Lynn Leong


New Haven, CT

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I live in New Haven CT. This is my first Corgi
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I got Pippin from a breeder almost a year ago. She's been a darling to our family.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Lynn and Pippin! I love that name, our kitty is also named Pippin.

    If you have not done it already, post about Pippin in a blog or as a discussion question, so more people will see it and might be able to give you helpful advice.

  • Geri & Sidney

    OK, I just saw that you did...good. I hope you get good response.
  • Geri & Sidney

    HI Lynn, I saw that the discussion showed up twice, so I deleted the first one for you. It will keep things easier to follow. I really don't know any of the answers to your questions about the breeder's responsibility, but there are people on this site who will know. Hang in there.
  • Lynne Cerny

    Welcome to MyCorgi Lynn & Pippin.  I so sorry the Pippin isn't feeling well!  Sending Corgi hugs and kisses her way!

  • ♥Deborah


       ...and Deborah too! So sorry to learn about your Pippen...stay positive, and keep checking back here ~ there are so many folks here that are so willing to help, you just may find the answers you're looking for right here! Good Luck and God Bless.....

  • WhiteDove

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello and Welcome!!  Im so sorry about your puppy having menniginitis, hopeshe gets better soon.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's