Ashley and Copper


Geneva, OH

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm 21 and I live in a small town. I have a boyfriend and I'm very busy. I love animals and I like to ride my fourwheeler
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
've had two corgi's in my life. My first one was named Pooh bear. He died last year. I now have Copper. He is 5 months old and just as funny and cute as my first one. I love Corgi's sooo much. They are quite possibly the cutest puppies EVER!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Bev Levy

    Your pup is adorable!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Ashley and Copper!
  • Jane Christensen

    Welcome Ashley and Cooper!

    Jane and her gang!
  • Edward and Gemima

  • Jane Christensen

    My dog Wynn does with shoes what Copper does with socks... never chews but has to get them off your feet ASAP!
  • Edward and Gemima

    You are so welcome! Hope u get lots more!!!
  • Christine Jones

    Copper is a handsome fellow. A blue merle Cardi would compliment him nicely! ;) We got Blizzard from Steppenwolf Kennels in Michigan. He has a wonderful personality and I couldn't be happier!
  • Edward and Gemima

    Oh, I just love your pictures!!!!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    I am enchanted by your corgi that slept around your neck. Your a lucky girl to have been so loved by a corgi. Nothing more special.
  • Jane Christensen

    When you talk about Pooh I always think about Wynn as one of my names for him is Wynner the Pooh!
  • Cooper, Nora, Grady, Izzy & Jax

    I found Grady from a small breeder in Bowling Green Missouri
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Thank you for all the sweet notes about my dogs. Your Copper is a DOLL! Such a sweet face on that baby. I can see why you are so in love with him! I was sorry to read that you lost Pooh Bear. ;o(
    I got my dogs from 2 different breeders here in WA state. One in Ellensburg ( they just had another littler of pups and the other from Onalaska near Olympia WA. I just love my goofy girls.
    I have 3 cats and they all 3 hate both of my dogs but to different LaVerne and Shirley think the cats are wonderful and want to play so badly but every time they try they have to the
  • Juel

    Rusty is my first pure breed german shepard and he is one of the best dogs I have ever owned! Thank yo for the comment and I will let you know. it looks like we are pushing back the time line for bringing our puppy home. Looking at your pictures just makes me want mine! He is soo cute!
  • Beth

    Thank you for your friend request! I'm totally with you on the food thing; I think people get so serious about it! Ah well, to each his own.
    Copper sure is cute. I just love Corgis and I don't think I'll ever have another breed.
  • Paula Hess

    Hello Ashley, I know what you mean by tired of snow...I had lived in Youngstown for 14 years. Now, Harrisburg PA is getting its fair share. Arggghhh! Your pics are great! Def a animal loving family! We are here too! If you are on facebook...friend request me there. I am on all the time. Lots of pics and videos of our pets there.
  • Jane Christensen is very hard to give them up and my daughter thinks I'm obsessed but I work hard at finding the "right" people who can give them a good life.I also ask that they fill out a short question sheet. I had someone call me the other day and there was a bunch of hollering in the background...I didn't even call back! I can say I honestly try to find them the best homes possible!
  • Debbie, Sadie & Joey

    Thank you for your nice comments. I see so many pups on your slide show, I am confused who is who. Sheppards and Labs and Corgis...oh my! :)
    It's been a long time since I had two dogs. I had a beautiful German Sheppard, Dillon and an adorable Corgi/Chow mix, Sam. Dillon passed away in 2003 and my sweet little Sam passed away one year ago this month. I miss him soooooo much :(
    I am starting over again. I love Corgi's too and Sheppards and all dogs really!
  • Debbie, Sadie & Joey

    Hi Ashley! People who love animals are the best hearted people in the world!!! You and your Mom must be wonderful people :). I'm so sorry about your Pooh. We both lost our babies at the same time. My Sam was 15. Cancer took him from me. 15 sounds old but he was lively and happy until his final hours. I was so blessed to have had Sam in my life. He was also my everything!
    Sadie and Joey have the same Daddy but different Moms. I got both of them from BlueMoon Corgis. She has a page in MyCorgi under the same name. Her profile is a picture of my pups Daddy Eddie. He is beautiful. And Sadie looks exacy like him :). Joey is a Fluffy Corgi. Sadie is 1 yr and Joey is 4 months. They get along fairly well but they DO act like siblings :)
  • Debbie, Sadie & Joey

    That is sad that someone treated you that way ! Shame on them! I know what you mean. Sadie and Joey will never replace Sam but they filled the giant hole I had in my heart and I love them to pieces! Have you seen my photoshows? Sadie and Dash playdate and Sadie got a new toy. I made them before I got Joey. Take a look when you get time. They are silly!
  • Mary

    I can only imagine. Just the idea of loosing Nibbler brings me to tears. I think it's because they have so much loyalty and personality, and they are very close to your heart. I'm glad that you were able to find another corgi to share your love with, and I hope the sadness stings less with time :)
  • Mary

    happy birthday!
  • Tiana & Ein

    Our corgis look so alike! How old is copper?
  • Tiana & Ein

    Yes my corgi self entertains himself... His registration tag is all silver and whenever the light bounces off of it he chases it. He also likes chasing shadows, He like to play in his water bowl too. Does yours self entertain?