Comanche Flame


Hagerstown, MD

United States

Profile Information:

Pico Riveria CA
About Me:
I am a 58 year old disabled woman. At this time I do not have a Corgi, my little guy Mr. Peanut,Died a year ago. I hope I am still welcome. Due to my health advanced MS I am in no condition to promise a dog a secure home. I mainly spend time with my better half Don, and my Daughter, and her dog a toy fox terrier. Being bed bound I can watch TV , surf the web.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I had the most wonderful blessing of being the mother of a Cardigan Welsh corgi for 14 short years. I lost my best friend, my son, my heart a year ago. March. His name is, not was, and always will be Mr. Peanut. He was not bad, did not tear things up,but covered for the misbehavior of the other 4 pets.He made me laugh, he made me laugh everyday, all day. I miss him greatly, my heart is still broken.
I have:

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  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • WhiteDove

  • WhiteDove

    Hello Comanche Flame,

    I, like so many here, have experienced the loss of these wonderful little fur-babies. I lost my Daisy August of last year. I only had her for 6 months but the loss still hurts. I hope you will enjoy all the stories, pictures and videos we all share here on

    Take care,
