The Geek's Wife & her Corgi Ein


Glendale, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My name is Heather and I'm a geek's wife. I love being a geek's wife, and we share our life with the world on a podcast called A Geek and his Wife. I am fortunate enough to be able to stay at home and manage our household (which is a miracle in this economy). Some day I may have to join the work force again as an Admin Assistant, but right now I'm loving the free time that allows me to pursue all manner of creative endeavors.

Since I'm currently not working outside the home and we have no children yet (and my companion Tally passed March '10), I thought it was the perfect time to add a puppy to our family. I got my very first corgi on 10/30/10, and I just love her to pieces. I miss my Tally girl deeply still, but Ein's spunk, personality, and snuggles have really helped me heal through my time of grieving.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Her name is Ein, after the corgi in Coyboy Beebop. She is technically a sable, but she looks red and white. She was born on Sept 16, 2010. She is extremely smart, playful, and loves EVERYONE. I hope to train her to be a therapy dog some day.
I have:

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  • Patricia, Beauregard, and Tegan

    That is just too funny that our corgis are related! :) Mac was actually one of Tegan's litter mates :) I checked out your photos and I am amazed how similar they look! Even the markings on their head and muzzle are nearly the same! It's too bad we don't live closer...otherwise we could meet up for a play date! Tegan say's Hi! :)
  • Comanche Flame

    Thank you, Heather. It was, and still is a very hurt spot for me, as I know the passing of your precious baby was for you. Ein is just beautiful. Is she a Cowboy Bebop fan? Peanut was. He would hear the music when it would start, come bounding in from nowhere park himself in front of the TV, and watc for Ein. If he saw that little cartoon Corgi he would start grinning, and sometimes answer the dog barks. I loved watching it with him.
  • Lisa and Mousse

    How's Ein? :)