Paul, Ria & Toby

San Ramon, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am owner of a cute corgi named Toby
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
His name is Toby. He was born on 08/16/2010. He is very friendly little puppy. He is always excited to meet new people.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Welcome Paul and Toby!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello and Welcome!!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Paul and Toby! Aww, he's adorable!
  • Jessie & Alwyn

    Welcome to the site Paul! Your Toby has such a handsome lil' face!! ^,,^
  • Jessie & Alwyn

    Aww thank you very much, Paul! Alwyn is nearly 10 months old now and even though I love him to bits the way he is now, he grew up wayyyy too fast! I often miss the early puppy days. Toby is such a beautiful pup, I love his facial markings and those priceless expressions he gives you - I'm in love! ^,,^ I adore the photo you have of him laying on his back in his little bed. How's he doing? Have you had him since he was around 8 - 10 weeks? He looks like a little love bug.
  • WhiteDove

  • Jessie & Alwyn

    You’re so very welcome Paul! And thank you for the friend add, we’re delighted to be friends with you. Aww the wonderful puppy months, cherish them and don’t forget to take lots of pictures. I often look back at the ones I’ve taken of Alwyn and wish I took more (even though there are a lot to begin with, lol). I hope you have such a wonderful time with him and love every day that he learns something new. We got Alwyn when he was 8 weeks old and he bonded instantly to us. He’s been with us constantly since we got him and if one of us is not home for very long he’ll cry out or “pout”. Where did you get Toby, from a breeder? I cannot tell you enough how much I love his marking - very handsome guy you have!
  • Jessie & Alwyn

    Delighted to be friends with you and Toby! Alwyn sends a good "barroooo" your way on the West coast.
  • Jessie & Alwyn

    Do you know if any of Toby’s siblings live in your area? That’d be fantastic if they were all able to meet up again once they grow a little older. Thank you for your very kind words about Alwyn, you’re very nice! He’s nearly 10 months old now and has remained a good 28lbs for some time. He’s starting to fill out in his shoulders and chest which is wonderful to watch him change. I have a few photos of Alwyn when he was younger than 8 weeks from the breeder, I’ll try adjusting them a little and then post them on here. Is Toby your first corgi? I’d wanted a corgi for as long as I can remember and was more than ecstatic when we were able to bring Alwyn into our family earlier this year. I hope you’re having a great weekend!
  • Jessie & Alwyn

    Wanted to wish you and Toby a wonderful Thanksgiving! I’m sure he’ll be begging for some turkey to assist in celebrating the holiday. =) Sounds like a wonderful story with how you fell in love with Toby. We always say that Alwyn was meant to be - we had fallen in love with him the moment the breeder posted pics of her new litter of puppies. We had to wait to get clearance from our landlord for a puppy and by the time we received an answer, all of his brothers and sisters were spoken for...except for him. I immediately called the breeder and he was ours! He’s been so extremely attached to us from day one. He’s originally from PA in a town that’s near Ohio so a meet up with his siblings would be difficult unless we drove nearly 10 hours to get there. I keep my eyes out for any of his siblings on here but no one has posted anything yet. That’d be great if you could contact the breeder again in the future for a meet up of your own. YES, Alwyn loved to nip and bite as a puppy and he still does at 10 months. We’re working on it though. Have a wonderful holiday, talk to you soon!
  • Jonathan P, Kim N. and Bowser

    Welcome, and i noticed you lived close by. Hope to see you at the dog park with Tobee =)
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Jessie & Alwyn

    Hello friend! Haven't heard from you lately so wanted to stop by and say "hello". I bet Toby's growing fast, you definitely need to post new photos of your little man! Talk to you soon!! ^,,^

  • Jessie & Alwyn

    Hello Toby! My goodness, don’t worry about your absence from the site. I just figured I’d check in to see how you and Toby are doing. =) I can’t believe that he’s already 4 months old! You definitely need to post new photos of him, I’m anxious to see!! Has his coloring changed yet? What a smarty pants that he knows a few tricks and especially only when there’s food involved, ha ha. I’ve never enrolled Alwyn in puppy training classes as I’ve done all of his training myself. He’s super strong headed so it’s a challenge, even now at 10 and 1/2 months. He’s never been food motivated, except for Merrick sausages and rawhide “Oinkies” which he’ll go nuts over and just won’t listen because he’s so excited. He’s only been toy motivated. It’s funny in a sense because he’ll let you know what he wants and doesn’t want to do. He hates to have his paws touched (since he was a young pup) so he’s never been able to do “shake”. He hates, and I mean HATES to “roll over”. He’ll even bark and side eye us when we ask him to do so as if he’s telling us “No Mom and Dad, I won’t do it! You can’t make me!”. We can sit there for fifteen minutes before he’ll roll over and argue with us, lol. I’m sure Toby will do fantastic in his classes, he seems like such a smart little guy. So you say he’s starting to bark just wait - it gets worse! =)