Cookie Y.

16, Female

Woodridge, IL

United States

Profile Information:

Woodridge, IL
About Me:
We added a cute Corgi girl to our family on May 10, 2008. Now, we currently have almost all girls: 2 girls (adopted at birth, they are bio-sisters), 1 girl cat, and now, 1 girl puppy. The head of our household is a male (who believes that?).
About My Corgi(s):
Cookie is 4 months old and is a red and white Corgi. She is a typical puppy, and has spent 5 days with us. Since she came from a rural area in Iowa, our life is very different. (I don't think she likes being indoors all day while we are at school/work.)

Comment Wall:

  • Cindi

    Hi and welcome! Corgis are wonderful! You will completely enjoy having one as an addition to your family. And it will be great to have the whole family taking her/him to training classes together.
  • Kristen

    Welcome momjudi and family. If you spend much time here you won't be able to contain yourself. I'll bet you find your Corgi soon. Your family picture is sweet. It would be even better with a giant set of ears and bunny butt in there somewhere! seems there are quite a few from Illinois on MyCorgi.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi MomJudi, Just saw your comment, I am going to Wisconsin so I have been busy with housework/packing.
    Lance was always in his crate when unsupervised, he liked chewing alot and I was afraid we would never be able to leave him out of his crate unsupervised. Just a couple of months ago I went to work and forgot to crate Lance and when I came home I was very surprised that the house was still intact! He was a very good boy....I was estatic, so much I put up a Blog post! He is 2 1/2 and by accident was left out of his crate. We now leave him unattended for short periods only. I still dont know how he would do all day. I only work part time so I am only gone 3 hours. Oh and when I accidentally left him out he did not have access to the upstairs, living/dining room area as those were gated off. Although since then we have taken down the gates except for upstairs, he does ok. The upstairs will always be gated until my kids learn how to clean up after themselves. Is that possible, he he! I will always crate him to keep him used to it so when we travel he will stay in his crate. He needs to be crated at hotels otherwise he would bark non stop at all the comotion. When they are in their crate they feel like they are "off-duty" which is good in a hotel. Hope that helps, sorry it is so lenghty!

    Have a great weekend. :)
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi, how are you doing? How is Cookie?
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Good to hear everyone is doing great. Enjoying summer vacation. Ours started with with a bang! The kids got out of school a few days earlier to go to my brothers wedding June 7th. Wow, cant believe it is summer break already and before you know it school will start again. What grades are your girls in? I have a daughter starting 7th grade and another in 5th!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    I have a Sarah as well! She will be in 5th, it seems like she just got out of 3rd, I dont know where the time goes! Where do they take swim lessons at? Sarah and Kristin have taken them at the YMCA in Downers Grove before. Lance loves children although he does not like it when they fight or if they are getting disciplined! He is a sweetheart though. He is laid back and loveable. Argonne is in Darien? I would love to get togehter that would be great. My mother in law and father in law live in Downers Grove.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Would you want to meet at Hummer Park on Fairview? That is so cool your trainer has a corgi as well!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    does the ymca still have family fun nights on Fridays. I really enjoyed that when we used to have a membership. The girls would play in the gym area and then swim. They love swimming. My mother in law is a member at the YMCA, she has been for quite some time. We used to be when we lived in Westmont.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Your Welcome, we also had fun. I sent an email to you earlier this afternoon. I sent it to your work email though! Lance was still full of energy when we got home!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Judi,
    How did Cookie do with the fireworks? Hope you had a good 4th of July.
  • Cookie Y.

    We have had a great 4th and 5th. Cookie didn't seem bothered by the fireworks during the day, so we left her at home last night when we watched the local firework display. We went to puppy class Thur night and our teacher noticed that we are still having difficulty showing Cookie who is boss...we are trying to stick with one word commands and not giving in. It is sort of like raising kids! : )
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    We enjoyed the 4th. Lance was in is kennel while we watched our fireworks as well. He wasnt sopping wet from barking when we got home, yeah! Yes raising puppies and children are similar because you have to be consisent with both! Yes dont give in to Cookie, I know it's hard but it will only get harder if you do give into her now! Trust me, you will want her to know you are the boss! :)Its nice that it is Sunday and not Monday yet!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Yeah Cookie, good job on rolling over. Lance had an easy time with roll over also. Actually he did really well learning all his tricks. It is so fun to teach them because corgis are so smart. Have a good week :)
  • Apryl

    Hi! I got my pup from an iowa breeder as well!
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Dave, Spencer and I so enjoyed meeting you and your family yesterday! Cookie is adorable and your daughters were a delight! I have pictures posted on my page. I hope we can keep in touch. I am trying to schedule a playdate at my house with Jenny and Nataliie and you.....i hope we can find a date that works!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Judi!
    Wow, school is back....lots of homework here, how about you? Lance is not liking that everyone is back to work/school. How is Cookie doing. Sounds like you had a fun time at the picnic, I am looking forward to next years, was sad we had to miss this years. Natalie
  • Jen

