, Female


United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My fiance and I live in Detroit, and are totally owned by our Fluffy Corgi and sweet German Shepherd! I love city life. Nobody thinks Detroit is safe, but there are pockets of it that are fabulous and beautiful.

I work as a graphic designer for a printing company, as well as freelance design and photography. And I LOVE CORGIS!

Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Griff is a sable Fluffy, and after years of claiming him as Pembroke, I've decided he's actually a CARDIGAN!

My Little Man came into my life when he was 10 months old as the best surprise Christmas gift ever. I had always wanted a Corgi, and when I was greeted that morning by the happiest, fluffiest, smiliest dog ever, I was totally in love. My better half adopted Griff from the Humane Society where I think fate was keeping him for us to find...

Griff is tenacious, talkative, neurotic, super smart, energetic to a fault, treat motivated, and CUTE! He's also like a 3 year-old boy trapped in a dog's body, so he keeps me on my toes! He loves running, barking, his human friends, eating, walks, sleeping on pillows, chasing squirrels, destuffing toys, swimming, herding his sister, and cuddling on Mommy! I think he would love to live on a farm for the rest of his life - but what dog wouldn't? :)
I have:

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  • Gryffzilla Destroyer of Planets

    Hi! Your Corgi's name is Griff?? How cool! Ours is named Gryff! :) Small world indeed. He's so cute!!!
  • Kelly & "Roxie"

    Hi JW,
    just came across that wonderful pic of your Griff and had to do a double-take.
    I have a corgi and a sheltie and as you mentioned above, I totally agree that Griff looks like a marvelous combo of both those great breeds!!
    He must be so much fun - my corgi also loved agility, especially the contact equipment. Those little legs would pump up that A-frame and the smile on her face was huuuge! haha
  • Toby {Brenda}

    your boy is so adoreable!!!!