

Saint Paul, MN

United States

Profile Information:

Newark, Ohio
About Me:
I lived in Florida for 11 years and I love anything corgi on my spare time.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have two corgi rescues, a Pembroke mix with a tail and a Tri-color. They love to meet and play with other corgis. Benjamin (Tri-color) is 8 years old and is very laid back. Adonis is 3 years old and still acts like a puppy.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Matthew! Sidney is a pembroke with a tail too...come see his pictures :)
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    Hi Matthew! Welcome to mycorgi. We'd love to have ya'll join us at one of our local meetups. We meet monthly at dog parks around Orlando.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • WhiteDove

    Glad you enjoyed all those Corgi Butts!!!!! lol
  • John Wolff

    I love to see corgis with tails.
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    Hi there! Looking forward to seeing you at the meetup! I would suggest giving Adonis a walk before hand to wear him out a little and release extra energy. And when you get there, just let him off leash. If he's on a leash around dogs that are off leash, that could make him feel defensive. Just monitor his behavior and if he appears stressed, just give him a time out. That's my advice but I'm certainly not an expert. Dogs have a way of working things out themselves. All of the corgis tend to get along really well. Some of our members do have rescues so maybe you can ask them about their experiences. Okay, see ya'll soon!
  • Avyon

    Thanks for the comment :) Oh yea short fur is great in the summer lol She can be a fuss to furminate though lol. I love that tail you have! :D
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    When I first got my Corgis I never saw anyone else with them and would always get comments from strangers of "What kind of dog is that? Or is that a Corgis???" They never quite knew exactly what they were seeing and some had not even heard of them. Now I see alot more of them and most people know what kind of dog they are. I'm noticing alot more advertisements, shows, and movies having Corgis.
  • Carol Rea

    thanks for the comment on the wheels! somethimes Sonny even seems to want to try them out, but Sonny weighs almost 41# compared to Lucky's 30! After 2 months, he still does not know where his wheels are, he runs into everything, including his brother - good thing Sonny is so large!! I love the "pool party" pictures, our boys HATE water, at one corgi picnic, these chow hounds ran away from the pool filled with hot dogs! (you know, bob for dogs instead of bob for apples, great game for most corgis)