    Hi! Cookie is so sweet! :) Would she be interested in meeting my handsome corgi, Toby at Starved Rock on Sunday, October 12th? It'll be a really fun, relaxed corgi hike (Kelly's baby corgi will be there too!)! Please let me know, thank you!
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Hi Cookie Y and family. Just wanted to mention that the pet spa that I take spencer to for boarding and training is having a halloween party. Here is the link:

    Kristen is the trainer there. I mentioned it to Natalie as well and am going to contact Jenny (Ziggy's mom).
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi! How are you? How was Halloween, did Cookie dress up?
    Kristin was a bumblebee and Sarah was a dog, her friends Mom made the costume, I wish I was that talented! Lance was a bumblebee too!! Lance had his costume first, hehe
    I found it at target and then a couple weeks later Kristin said that her friend is dressing up as a ladybug and she was being a bumblebee! What were your girls? Hope your doing well!
  • Alicia

    That would be awesome! I would love to talk with your friends! My daughter was almost 3 when we brought her home. She did NOT suffer attachment problems....but God can fix ANY problem they're having and I'd love to be in prayer for them and help if they're needing any resources or such.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Judi!
    Can you believe Lance hasnt talked me back into going!! Poor thing....I really do need to take him back. Sarah saw high school musical 3 on halloween night after trick or treating! Kristin has not seen it....We are celebrating Thanksgiving with my mother in law on Sunday as she will be leaving for out of town next week. Not sure what we are doing Saturday yet. Good to hear Cookie is behaving....that makes it easier. Thanks for writing and talk to you soon. Natalie
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    No sweet potatoes.....oh no!! The weekend after Thanksgiving is that what you meant for plans......verifying which weekend you meant. Natalie
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Ok, that is what I thought, just making sure.....let me get back to you after I figure out what we are doing, dont know just yet. The bowling tournament sounds fun!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    finally updated Lances pictures on my page except his profile pic is still his puppy pic one of my favorites. I still have more to load but havent gotten the pics on cd yet to download and thye inclued his halloween pic.. hope i get them up before christmas running out of time! We got a new camera because the old one broke and wow it is so much easier to upload the photos, no disc although if I want to edit them before putting them on i suppose i should get them put on a disk...maybe there is a way to do it on the computer, have to figure it out. Natalie
  • Alicia

    Don't forget I'd love to connect with your friends from church who adopted! Have them email me. :O) Hope you had a BLESSED Thanksgiving.
  • Cathi

    Judi, me again,
    my apologies for missing your name and addressing you as Linda,
    I'll check tomorrow for any response and if you want to chat online tomorrow, we can set a time if that works for you. Later in the day or early evening would work for me, I have a few errands after church.
    Please don't despair about Cookie's ACL.
    Maybe the girls can help with her recovery, as part of being pet owners.
    Blessings to your family,
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    I just read your post about Cookie.....I haven't been online recently and am concerned about all of you. Sounds like the surgery went well...I hope you wont give her up.....she is such a sweet dog...I will work out. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Jenni and Spencer
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Just checking to see how Cookie and you all are doing.
  • Susan Stanton

    Hi, and thanks for checking on us. Bertie has been limping on and off all week. Yesterday, we stopped in at the dog park for a quick pee (I take tennis lessons right near by, and the town doesn't allow dogs ANYWHERE but in the dog park! Not my town, thank goodness.) I was talking to another dog owner who is trying to decide about ACL surgery, when her dog attacked Bertie! Very scary, but mostly noise and flash, no injuries. What a day. But I also started him on the Duralactin (anti inflam) and the gluc/chon/msm supplement yesterday. Today, he isn't limping at all, but I do still think he is uncomfortable. So I'm going to keep him quiet this week and see how he does and pursue the x-rays in a couple of weeks if no improvement. Poor bubbies. There are people on mycorgi who have had successful ACL and people who've had success not getting the surgery -- plus, it could also be his hip. I wish he he could just tell me what feels bad, poor little guy!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello, Hows Cookie doing?
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Glad to hear Cookie is feeling better.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello! I posted pictures of the meetup from March! 200 pictures and still have like 100 more to post! I put a blog on my page with a slideshow or you can click on the link on my page for photobucket!

    Hope you enjoy! Have a great weekend. Hope Cookie and your family are doing well!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Happy Anniversary!!!! Wow 24 years thats awesome! Awwww, darn, Lance was excited you almost got his card! But we understand that you would want Cookie on it now that you have a choice! : )
    Did you get a chance to look at the pictures form the meetup?
  • Anna Radlinger

    Thanks for the hand or should I say the keyboard of friendship. Clancy and I were happy to accept.