Jonathan P, Kim N. and Bowser


San Jose, CA

United States

Profile Information:

San Jose, California
About Me:
Me and GF have always lived in a non dog friendly apartment. Till recently of course. I always wanted to have a welsh corgi there is just something about them that always attracted me compared to other dog breeds. So we decided to Adopt our lil guy from and the breeder Kim has kept in excellent contact making the entire process absolutely flawless.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Bowser is a Tri-colored corgi. He was Born June 1st 2010 and Raised in California through a wonderful Breeder from PosoCreek. He is currently learning obedience and is having a great time so far here in Nor-Cal. His favorite is chasing empty plastic water bottles, and running around ultra fast bouncing off of furniture. His parents are Gilby and Paris.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    welcome Jonathan, and congratulations!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Nanmar

    Who are the parents of your puppy? Thanks for the info on Pacific Grove. That's an easy drive for me. I try to go to Carmel Beach once a week in the morning. It's a great off leash beach. Such a variety of dogs and such a pretty area. The dogs love it! Let me know if you ever get to Santa Cruz. I am very happy with my two Poso Creek Corgis they have great looks, brains and temperment. Have fun with your puppy. The wait is the hardest part.
  • Priscilla Fernandez

    Hey there I think your pup is Quixotes brother! Quixote was born 6/1/2010 from gilby and paris. Is this the same litter are your pup? I recognize the picture of the bundle of them haha
  • Christopher Lemley

    Hey Jonathan, Tucker is also from the same litter as Bowser and Quixote. Tucker was puppy "E". Tucker also goes crazy over plastic water bottles, haha.
  • Christopher Lemley

    Both of his ears are still floppy. His left ear seem close to standing on its own. This weekend I might try to tape his ears to help them sand up, he would hate that though.
  • Christopher Lemley

    Ya, I've read quite a bit on taping the ears. I don't want to do it, but I don't want to wait too long or else they may never stand up. It seems from what I've read that people tend to wait around the 14th week at the latest, and seeing that the litter is turning 13 weeks tomorrow I'm taking that option much more seriusly. I've been using yogart as a calcium source, and I've also been massaging his ears everyday.
  • Nicki, Lily Rose,& Charlie Tuna

    Thanks for the tips! Lily learned sit and down right away, and she's good at staying (mostly) and coming when called (sometimes!), but I'd kind of like to teach her some cute tricks, like shake, roll over, etc., so I'll check out the sites you mentioned. Give Bowser a hug for us!
  • Priscilla Fernandez

    Quixote is afraid of water bottles! I actually just started using them as a way for her to stop biting me ahah when I squeeze a water bottle she gets scared and flees away. She is a raptor at this point, because loud voices do not scare her away from biting me. It just makes her want to bite more. the only thing thats working is the water bottle, or just consistency at best... Ignoring her when she is biting mode etc. Hopefully the raptor will calm down soon lol! Besides that shes the greatest little pup ever
  • Priscilla Fernandez

    wow.... this is really a coincidence... quixotes favorite treats are Zukes chicken filets.... out of all the treats in the world we happened to buy those and our pups love them the most!
  • Christopher Lemley

    Thats exactly what I use! My grandma uses it for her dogs and it works like a charm. Tuckers left ear is now up, and I'm hoping his riht will go up soon fter now. I don't think I'll end up taping it, but at the very least I'll wait a few more days.
  • Christopher Lemley

    I havn't put too much time into tricks yet. Tucker can sit, lay down, come, and stay.
  • Priscilla Fernandez

    Hi there! Quixote just had her last DHPPC yesterday. As well as Bordetella, and Rabies! Poor puppy had a ruff day, two shots, a nasal spray, nail clippings, and nail files. She doesnt like getting her nails filed for some reason, she flipped out yesterday! She growled and barked and even showed her teeth to the VET, I almost thought she was going to bite him! Has bowser ever gotten like that before?? I couldnt believe how upset she was at the nail filier! Oh my. Besides that shes doing greeeat! We just got back from a trip to oregon and washington, which Quixote looveed. We stayed at a family members ranch and she got to run for acres and acres, she loved it. Ill put up some photos of Quixotes trip soon. How is Bowsers behavior, potty training, biting etc?
  • Priscilla Fernandez

    That was a good idea.  I'll start doing the same for Quixote and see if that makes nail filing any better for her :) 
  • Christopher Lemley

    Hey hey, we are doing good. Oct. 1st Tucker recieves the last of his puppy package. Which includes parvo, so I can finally relax and take him wherever I like. Last vet visit he wieghed in at 13lb 3oz.
    Tucker was potty trained quickly. I crate trained him, never tried the potty patch, though many people reccomended it. He also has a 10ftx10ft pen in the living room which I am able to leave him by himself 2-4 hours at a time with out me worrying about him having an "accident".
    I never got around to taping his ears. He has one up and one down. At this point I doubt his right ear will stand up. Which is fine, he just earned a new nickname, Lefty, haha.
  • Christopher Lemley

    Hey Jonathan, Bowser is quite impressive with is tricks. He is miles ahead of Tucker in that catagory at the moment, haha. However, Tucker's rightear is now up since this morning. He is a very late bloomer. :P
  • Priscilla Fernandez

    Its definitely fun to watch them change colors. How is Bowsers teeth coming along? Quixote has lost almost all her regular baby teeth. I was able to find one and keep it in a baggy for her puppy album ahah. She is yet to lose her baby canines though, the doctor said that will happen in about a month.
  • Priscilla Fernandez

    by the way.., did you train bowser to do all those tricks yourself? Or did you guys put him in a puppy training class as well?
  • Michelle

    I agree on the puppies turning out awesome! Yours is too cute and very smart. How old was Bowser when you started to train him to do tricks?
  • Michelle

    You have a smart little one!! Now I feel left behind lol She is still learning her name
  • Paul, Ria & Toby

    Hello there!. How old is Bowser now? Toby is 4 months old. How often do you go to shoreline park?


  • Priscilla Fernandez

    hi thanks for the happy new years!

    Just curious... How big is bowser now? weight wise, height and etc...

    I think she may be small for her age but im not quite sure. She is a little over 20 pounds now, about 21 or 22. She still has such alittle puppy head!