Annie Hsu


Diamond Bar, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
wishing to meet more ppl with corgis round my area..
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
2 yr old male pembroke named miko
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sunni A.

    Hellow Annie and Miko! What a unique, attentive-looking corgi! Beautiful.
  • David

    Welcome from Yoda and David!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker


  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Annie and Miko! I'm also in California, but I think San Diego is too far south for you?
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Ginny

    Take it slow & make sure to have a 4 or 6 foot leash and you should be fine!
  • Ginny

    I'm bringing the fancy flower party collars for the girls, hopefully, I'll remember to put them on them! Look for us and we'll work out a nice way to do introductions...hopefully Miko won't feel the need to get defensive and will enjoy meeting Phoebe & Yoli. See you there!
  • Michael

    Aww. Mac goes in the water on his own terms. He doesn't always like the hose squirting directly at him. But my cousin's Corgi will actually runs toward the hose and chomps on the water that's coming out of the nozzle.