Geri & Sidney

58, Female

San Diego, CA

United States

Profile Information:

North San Diego County
About Me:
I have three teenage kids and I just love being a Mom to a Corgi also! I live in sunny Southern California with the three kids, three dogs, two cats and a most wonderful husband.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Sidney is our first purebred corgi and we are thrilled to have him. He was born 7/11/07. We planned to start him in agility training, but there was a long waiting list. So while waiting for an opening, we took classes for therapy dog training. As it turns out, he's a pretty good therapy dog, so we stuck with that and never got around to agility. Now he is training as a Rally dog. We love it! He's one smart little character! Oh, and he's undocked, so his beautiful tail attracts a lot of attention - good attention.

On August 30th, Sidney suddenly came up lame in his hind left leg. The next day we got xrays for him and found out he has severe hip dysplasia. On Sept 7th he had a Femoral Head Ostectomy to relieve the pain. His right hip is not in great shape either but we're hoping that with glucosamine supplements and exercise we can keep it healthy. *Update* You would never know Sid has surgery now. He moves beautifully. The water therapy and supplements have worked wonders.


Bruce is our corgi/elkhound (?) mix. We rescued him from the brink of euthanasia when he was approximately 10-11 years old (he had a day or two left to go). He's about 16 now and his only sign of his advanced age are bad teeth and slow mornings. I adore Brucie and he worships me. He's my funny short angel with a puffball tail (thanks to the elkhound side). He's about 18 now and going strong.

Chester is our "tall dog". He's a black dane/lab mix that we got from a "free to good home" ad in the local newspaper. He's also old, about 15 years old. We know his age because we've had him 14 years, and he was an adult when we brought him home! He's a very serious dog and not very affectionate compared to the corgis, but he has been a very good dog, just aloof. We can't take Chester as many places as the shorties because he does not travel well. He's almost 17 now and has definitely slowed down. *UPDATE* Chester had a sudden decline and was sent to the bridge on April 15th 2013 at the age of 17.

In February 2013 we added Connie to our family. She's a little tri corgi who was picked up as a stray and put up for adoption at our local Humane Society. She's a real sweet girl and loves to play ball. She's learning a lot from Sidney about life here. We can't believe that her family never came to claim her.She's got good manners and she gets along well with the other dogs and the cats, and everyone she meets is her best friend.

And the pack grows! In November we took in a black-headed tri who we named Copper. He and Connie were both born in 2009 and they are great buddies and a ball-chasing tag team. Copper is sweet and cuddly and eager to please.

I have:

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  • Micaela

    BTW: I love your "Different Breeds Of Corgis" picture! :D I got a good laugh out of that.
  • Ruthie MacKrell

    Hello! We're on the Isle of Man and I think Roly and Flo are the only Corgis here!
  • Judy Baker

    Thank you so very much for your kind words.  Bonnie passed away yesterday morning at 9:58am.  She's left me with lots of loving memories but I weep as I write this.  Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. - Judy
  • Thomas, Blake & Hudson

  • Durri Bakht

    Thanks!  It was a good start to a ritual we'll have to repeat several more times this summer alone.
  • Anna Bluffmakare

    Thank you! Yes, for some strange reason corgis are quite rare, if you see one it almost worth taking a picture ;)

  • George Gardei

    His name is "Eskimo", or "Mo" for short

  • CAW

  • CAW

    Interestingly, his name in the rescue profile was Buddy and that name has very special and seemingly fatefull meaning to me.  We went to the vet on Wednesday for our first 'getting to know you' visit and found out that he was chipped.  The chip registry had him registered under a different name but I will continue to call him Buddy.  
  • Lisa H

    Thanks for the welcome.  Roland is adorable.  I keep telling him, we're wishing for corgi ears not beagle ;)
  • Melissa

    Thank You for the welcome! Cute puppy! I like his tail <3
  • Caryl

    Thanks for the welcome - we're gald to be here! Pippin's da is Sam Gamgee and mum is Rosie Cotten! All their puppies have names from Tolkien.
  • Liz Viall

    Thanks for the welcome. I just uploaded a picture of Lilah!
  • Laura

    Thank you so much for the welcome! I haven't seen another Pem with a tail at all, minus Kerby's brothers and sisters when we picked him up. I love corgi tails, people have no clue what they're missing out on by docking them! =) What a beautiful dog Sidney is, such a cute little face!
  • Matt and Edmond

    Thank you! I kit now started using this, I made the account ahead of time and fist have time to play with it!
  • Anne and Zeus

    Thank you for your warm welcome! =)
  • Spanky Phillips

    Sidney is a beautiful dog, the tail makes him special and unusual. I'll be he looked just like a fox when he was a puppy.

