

West Covina, CA

United States

Profile Information:

West Covina
About Me:
I'm an attorney and have loved dogs all my life. I also have a keen interest in everything about computers, including various operating systems (especially Windows and Linux) and video games of both the massive multiplayer online type and first person shooters. I was a former recreational cyclist that participated in organized long rides from time to time. I am currently trying to bring it back into my daily routine after a decline due to tight scheduling. I am a fan of scifi, action, superhero, fantasy, and pop-culture movies and other media covering those genres. I follow politics and current events closely and enjoy discussing and debating such subjects with others. I have broad music tastes - alternative, classical, classic rock, movie soundtracks, 80's, 70's, some pop and some hip hop/rap - all depending on my current mood; but when I'm driving, I usually have public radio playing.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Link to photos - Gallery password is "photos":

General photos of Mac, his friends, and their adventures

I have one male Pembroke named MacGregor, "Mac" for short. I adopted him through a cousin's co-worker whose sister was given the pup as a present from her then boyfriend. "Mac" needed more attention and activity than she was able to offer so I had the opportunity to raise him.

I've had other dogs in the past, all very lovable in their own way but Mac is by far the smartest dog I have ever adopted. He can follow all sorts of basic commands (sit, down, stay) as well as more fun ones such as spin, rollover, jump, shake hands.

Mac goes to the dog park every once in a while. He generally gets along well with small dogs and easy going large dogs. However, he sometimes snaps at large dogs that look nervous. To avoid problems, he stays in the small dog section at the dog park.

Mac also loves playing in water. On hot days, I fill a small child-sized pool with water for him to play in. He likes to jump, mouth the water coming from the hose to cool off.

Mac is fed high quality dog food, various brands depending on availability and price, but usually receiving 5-6 stars from dogfoodanalysis.com.

I would like to get Mac involved in Dog Agility and am currently researching more about how to start.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Michael, MacGregor and family! What kind of law do you practice?
  • Tammey & Caven

    Mac sounds like such a great dog. Welcome to you both. Bear also likes to attack the water coming out of the water hose. It cracks me up. Good luck with the Dog Agility course it sounds like great fun. Tammey wanted to get Bear into Fly Ball but we could not find a facility in our area. I might have to build him one in the back yard.
  • Steve

    Hi Michael and Mac. I had to do a double take when I saw Mac's profile pic because he looks just like Steve. Glad you are able to give him a great home and aren't corgi's the greatest!!
  • cecy phyillaier

    mac is stud, he must be related to my girls
  • Ginny

    Hi! So happy that you and Mac will be coming to the picnic on Saturday! We look forward to meeting you both! Ask us about a great Agility class too! Agility is great fun, good exercise and a wonderful bonding experience too!


    Ginny & Phoebe
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Michael and Mac

    Thanks for all the great pictures. Makes me feel like I was there. Looks like fun was had by all. Did Mac go dunking for hot dogs? (Is that what the pan of water was for?)
  • Ginny

    Thanks so much for the write up on the So. Cal. Corgi Picnic! And all of the wonderful pictures too! I'm so glad that you enjoyed the day. We're a diverse group with our common bond: Corgis!!!! I hope you found the picnic to be all that was promised!

    For Agility...just remember to have fun! They are actually having try-outs today where we've taken classes. Here's a link to the info: https://www.tprd.torrnet.com/RegistrationMain.sdi

    The instructor, Robert Moray, is a GREAT teacher & he makes it fun too.

    If you go and check out the classes...you'll see Corgis! Especially in the more advanced classes (the 3:00 classes, most likely).

    Wishing you a great day & thanks again!


    Ginny & Phoebe
  • Judy and Jason

    Hi Michael and Mac,

    It was nice meeting you two at the picnic. You took some wonderful pictures!! :)
  • Mike, Susan, Wally,Oliver & Eva!

    Hi Michael-

    Sorry we didn't get to meet; Wally was indeed the one running around with a protective collar. Not so bad for the a recent victim eh?

    Oh well, there's always next time ;)
  • WhiteDove

    Hello Michael,

    Yes, I was at the picnic even though I wasn't feeling all that great. . .I'd been planning on it for weeks so I didn't want to disappoint my 3 fur babies from a day of frolicking and pure Corgi fun. . . .check out my video and see if you can see yourself in it LOL. . . .

    Anyway, hope you had as much fun as we did. . . .

    Take care
    and be well,


  • Nicole

    Thank you for posting a link to those photos! There were some cute ones of the Pennster! She was in the one with the pups - she is 6 months old
  • Elizabeth

    aaaww man, I wasn't in any of the pics :( oh well, I saw my mom's back but that was about it. we were only there fo about a half an hour. cute pictures tho!
  • Corgi Mak & Buster McFatty Bear

    Take a look at my Pembroke Welsh Corgi Buster's compendium of tricks all in a row!


  • Corgi Mak & Buster McFatty Bear

    Thanks! Buster LOVES food, so it made it really easy to train him! XD
