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  • Detroit
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Best Wound Treatment?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sam Tsang Apr 6, 2009. 10 Replies

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Life as a Fluff

Profile Information

About Me:
My fiance and I live in Detroit, and are totally owned by our Fluffy Corgi and sweet German Shepherd! I love city life. Nobody thinks Detroit is safe, but there are pockets of it that are fabulous and beautiful.

I work as a graphic designer for a printing company, as well as freelance design and photography. And I LOVE CORGIS!

Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Griff is a sable Fluffy, and after years of claiming him as Pembroke, I've decided he's actually a CARDIGAN!

My Little Man came into my life when he was 10 months old as the best surprise Christmas gift ever. I had always wanted a Corgi, and when I was greeted that morning by the happiest, fluffiest, smiliest dog ever, I was totally in love. My better half adopted Griff from the Humane Society where I think fate was keeping him for us to find...

Griff is tenacious, talkative, neurotic, super smart, energetic to a fault, treat motivated, and CUTE! He's also like a 3 year-old boy trapped in a dog's body, so he keeps me on my toes! He loves running, barking, his human friends, eating, walks, sleeping on pillows, chasing squirrels, destuffing toys, swimming, herding his sister, and cuddling on Mommy! I think he would love to live on a farm for the rest of his life - but what dog wouldn't? :)
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JW's Blog

Dog stomach bugs?

Posted on March 7, 2009 at 3:37pm 6 Comments

My question is can dogs get stomach bugs?

Zelda, my German Shepherd, has been puking up her food for the past two days. She vomits everything up, followed by bile, followed by dry heaving. Yesterday she had surprise diarrhea on the balcony. I noticed her stool was slightly softer than usual when I cleaned it up at dog park on Tuesday evening as well.

It hasn't affected her energy and she's acting completely normal other than the puking and pooping. Could she just… Continue

A Mix or Not??

Posted on January 5, 2009 at 3:40pm 6 Comments

I have been seriously thinking about Griff's heritage lately! We adopted him from the Humane Society when he was 10 months old, so we don't have the exact story of his lineage. We were told that his Pembroke mother was rescued from a puppy mill while pregnant with Griff, but who the father was - who knows?

Part of me thinks that Griff's father was a Sheltie. Sometimes his face shape doesn't look truly 'Corgi', and his ears aren't as large as the rest of the breed. I attributed the… Continue

Obsessed with the laser pointer

Posted on December 9, 2008 at 9:33pm 0 Comments

Recently my man and I bought a projector for our living room in lieu of a TV. It's fabulous for watching movies and TV that streams online, but it has created an absolute monster in Griff. He has always had an obsession with laser pointers - he doesn't stop chasing it long after it has disappeared - but this is something new.

We control the projector through a laptop. The mouse we use is projected to maybe 4" in height on the wall (which serves as our screen), and it drives… Continue

A Must-See for All Corgi Lovers!!

Posted on October 29, 2008 at 4:07pm 4 Comments

Found: Adorable Corgi luggage. LOVE IT SO MUCH!
Find it here

Hot Spots? Summer Sores? Need Help!

Posted on September 18, 2008 at 10:13am 3 Comments

Griff has this gross, scabby-looking skin infection going on behind his ears that smells bad. I just noticed it last night, and he hasn't been scratching it or anything. He didn't seem to mind me poking around the area, either, he was more interested in smelling my fingers after I touched the infected skin! lol

I looked it up online and I think it's a "hot spot" caused by warm, moist skin. We were outdoors all last weekend where it rained all day Saturday, and Griffy refused… Continue

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At 10:19pm on January 2, 2011, Toby {Brenda} said…
your boy is so adoreable!!!!
At 7:56pm on August 22, 2009, Kelly & "Roxie" said…
Hi JW,
just came across that wonderful pic of your Griff and had to do a double-take.
I have a corgi and a sheltie and as you mentioned above, I totally agree that Griff looks like a marvelous combo of both those great breeds!!
He must be so much fun - my corgi also loved agility, especially the contact equipment. Those little legs would pump up that A-frame and the smile on her face was huuuge! haha
At 10:47am on May 26, 2009, Gryffzilla Destroyer of Planets said…
Hi! Your Corgi's name is Griff?? How cool! Ours is named Gryff! :) Small world indeed. He's so cute!!!
At 8:07pm on March 31, 2009, Akshay Anikhindi said…
Why thank you :)
I absolutely love Griff's tail! I swear I've watched "Griff's Big Obsession" 3 times already just watching his fluffy tail wag everywhere. How do you keep him so well groomed? His fur looks absolutely gorgeous... I want to grow Ender's that long but it's tough to take care of :-\
At 4:49pm on February 18, 2009, Riley & Sadie said…
Yeah, by comparison, these guy are midgets. The mother of their litter was tiny though. I've never seen such a small Corgi. At one point Bear tipped the scales at 55#, and his sister almost 50. In the end I think that contributed to his health issues. He became diabetic in his last year and we had to give him insulin shots twice a day. No people food for these guys. Since they never get it, they don't really know what they're missing. Hopefully that will help keep them healthy and happy for 15 years or so.
At 3:33pm on February 18, 2009, Riley & Sadie said…
Griff is a good looking guy. I can't blame him for not wanting to stay out on Jan 16th. I remember that morning. It was -14 here and my Corgis would NOT come in. I had to go out and get them.
At 10:56pm on February 9, 2009, Jenna said…
I just saw the picture of your dog sleeping with his tongue out! Haha my Sparky does it all the time! He is so cute cause unless you tug on it gently he doesn't even realize that he has it out. haha too cute!
At 11:32am on January 30, 2009, Juneaux and Maximus said…
Amazing pics! and your dogs are beauties:)
At 4:46pm on January 13, 2009, Dragster and Bailee said…
Hello! i saw pics of your babies on your group. I was wondering if they are full-blood corgi? and what is the all white one?
At 12:59am on January 13, 2009, Lauren + Winston said…
holy carp thats a nice camera. i just googled it hahaha. i showed it to my boyfriend and said "omg look at this camera.. its soo nice..........." and then showed him the pics you take.......... maybe he'll love me enough to buy me that camera LOL

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