

Perth, Western Australia


Profile Information:

About Me:
I absolutely love dogs.

I am interested in conformation showing, herding, agility and flyball.

My dogs are very loved members of my family.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Elle - Swedish Vallhund born 26th June 1997. The most gentle, bombproof, stubborn, cheeky and loving dog to grace this planet. Died 9th June 2010.

Sarge - Pembroke born 12th October 2005. He is a red and white nbt with a floppy ear. He loves walks, water and dirt. He learns very quickly and loves to work but also loves the couch.

Ziva - Pembroke born 20th May 2007. A long-coat red and white girl with a long fluffy tail. Incredibly agile and athletic and very loving. She died on the 6th September 2008.

Daina - Pembroke born 7th May 2008. Daina is my little pocket rocket. She plays hard and she plays a lot! She has lots of energy but thankfully she does have an 'off' switch and is happy to laze about and snuggle on the couch or relax in the garden. She likes to show her love and give you little kisses or climb into your lap. Daina thinks she is a princess and likes to be treated like one.

Muddy - Pembroke born 22nd April 2009. Mud is a long-coat red-headed tri. He is so cuddly and has the sweetest temperament. He and Daina are joined at the hip. He is ridiculously fluffy, especially his pants and tail but his coat is gorgeous and it suits him because he's such a pretty boy. More beauty than brains for this one.

Lucy - Pembroke born 1999. Wonderfully kind old girl with the sweetest nature. Lucy had degenerative myelopathy and was put to sleep on October 23rd 2012 after the DM and other health issues became too much for her.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Kitty's Corner

    Hi Mim! Welcome~your pictures are just great!
  • Sam

    om my gosh that one Sarge with the floppy ear is completely adorable i love these picture as well all your dogs are cute! Ziva is cute too I'm not really into the Cardigans though i love the Welsh's!
  • Sam Tsang

    G'day Mim! I went to highschool in Victoria, miss the great south land :)
  • JW

    I can't believe that I've found another Fluffy Pembroke with a full tail. Amazing!!! Your doggies are beautiful :)
  • Sam

    yeah the turtles get boring we have a pond in the back yard so they are scared when we come out and they run and hide. one of them died the other day so we are down to 5 right now though we will probably go buy another one soon.

    Yeah and Rambo loves it when he gets wet he just goes and rubs in the dirt just like a little piggy thats why we nick-named our first corgi Harley Hogdog They are like 1 in the same except diffrent colors and they are both CHOWHOUNDS

  • Dominique

    welcome mim!
    your dogs are adorable!
    and my dog sleeps with me too...
  • CaptainCorgi

    Cute corgz! <3
  • Renae & Mark

    What gorgeous dogs. Highly photogenic!

    Its great to see more Aussie members!
  • Cheryl

    You're corgi's are lovely and you take great pics!
  • Katie

    Sarge and Ziva are precious! Where's Elle?
  • Erica

    hey i have read your comment about the breeding of corgis.. i didnt mean to breed my two corgis but when the female was in heat the male was so determined that he learned how to open her cage and it happened in the middle of the night but i have a few questions about the changes that she have been going threw. i was wondering if you knew about this. thanks please let me know. -erica
  • Ne

    So sweet! Great pictures.
  • Kylie Chen

    Thanks so much for the breeder list and
    i would like to know about their temperament.

    Thank you so much!
    regards to you and your dogs.

  • Suzette & Rueben Dog

    Thank you! He thinks he is handsome too! I'll have to check out what a staffy looks like. What is ACD? I would love to know for sure what his mix is. By the way....love your pictures!
  • Suzette & Rueben Dog

    Thank you so much for the info! I'll check it out. We really have no idea what his mix is but I guess in the end it doesn't really matter - we love him!
  • Carolyn Allen

    Awwwww Your corgi is adorable beyond words!!!
  • Tina and Cooper

    Muddy face on the deck is absolutely wonderful :o)
  • Janice

    Mim thank you so much for telling me about the Swedish Vallhund I had never heard of the breed . After researching them Im wondering if my little girl is full blooded everything I read about the breed was my little girl . You just made my day Thank you again .
  • Rachel & Goldie

    You could say that again!!
  • chocky

    Hi thanks for the friend accept! Yeah I know I've only seen a couple of corgis in town! Your babies are all gorgeous! She does kinda look like hachi, cept yours have more white around the muzzle which I think makes them more feminine! Very nice indeed! A lot of people think hachi is a boy hhaha
    I got her from jenny broekelman(?) can't remember her last name. Jentol kennels in harrisdale. Hachi's parents were called boss and Nancy hehe 
    I tried contacting the other breeders for sometime now because ive been trying to get another puppy but they don't seem to breeding much nowadays? 
    Are you going to That dog meet at riverside gardens? I'll probably be there! So fun :))
    I just thought I'd organise a date cos it's very rare to corgis lol I usually go piney lakes regularly anyway so it's no probs. That Monday should be a public holiday! :))
  • chocky

    hey =) i got him from Sandra Lippiatt =) he's really active and playful, but also very naughty though! 

    hachi has been adjusting very well though she's so patient!

    anyway hope you had a good new years

  • chocky

    Hahaha yeah she's really nice and helpful. Bit forgetful though but that's ok. 
    Umm I know she owns the dad, but I think the mum was from another lady from pemberton I think. Margaret or something? 
    I still have to get Jett's papers from her but will let you know the mum and dads names lol
  • Lois B. Allen

    I didn't expect him to be a fluffy but it sure looks like he may be. I have not gotten one in winter before and was shocked at all of the FUZZ on him. I am really eager to see what he looks like when this stuff is gone.  I will post more pictures then.

    I had his great aunt or maybe great, great aunt, who was a fluffy. She was pretty and sweet.  She had heart trouble and couldn't control her temp normally, so I had to keep her clipped in warm weather.  Fortunately, a friend recommended a good doggie cardiologist, so with lots of meds and tender care, she was able to live to be a little over 12.