Brandy Harper


Orange Park, FL

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My husband and I have two corgis. One we rescued from Sunshine Corgi Rescue and one we bought from a pet store. We still love her though.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
One is a sable female about 5 years old that we bought from a pet store. We love her immensely. She has quite the personality. Her name is Bonnie

We rescued a male about 7 now from Sunshine Corgi rescue who is a dark tricolor. He looks like a mini German Shephard. His name is Romeo. We were going to change it to something like Clyde to match with Bonnie but once you meet him you know he is a lover and there is no point changing his name. He is the alpha male who is very protective of his Bonnie and us.
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