Just a first time Corgi owner trying not to get made into my Corgi's slave while still making sure he has a great life =]
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Buster is our crafty little tri-color pembroke. We've only had him for a month so we've still got a lot of learning to do, but he's already charmed the heck out of us!
You've likely already made the mistake of looking into his eyes for too long.
Have you ever had a dog before? If I had it to do over again, I would me much, much more disciplined and methodical about training. I'd have my plan and agenda all written down on paper, make a list of all the commands I want him to learn (a vocabulary list), keep track of them, and make sure everybody in the family is on the same page and working the plan. It's a job but it's very fun and really pays off.
Handy: fanny pack for plastic poop bags and other gear, especially a screw-cap odorproof can (pill bottle?) always loaded with tiny, tiny treats.
I've written here about the "Really Reliable Recall" or "Emergency Recall", search on that, we had good success without a whole lot of effort, it works.
Lynne Cerny
Jan 19, 2011
Marion and Vern
Jan 19, 2011
Geri & Sidney
Jan 19, 2011
Jan 20, 2011
Jan 20, 2011
John Wolff
You've likely already made the mistake of looking into his eyes for too long.
Have you ever had a dog before? If I had it to do over again, I would me much, much more disciplined and methodical about training. I'd have my plan and agenda all written down on paper, make a list of all the commands I want him to learn (a vocabulary list), keep track of them, and make sure everybody in the family is on the same page and working the plan. It's a job but it's very fun and really pays off.
Handy: fanny pack for plastic poop bags and other gear, especially a screw-cap odorproof can (pill bottle?) always loaded with tiny, tiny treats.
I've written here about the "Really Reliable Recall" or "Emergency Recall", search on that, we had good success without a whole lot of effort, it works.
He looks way cool.
Jan 20, 2011