting that I won't hear anything from her for a few days. Even if she does have the puppies, the breeder will be too busy with them to email me...unfortunately.
  • Ju Lo

    I just heard! They're here! The puppies are here!!!!

    Check out my blog for more info. :)
  • Ju Lo

    Yeah, it was really nice of her. She knows I've been waiting a long time. :) Still no pictures though! I've been checking my email obsessively today.
  • Ju Lo

    Is the wait as much torture for you as it is for me? I find myself checking my email obsessively everyday looking for a new email from the breeder (hopefully containing photos, or other puppy talk).

    Well let us know as soon as you hear! :)
  • Ju Lo

    Is your breeder back from her vacation? I've been checking her website too. The puppies are so cute! I wish she would put up more pictures. I love to see puppies. :) Well if you get a chance to meet them let me know how it goes!

    My breeder's litter is 3 weeks old now, but I haven't seen any new pictures since the 2 week ones. :( Hopefully she'll send some out soon!
  • Ju Lo

    Hehe. Man, our minds work so similarly! I'd be thinking the exact same thing in your shoes. Actually, I am. I think your breeder doesn't like me much thanks to my rejection of Murphy, but that's ok, since I wasn't really going to get a puppy from her anyway. I'm sure she's just busy with the puppies and getting back from vacation. So have you not heard from her at all? If it were me, I'd probably wait until about a week after my first email went unanswered, and then I would send another saying I was just checking in and asking about the puppies. Hehe.

    Oh, congrats on the crate! My husband wants to wait to buy ours because we're getting a crate from the breeder for flying back with him/her. He thinks it'll be big enough to be her crate for the first few weeks. We'll see how that goes... I think we'll go for a plastic crate, so it'll be easier to travel with the dog when we visit our parents. But if we got a metal one, I would definitely be making some cute crate cover. Post pictures! :)
  • Ju Lo

    Hehe. That always happens to me! As soon as I posted about being paranoid in my blog, I knew my breeder would respond and I would feel foolish, but better foolish than disappointed!

    Oh, I just checked out the new pictures. Why are there only 3!? They look adorable. :) Wow, Saturday is soon! They're almost ready for their forever homes, so if you get one from this litter, you sure don't have long to wait. Oh, it's so exciting! I'm glad we're getting our puppies around the same time, so we can compare notes. Hehe.

    Definitely shoot me an email or comment and let me know how it goes! I'd like to know what I'm in for as well. ;)
  • Ju Lo

    PUPPIES!!! So are Sally and Lucy the puppies you're getting? They are so darn pretty! Are you keeping those names? Tell me all about them. :)
  • Ju Lo

    She totally looks like a Lucy. I think it fits nicely. :) I love her markings, she is just so gorgeous! Only 2 more weeks!
  • Ju Lo

    Awww. I love Lucy too! Hehe.

    The waiting game is definitely interesting...the first 3 weeks of waiting felt like 3 months! The forth week went by faster, but Mondays are always hard because that's usually when the breeder sends new pictures. Oh, I'm so excited for you!

    Do you mind if I do a post in my blog about Lucy? She's so adorable I'd love to show her off. :)
  • Ju Lo

    That's true, I think. Once I put a deposit down with a breeder the wait felt like forever (well it was almost a year, so it was forever!), but it got easier to wait as time went on, until the puppies were born. I know what you mean about the video (I wanna see!). I look at the puppy pictures several times a day. And I still have a month to go! Ack!
  • Miss Jane

    I like how ur corgi has a unique patch on her forehead. That's so cute! Right now i am using a program called RemoteView with my web cam. I'll let you know how the rest of web cam monitoring works out too! :)
  • Tracie & Emmy

    Hi Lynn, Thank you for the compliment! I actually got by stuffed corgi on e-bay.If you look over to the right on any mycorgi page you should see a red and white version. It's the same company (Douglas) but I of course needed the try color. Not sure where you'd find the best price. Happy shopping!! P.S. Lucy is adorable!!
  • Mochi The Corgi

    Hi! Yes We do attend the Sunday Puppy Socials!!
  • Ju Lo

    Lucy is growing into a gorgeous little dog. :) She looks like her mama, doesn't she? I wish our pups could meet!
  • Michelle

    Thanks Lynn! The sf meetup sounds like fun but I think we're going to miss it this time. I'll keep an eye out for future ones though.
  • Michelle

    Btw, Lucy is adorable!
  • Mochi The Corgi

    That's alright Hope you have a nice vacation!! who's taking care of Lucy?? How's has puppy Social been?