Tobi, Jack & King <3


Woodbridge, NJ

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My name is Leah and I am 18 years old. I am currently attending Kean University for Communications in Journalism. I have a German Shepherd named King who is believed to be 8 years old (we found him) and a Diabetic Min Pin named Jack who is also thought to be 8 years old (also found). My boyfriend, Adix and I recently purchased a 6 month old Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Tobi. We have had Jack for almost 7 years & King for only 1.

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About My Corgi(s):
My Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Tobi is 7 months old and his birthday is on January 4th. We bought him from his owner on July 11, 2011 because she was no longer able to keep him because of her Landlord's wishes. She purchased him from a Pembroke Welsh Corgi breeder and he has all of his shots and papers. I am having problems with him using the bathroom in the house and with biting. He did go to puppy training at Pet Smart for 6 weeks, but it seems like none of the training stuck. Tobi gets along pretty well with my Min Pin, Jack, but he thinks that King the German Shepherd is a big toy and loves to jump all over him. King has tried to mount him numerous times and I don't know how to stop that. Tobi is not neutered.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello and Welcome!!  When you introduced the pack, did you do it on natural territory away from the house?  Since you just recently adopted your corgi, it will take time for him to figure things out, but he will.  I would treat him like a puppy who hasn't been potty trained at all yet.  Keep him in an enclosed area and take him out frequently and reward and praise for a job well done.  :)  With the biting, you can discourage by making sounds like  No or Owww, and walk away.  Make sure he has things to chew on for teething.  You can also redirect to something appropriate to chew on.


    How does the German Shepard feel about the mounting, does he growl and let your corgi he doesn't like it?  I would disourage your corgi from doing that.  We adopted a red and white corgi and our cardigan who is older does that as well.  Tucker will let Lance know that he doesnt like it and other times he lets him, but I don't allow that.  Your dogs will need to know that you are in charge, or they will take charge.  Corgis can have a jealous streak at times. 


    I hope that I have helped you some.  You should post a discussion and you will get more responses that way.  There is also a FAQ section on the top of the mycorgi page, that you can find helpful information there as well.  I tried copying and pasting it, but am having trouble doing that.  Congrats on your new addition.  Good Luck, look forward to seeing pics and hopefully video :)




  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Introducing away from the house is encouraged, so that territorial issues don't become a problem.  I would definately let him out after feedings approximately 15 minutes.  This way going to the bathroom becomes a habit after he eats, and is the best time for going.  I would also let him out as frequently as you can to pee.  The more the better, as it will help establish the bathroom routine.  I have learned alot from this site and I am sure will continue to learn things as I go.  We just rescued Tucker 4 months ago.  We have had Lance since he was 14 weeks old and will be 6 at the end of October. 

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    as far as stopping the mounting I would use one word like, No when he starts that behavior to discourage that. 
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Leah and Tobi! You have come to the right place for advice! You could post a discussion, search your topics or check out the FAQs. Good luck!
  • Reeses & Rosalie (Owner: Jes)

    Welcome Leah and TobI :)
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    the peeing after he comes in sounds like he may be marking?  I would leash him to you..and when he does that, tell him NO.   Neutering should help with the marking.  Is it 4 different spots?  Your Welcome for the advice, I am glad to help.  I would see if you could keep him outside a bit longer to see if you can get him to poop.  Remember, potty time and play time should be seperate times.  You could also crate him and bring him out in a bit to poop, while he is in the learning phase.  I know mine dont always do both at the same time, grrr.  They usually should have to poop shortly after they eat though.  Remember, consistency is your best bet while he is a pup, to help gain a routine.