Christopher Lemley


Cloverdale, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Cloverdale, CA
About Me:
Tucker is my first dog. I've always wanted a dog but it wasn't until recently I am able to support and care and love one. :D
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Tucker is a pembroke welsh corgi born June 1st, 2010. He is from and the owner, Kim is awesome. I would recomend her to anyone interested in a corgi. Tucker has been a great addition to the house so far, I couldn't be anymore pleased.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • David

    Welcome from Yoda and David!
  • Carol Rea

    Welcome to Christopher and Tucker - the toy is bigger than he is! He is adorable!! Carol, Lucky and Sonny
  • christy fry

    welcome to my corgi!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Christopher and Tucker!
  • Tammey & Caven

  • Christopher Lemley

    Thank you everyone!
  • Lori A. Haskett

    Welcome to Corgi life Christopher & Tucker! Wish you both all the best. Lori ,Callie & Cooper
  • Clydell Lamkin

    Oh, Tucker is just too cute!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Priscilla Fernandez

    Keep updating pictures of Tucker! It will be fun to watch him grow up especially since he is Quixotes brother! : )
  • Priscilla Fernandez

    Thanks! I spoil my animals, I guess it shows lol. I hope Tucker gets along well with all your reptiles and insects!! You have soo many.
  • Sabrina & Sebastian

    welcome to my corgi . tucker is a cutie :)
  • Sabrina & Sebastian

    yes i am getting another pembroke for sabrina not so much they ferrets sabrina doesnt like them so much
  • Sabrina & Sebastian

    my ferret actully beats up my corgi she doesnt like it
  • Priscilla Fernandez

    hey there. You can definitely tell our puppies are related! You asked about quixotes ears. They went up pretty early, one at a time though lol. For the longest time she had one floppy ear and one straight up. They went up only a week or two after we got her. She was having trouble eating when we first brought her home so I tried feeding her all kinds of different things to get her to eat more. One of the things I gave her was goats milk, i have a feeling the calcium in that was what turbo'ed the growth of her ears. If your worried about Tuckers ears you could try doing that. They need lots of calcium as pups anyways. Quixote is now eating more than enough! Which is great. She didnt like the eukanuba we started her on, but we changed her food to Innova and she loves it! Both the wet and the dry. Another thing I give her is puppy vitamin gel, which I put on her dry food sometimes because it enhances the flavor and gives her lots of nutrients. That may have also sprouted her ears up. Tucker is sooooo cute, I wonder how much alike quixote and tucker are. It would be fun if they could meet up one day. : )
  • Jonathan P, Kim N. and Bowser

    YAY! Another of Bowsers Litter Mates Found us!
  • Jonathan P, Kim N. and Bowser

    Hows the status on your puppies ears? Bowsers 2nd ear finally stands up, but the tip of it still flops a bit, but it stands doesn't fold over.
  • Jonathan P, Kim N. and Bowser

    I was going to do it also but i figured i would wait it out. i think more calcium and massaging the ears helped to get bowser's second ear up. If your going to use the tape watch up on the tutorials on how to do it properly. Use Blue Painters Tape. It seems to be the least abrasive compared to other tapes like Duct Tape.
  • Jonathan P, Kim N. and Bowser

    Sounds excellent, Give it time. Im sure your boy is just taking his sweet time enjoying the floppyness before they turn into full Orbital Relays of Sound Consumption.
  • Sabrina & Sebastian

    hes adaping to the family pretty well. hows ur little guy our his ears starting to come up at all ?
  • Sabrina & Sebastian

    have u thogut about tapping them if they dont stay up ?
  • Sabrina & Sebastian

    when u tape his ears make sure u take lots of pictures of the little guy :)
  • Jonathan P, Kim N. and Bowser

    Hey Chris how are you and Tucker doing? So apparently me and Precilla have been using the same treats to train our puppies. Have you started teaching Tucker tricks yet? I recommend the Mini Bites Chicken from zukes. Its a really good treat motivator. Did you go through with the taping? Hope all is well. Take care!
  • Alison Prasavath

    Noodles 3 sister's had their ears up before he did. We asked his breeder when his would stick up and she said it is based off of their maturity. I had to laugh since you always hear growing up that males mature later than females, so I guess it is the same in the dog world as well.
  • Priscilla Fernandez

    Wow tucker can stay and lay down already? thats great! Quixote only knows sit, high five, and woof woof so far. She does not want to lay down, and shake a paw means bite mommys hands to her at this point. Stay is a little tuff too, I think she is more stubborn than anything though, I have a feeling she knows what it means but refuses, especially if it means getting closer to the treat im holding,. : )
    Has tucker met the reptiles yet?
  • Jonathan P, Kim N. and Bowser

    Hey Chris, How are you and Tucker doing? Did you finish your shots yet? We completed our shots week before last week we just need rabies this week. How is the potty training and trick training if any going? Did Tuckers ear finally stand up. We are just now working on outdoor house breaking we took away Bowsers potty patch so hopefully this goes smoothly because he consistently goes on the potty patch. Hope all is well and would love to hear about the progress.
  • Jonathan P, Kim N. and Bowser

    I believe the window is still open for the ear taping. I think the boat sails at 5 to 6 months though people have reported doing it later. If your fine with the ear down though that is also cool and you will definitely have a unique awesome Corgi regardless. We just got rabies completed today. It was the first time we heard him yelp but i think it was because they put the needle in his bottom instead of the arm like last 4 times.

    Glad to hear all is well, and you have an excellent weekend.
  • Jonathan P, Kim N. and Bowser

    YAY! Go tucker, your ears are at full Sonar and ready to detect intruders!