

Olivehurst, CA

United States

Profile Information:

orange, tx
About Me:
i'm an air force wife with 2 little corgis. i'm into cars & modifying them. i'm also a barrelracer. I am from all over the US (Alaska, Cali, Texas) but i am born & breed Texan with Louisiana roots!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
i have 2 female pembrokes 1 year old in feb of 2011, lowrider & torque
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Robyn, Lowrider and Torque!
  • Angela Kau-Forsberg

    <--- Is envious of your beautiful corgis. Welcome and congrats on the awesome dogs!
  • Kitty Kirwin

    Gwenie love's to see her self in the mirror. I have a make up brush for (nothing on it) We do our make up daily! Like I have stated many times she is not spoiled. Just loved! After her make up she gets a nice brushing daily.
  • Carol Rea

    Welcome Robyn, Lowrider and Torque, they sure are cute little girls! Carol, Lucky and Sonny
  • Marion and Vern

    I know what you mean about not nuts about water. Although we have a video of Sami and a frapping good mud is the only kind of bath she likes. hehe She is a very good girl for her baths just not crazy about them.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Tammy

    Thank you for the comment and kind words. There is not a day that goes by in which I remember something about scooter.

    Your females are sooo cute. i was looking at the pics and couple of them remind me of scooter when he was little.

    Take care,
  • Tammy

    Our fur-children are precious. I would not trade them for anything. The corgi breed is the best dog, in my opinion, & I would not have any other type of dog. They're awesome.

    Have a nice day!
  • Einstein Batista

    practice makes perfect
  • Einstein Batista

    if you're interested in dog tricks, I recommend the one on this post:


  • Einstein Batista

    no problem. Please tell me what do you think about the blog if you check it out.
  • Debbie Churchill

    Hi Robyn, Thanks for the invitation! Where do you live in Olivehurst? Maybe we could meet at the park on Mc Gowan over by the Elementary School after it dries out a bit!