My PWC is a food flinger....she brings one piece into the tiled living room and flings it and hunts it grabs it and flings it again... until its DEAD and then she eats it. Then its back to the bowl for another piece! Its like shes playing with a catch before she eats it! Ive seen my cats do it with mice and the such but my dog??? Its funny Im going to have to catch her on video for you guys. Does anyone else have a food flinger?

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Comment by Rachel on May 20, 2010 at 11:37am
Izzie once caught a baby field mouse. But I don't think she knew what to do with it. She was playing with it but ultimately just let it go. (Mouse was scared to death though and didn't move from the spot after Izzie left)
Comment by Jane Christensen on May 20, 2010 at 11:33am
Mine do this with mice ...if they catch them outside! Funny! I love watching them fling things(toys also) but prefer it when the mouse gets away! A video would be great!

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