karen nguyen


Huntington Beach, CA

United States

Profile Information:

huntington beach
About Me:
Proud owner of a corgi and can't remember how i lived without one.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Boomer is a 9 month old corgi who is very fun loving, affectionate, and very smart. She has a very cautious and thoughtful personality and is hardly ever impulsive or aggressive. We call her a philosopher because she always studies her surroundings (sniffing, listening, smelling) and analyzes things before she acts. However, she is generally trustful of our friends and family - even ones she has never met (how does she know?!).

She never fails to surprise us
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Welcome, Karen. Always happy to see a fellow Orange County person. You can nickname Boomer Rene (for the philosopher Descartes! haha). When I was in HS we had a friend that always philosophized so we called him Socrates.
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Karen and Boomer from a fellow Southern Californian!
  • WhiteDove

  • ♥Deborah

                                    ...and Deborah too! 

  • Lynne Cerny

    Welcome to MyCorgi Karen & Boomer!
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Haha. Nobody looks at our boy and thinks he's innocent. He's been a rascal since day 1 and we adore him.
  • Reeses & Rosalie (Owner: Jes)

    Boomer is so adorable...her nose reminds me of my Reeses from the side angle.
  • Michelle

    Hi...Awwww!! Tobee's sister..How cute. They do look alike!! I'm glad you found me! Tobee is adored by everyone too! She's a handful but I love her. She loves chewing on everything, barks at the craziest things and in the past month she has become a lot more sweeter :) How's Boomer doing??
  • Michelle

    So crazy you said that Boomer has a problem meeting other dogs...Sometimes Tobee could care less about another dog coming around (there was another corgi at Petsmart and Tobee wouldn't play with her or anything, she just wanted to walk away lol) but she loves playing with the few dogs she knows.

    Also all the phobias are so funny..Tobee hates vaccums, paper shredders, motorcycles..a ton of stuff lol But she absolutely LOVES chasing the laser pointer. That's the one thing she gets happiest about, her little butt wiggles soooo much but I try not to do it all the time cause I read some dogs get a little crazy with those. She also does great with riding in the car, every morning she comes with me to work and hangs out in my office all day. She loves to stare outside and loves greeting people when they come in. Right now shes laying down on her side chewing a rawhide and keeps randomly tossing it around to growl at it or chase it. So cute. 

    Lol about Boomer being a sock thief..Tobee loves those too. Whenever I'm folding laundry I gotta be careful cause she will add another sock to the toy collection lol

    Tobee is also very observant, she has to know everything that's going on around her. The only real problem I'm having with her is potty training still, which I really only have myself to blame lol Is Boomer good with that?