

Omaha, NE

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I enjoy playing outdoors and going fishing. We recently purchased our first house and we have a nice big back yard for our corgis to play in. I have a the worlds greatest husband and two beautiful kids. Missy is 3 and will be 4 in July. Bret is 2 1/2.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have 3 beautiful corgis. We bought Lady bug about 3 years ago. Two weeks later we went and got her brother. Just this last December we wanted to get a cat. So we went to a pet store and ended up with our only tri-color corgi Miss Piggy.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Hee hee, I love that you went to get a cat and ended up with another corgi!
    Welcome Carie, Lady Bug, the brother (what is his name?) and Miss Piggy!
  • Suzan and Tommie Girl

    Welcome! Corgis are the best!!
  • Holly W

    Hi! Welcome to NE corgis! Hope to meet you at a NE corgi event.
  • Suzan and Tommie Girl

    I got Tommie from a breed in western Nebraska called MKM Corgis. No tattoo. She is great! I am jealous that you have three corgis. I so want another, but I have a really old shitzu that could not handle another puppy right now. lol
  • Suzan and Tommie Girl

    October 23, 2006. Yours?
  • Suzan and Tommie Girl

    Ha ya I guess Tommie is four now. I keep saying three.
  • Diane&Dakota

    That is funny you went to get a cat and got another Corgi. Good choice! The one in the pic (your new one?) sure looks like my Corgi-boy. Welcome!
  • Libby and Dyddy!!

    Oh they just look so wonderful! Isn't it great to have multiple corgis??
  • Anne & Loki

    Aww, your Corgis are just beautiful! I can't imagine how fun it must be with 3 of them! Loki is happy because school is out so "his boy" is home all day to play with him:-). His favorite thing is to attack the hose, he looks like a drowned rat! What's weird though is he HATES to take a bath - go figure;-)
  • Anne & Loki

    Drew just turned 12 and it's a mutual love affair between Drew and Loki. Our previous corgi, Libby died 2 years ago in August at the age of 14. By that time she hadn't really wanted to play hard for several years. We got Loki that Christmas as a puppy and he doesn't let Drew out of his sight! The first thing Drew does when he gets home from school is find Loki. :-) I'll have to sit down and figure out the pictures and video thing!
  • Anne & Loki

    HaHa! Well, I never would have thought that he was, but maybe so! I think we're going to get a little baby pool and see what he thinks. Should be interesting!
  • Anne & Loki

    How funny! I think they look like little tanks in the water because you can't see their legs. We'll preobably look for a pool next week. We're off to the zoo today and Illinois Friday for my Father In Laws 80th birthday. So that will give us something to play with next week.
  • Anne & Loki

    Thanks! The bad thing about going out of town - even for the weekend - is that I feel like I have a bazillion things to do before then. Ugh! That's ok. Mark's parents go to Texas every winter so we haven't seen them since Thanksgiving(!) so it will be good to see them.
  • Anne & Loki

    Thanks! We did have a nice time. My Father In Law turned 80 and we had a small dinner party at a restaraunt for him then cake & presents at my Sister In laws house. I think he had a really good time:-) We took Loki with us becuase he's been to their house before. We put him in a car harness for the ride otherwise he bounces too much around the car. I don't think he's really thrilled with th eharness but he settles down next to Drew and pretty much sleeps the whole time.
    I hope it stops raining so we can go get a little pool! Are you and your kids doing anything fun this week?
  • Anne & Loki

    Whew - good luck with the block party! Those are always fun but organizing it sounds like herding cats - not an easy job!

    You know, I'm not sure what Loki thinks about fireworks. Last year was his first July 4th and it was so rainy there weren't a lot going off around here so I don't remember any big reaction. I don't think he cares for thunder storms though. It's rainy & thundering now and he's not freaking out, but just sticking close to me;-) Our first Corgi, Libby, used to HATE thunder & fireworks. She would run around at bark - kind of annoying after awhile. The last couple of years of her life she went deaf though so she didn't care anymore. While it was a relief that she didn't bark at it anymore, it kind of made me sad because then I knew she really was getting old. :-(

    Still raining so no Loki pool yet....
  • Anne & Loki

    Shoot! I'm sorry we missed it! Summer has been a little crazy and I haven't been checking in regularly. My Aunt was here last week and we are leaving Friday to go to the Outer Banks, NC. We'll be home the 31st though so I'll definitly put the 15th on my calendar!

    How did your block party go?