Bryan and Tara


Saint Paul, MN

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Bryan & Tara's Mom and Dad are Robyn and Mike. Then there's Furrnando, the cat. He's (reluctantly) a member of the pack too. Everyone (but Furrnando) loves to go on walks and trips and camping adventures. We wish we could have a dozen corgies in our pack!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Bryan & Tara have become quite a team. They take every opportunity to find ways to escape their large, wooded backyard. A car pulled into our drive the other day, and the other corgi parent in our neighborhood got out. She asked "Is this where Bryan lives?" He had come to visit his "cousins." Another neighbor spotted him and worried that her corgis had escaped. Thankfully the corgi mom recognized Bryan and brought the little s--- home!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • christy fry

    welcome to the group!!! your boy is handsome =0
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Robyn and Bryan! Aw, he's so handsome :)

    Welcome Robyn and Bryan! My husband, Tallulah and I went to St. Paul in March at an off leash dog park for the 2009 Minnesota Corgi kick off meet up and had a blast! There were around 27 corgis that attended! Fun Times!! Eileen and Tallulah ^-^
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's Try this link. It will go through some symptoms and signs of hip dysplasia though a dog that shows no signs doesn't mean they are free of it. Ultimately you would need to get his hips radiographed to be sure. Walking on toes and being stiff is a sign of hip dysplasia and being grumpy or lack of play could be a cause from some pain and discomfort. There are supplements and kibble w/additives to help w/mobility and adding some longevity to his hips as well. I treat all of my dogs as if they have it no matter if they tested free of it or not. Corgis are dwarfs w/long backs and need that extra preventative. Keep nails trimmed, hairs around paws trimmed to prevent slipping, maintain good weight, limit jumping off of furniture and keep them fit. Hope this helps.
  • Kay and Eddie

    I couldn't resist becoming friends with other Minnesotans! :)
  • Kay and Eddie

    Sounds fun! Eddie is always up for doing new things!
  • Deanna

  • Mieko Kwiatkowski

    Thank you for the gift Robyn! Coco and I are very happy! Bryan is very cute. He's got very good mixture of black and brown!
  • Mieko Kwiatkowski

    OH, Happy Birthday Robyn!!
  • Adrienne

    Thank you, I love him too. Hugs to your corgi. Happy Birthday by the way!
  • Jackson♥

    Cute Corgi!!!
  • Jackson♥

    Heads up! Someone has left a comment for you in the group " Caring Corgis!"
  • LOBO's page <3 //Arlyn & Teddy\\

    OMG. such a handsome Corgi=] i love your pictures too-when i was looking at them
    i couldnt stop saying AWWWWWHHHHHHHH!!!<3
    i love what Bryan has on the 5th picture-the colorfull hat is so cute!
    where u got it?hehe. i love it! & thank you so much, I love taking pictures of Lobo. i can never get enough,he means the world for me,ahwhh~ corgis are so amazing!!!. hope to hear from you and Bryan soon, take care and have a nice day.
  • Mary

    Thank you for the wonderful compliments on Nibbler! Bryan is adorable, such gorgeous red fur!
  • Mary

    Thanks! I remember when I got pictures from the breeder it made it SO hard waiting to go get her! She was worth it though :)
  • Jackson♥

    Jackson here, from the Caring Corgis group.

    I have the same exact problem with my corgi, Jackson. He used to be friendly with almost any dog he met. Now he will growl or snap at any dog. I believe that this is because Jackson may think he is an alpha dog. Its good to know that there is a corgi out there with the same problem. I will let you know what is going on when i find out more. Maybe it is a stage...

    Caring Corgis
  • Dee Waluk-Johnson

    I soooo wishi I was that creative!!! :)
    A girl on Etsy did it. She gave me permission to use as an avatar. I also bought a print of it from her for our Washington Corgiaid picnic. I think it is called Bob Corgwyn. I love it!!