

Zephyr Cove, NV

United States

Profile Information:

Santa Cruz, California and Zephyr Cove, Nevada
About Me:
I try to get outside as much as possible with my Corgis. The mountains, the beach, the snow, or pathways and trails. Favorite off leash beaches - Carmel beach, Northend Zephyr Cove. Favorite dog group - Aptos Park, CA morning small dog walkers.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Max 6.30.2008 Angus & Meghan, Darla (tri)12.21.09 Dana & Gilbey.They both love lure coursing with a local group in Soquel, CA.. They love the snow and water. Both are well trained and easy going. They loves all dogs - big or small. Tahoe is one big outdoor playground - any time of year these Corgis love it. Darla is a great swimmer. Such an otter! Max likes to wade chest deep - alittle more cautious. Love these dogs to pieces - the best family dogs and compainions you could ask for.
I have:

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  • Priscilla Fernandez

    Hi there. We were in Elk Lake in Oregon in that particular photo. We drove by shasta though! hehe Looks like you have a big family of pets how many do you have?
  • Michelle

    Aw thank you!! I just love her to pieces!
  • Whitney and Ariel

    Thanks Nanmar! Jasper was a real sweety! :)