Angela DeMahy
  • Female
  • Pompano Beach, FL
  • United States
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Angela DeMahy's Discussions

Brushing after bath.... Does your corgi beg for it?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Karen Dadisman May 20, 2010. 11 Replies

Haley has this thing during bath time. She tolerates the water with stoicizm and waits patiently to escape. Wets the entire house untill she sees me with a warm towel ( I dry it in the dryer and make…Continue

How much does your Corgi weigh?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lori Brookes Mar 11, 2013. 50 Replies

If anyone has read my profile, you know that I got Haley from a breeder that was going to have her put to sleep because she was "small" and was of no use to her. She tops out at 13 lbs as of last vet…Continue

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Angela DeMahy's Page

Profile Information

New Orleans, LA
About Me:
I am a Katrina victim and I adopted a corgi that was going to be put to sleep. I have five kids three girls and two boys. I have a fantastic Canadian husband that I would say is the best man on the face of the earth....(im gushing sorry)
We just have the one dog Miss Haley, shes the debutant and runs the house from the door knobs down!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Her name is Haley's Blue Prince, shes a Pembroke Welsh Corgi and is smart as a stack of dictionaries! Her birthday is November 18th, 2008.We got lucky and were in the right place at the right time for her to be ours. She was 4 months old and a breeder brought her to a vet to be euthanized because she was small and her back feet were excessively bowed and she couldn't be sold. The vet said she could find her a home and the breeder said under the condition that you spay her now. So Haley was spayed at 4 months old and she brought her home and tended to her. My son spotted her and (being like mom loves animules!) had to go and pet her. The vet told him the story and he came straight home highly enraged to TELL me were getting a dog, told me the story and I went straight to her outside. My first sight of Haley was walking away from me, her lil bowed legs made her hind in sway in a most southern woman fashion! I was a goner, then she sat down SIDESADDLE she was destined to be a New Orleans Corgi! The rest is history shes attached to everyone in the family mostly to my husband she steals his socks and walks right up his chest for love, and he gives it by golly!
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Angela DeMahy's Blog

Shaving for the summer...

Posted on June 8, 2010 at 11:14am 9 Comments

Haley was shedding so bad it was like there was enough fur on the floor to make a whole new dog. We are moving in a week and the new house is all carpet...I had her shaved and shes like a new dog...wiggly full of energy and looks like a different dog! SHES GOT SPOTS!!!! I was amazed at what was under that thick fur~!

Do any others shave their corgi for the summer?

Food flinging at its finest~

Posted on May 20, 2010 at 10:55am 2 Comments

My PWC is a food flinger....she brings one piece into the tiled living room and flings it and hunts it grabs it and flings it again... until its DEAD and then she eats it. Then its back to the bowl for another piece! Its like shes playing with a catch before she eats it! Ive seen my cats do it with mice and the such but my dog??? Its funny Im going to have to catch her on video for you guys. Does anyone else have a food flinger?

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At 12:23pm on May 6, 2010, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…

At 1:30am on May 2, 2010, Rachel & Goldie said…
Totally cute! Yeah the picture you saw was the first night wee brought her home. She turns 1 on june 18th
At 7:12pm on May 1, 2010, Tammey & Caven said…

At 3:05am on May 1, 2010, Geri & Sidney said…
Welcome Angela and Haley! That is so great how you rescued him!

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