Angela DeMahy


Pompano Beach, FL

United States

Profile Information:

New Orleans, LA
About Me:
I am a Katrina victim and I adopted a corgi that was going to be put to sleep. I have five kids three girls and two boys. I have a fantastic Canadian husband that I would say is the best man on the face of the earth....(im gushing sorry)
We just have the one dog Miss Haley, shes the debutant and runs the house from the door knobs down!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Her name is Haley's Blue Prince, shes a Pembroke Welsh Corgi and is smart as a stack of dictionaries! Her birthday is November 18th, 2008.We got lucky and were in the right place at the right time for her to be ours. She was 4 months old and a breeder brought her to a vet to be euthanized because she was small and her back feet were excessively bowed and she couldn't be sold. The vet said she could find her a home and the breeder said under the condition that you spay her now. So Haley was spayed at 4 months old and she brought her home and tended to her. My son spotted her and (being like mom loves animules!) had to go and pet her. The vet told him the story and he came straight home highly enraged to TELL me were getting a dog, told me the story and I went straight to her outside. My first sight of Haley was walking away from me, her lil bowed legs made her hind in sway in a most southern woman fashion! I was a goner, then she sat down SIDESADDLE she was destined to be a New Orleans Corgi! The rest is history shes attached to everyone in the family mostly to my husband she steals his socks and walks right up his chest for love, and he gives it by golly!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Angela and Haley! That is so great how you rescued him!