Comanche Flame


Hagerstown, MD

United States

Profile Information:

Pico Riveria CA
About Me:
I am a 58 year old disabled woman. At this time I do not have a Corgi, my little guy Mr. Peanut,Died a year ago. I hope I am still welcome. Due to my health advanced MS I am in no condition to promise a dog a secure home. I mainly spend time with my better half Don, and my Daughter, and her dog a toy fox terrier. Being bed bound I can watch TV , surf the web.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I had the most wonderful blessing of being the mother of a Cardigan Welsh corgi for 14 short years. I lost my best friend, my son, my heart a year ago. March. His name is, not was, and always will be Mr. Peanut. He was not bad, did not tear things up,but covered for the misbehavior of the other 4 pets.He made me laugh, he made me laugh everyday, all day. I miss him greatly, my heart is still broken.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • The Geek's Wife & her Corgi Ein

    Welcome! I am soooo sorry to hear about Mr Peanut's passing, and of course you are welcome here. I know just how you feel my 14 yr old dog was put down last March as well. She wasn't a corgi, but she was my heart and my best friend. She got me through the bad times and shared with me the good times. I still feel her passing deeply, as you I'm sure you feel with Mr Peanut. I am fortunate enough to be able to care for my very first corgi. Feel free to check out my pictures of her, they're sure to bring a smile!

  • Geri & Sidney

    Of course you are welcome, and I hope our photos and stories bring you some happiness. Mr. Peanut sounds like an amazing corgi, and I know 14 years was way too short.
  • ♥Deborah

                                    ...and Deborah too!


  • Lynne Cerny

    Welcome to MyCorgi Comanche.  This is a great place to get your corgi fix!
  • ♥Deborah

    Thanks! She is certainly my pride and joy ~ :)
  • Reeses & Rosalie (Owner: Jes)

    Welcome and I'm really sorry to hear about your losses...hopefully this site will bring some joy into your life...It has for me...
  • Jane Christensen

    I'm so sorry for the loss of Mr. Peanut. You will love this site and can read all the stories and share  in the laughs and sorrows! Enjoy this great place with all these great people:)
  • ♥Deborah

    I really do think about him every day ~ I believe I will always miss him, he was my best friend for a very long time. What a great guy ~ always made me laugh! :)  Hanna has quickly taken my heart as well....she means everything to me! I know you are suffering a loss as well; but we both know we will see our friends again, right? What a great day that will be - puts a smile on my face just thinking about it! :)

    P.S. I'm glad you're my friend too!

  • Brittany and ruger

    Im so sorry about mr. Peanut you must of been a great mommy to him i lost my dog three years ago and waas heart broken and just intell a week ago didnt get another one but when i got ruger i was so happy and love him so much and want the best life for him thank you for the kind comment