  • Colonel and Kristine

    Sidney is really good looking :) He has a lot of expression that reminds me of Colonel
  • Patricia L. Cole

    Geri and Sidney, thank you for your welcome and your sympathy about Josie.  I don't have a way to put a photo up so you could see her.  She was a black and tan, with such a fine face and such big dark eyes.  She was our little girl, and she did everything with us.  It is so hard without her. I know everyone here will understand how dear she was to us. 
  • Shari Ishii

    Thank you so much for becoming a friend of ours!! It's so great to be a part of the corgi community!!
  • Austin

    Stretch passed away a year ago at the age of 14 and Scarlett suddenly died when she was aabout 7.  I still have Darcy who is almost 8.

  • Olive (Owner: Lisa)

    Hi Geri and Sidney! I'm sure Olive would love to come down to San Diego sometime - after she gets all of her shots she will be ready to come play!

    THANK YOU!!!!
  • Vickie Hilliard

    His full name is Pippin Took of Journey's End and I call him "fool of a Took" when he's bad.



  • Kylie Hammer

    We are in Mannheim, in the Southern part of Germany!
  • Chuck O'Connor

    I named him after the James T. Kirk, captain of the non-floating Enterprise :D
  • sarah vh

    Thank you! :)
  • Carla Talarico

    Her name is Abbey.  We got her a year ago from Kansas City, KS humane society.  She is about 5 and such a joy.


    What do you have?  They are a fun.


  • Kylie Hammer

    Since we got here in January I haven't seen another corgi so I think that you are right!
  • Bonnie Golla

    Geri and Sidney --
    Thanks! Sorry it took so long to get back to you. Agility is so much fun -- love to watch Aussies and Corgis shake their butts happily while doing it!
  • Stephanie Madeline

    Thank you! The rescue told me Starfox is part Sheltie & Pembroke Corgi.  In pictures you can't really tell but in person his face definitely looks Sheltie--longer and more narrow. His legs also. Seren's the one we're not sure of.  We think part Cardigan and because of her tail and short coarse hair we we're thinking Shiba. Not sure though.

  • Natalie Jenkins Adams

    Thank you!
  • Linda

    thank you
  • Antonia Krusbæk

    Hello Geri and Sidney, thank you for welcoming us. There is quite a few kennels in Denmark but you don´t se many on the streets yet, although corgi´s are getting more popular.
  • Kathryn Harbour

    Thank you.  As Ellie is my first Corgi, I hope to learn from other members with experience with the breed.
  • Jayden (Nicole)

    We actually lucked out there was a snow storm when it was set to be docked so we kindly asked the breeder if we could just do the dew claws and nothing else and they were more than happy to let us keep the tail! :)
  • Emily & Rob

    Thank you very much! Jasper and I are really excited to be here!
  • Mags and Butterbeer

    thank you! and yours is sooooo adorable!!! smiling in every pic :-)
  • Tobi, Jack & King <3

    thanks for the welcome! (: this site has already helped so much.
  • Fay Bay

    Thanks for the welcome.  I'm so glad this site exists!
  • Napolean (Joan and Gabby)

    thank you for the "welcome" and we do appreciate it. I just saw I happened to customize my page just like yours :). We plan to get up a few pictures to show all the other corgis out there!
  • Cake-O

    Thank you for the welcome! very excited to meet more corgis :)
  • Sabrina Conley

    Thanks for the welcome :)
  • Linda Bowman

    Thank you for the welcome! I named her that because she was an anniversary present and calling her anniversary sounded silly, so I shortened it to just Annie.  Of course, there's the ANNIE MAE when she is in trouble. LOL
  • Regi Gallagher Polk

    Thank you so much for the welcome.  I am looking forward to learning more about Corgi's.  Mr. Bo Jangles is our special case rescue.  I'll put more in my bio about him.  Even though he was a doorstep drop off, and causes us grief on a weekly basis - I can say that our lives are for the better from having him here.  He has taught us so much and we love him SO much!
  • Danette Chaffin

    Geri & Sidney,  my lil girl's name is Matey.  Matey is soo cute.  We thanked you for your warming welcome!  Matey will make sure that her mommie will work on our page for futher updated with my pictures in it.    Thank you for your patience.  Keep in touch.

    Dani & Matey

  • Jody Freeland

    Thank you for the welcome!! I'm excited to be in a group of Corgi lovers!! I use the term "reactivity" to other dogs where most people use the term "aggressive". Dogs that bark and lunge at other dogs are not necessarily "aggressive" they are actually reacting to a stimuli i.e. other dogs. Most reactivity is fear based and not true aggression. They are typically saying, "Stay away or I'm bigger and badder then you." Humans with reactive dogs will tighten up on the leash sending tension to the dog and the reactivity becomes worse. Then the dog adds, "My human is afraid too!"
  • ashley rena holland

    Hey Geri & Sidney, I did name him Link, because that was my fav game growing up, also because my Cat's Name is Zelda. Link and Zelda are best friends!
  • James & Robyn Carlton

    His name is Puck. I'm a Hockey fan and my wife is a fan of literature. Hope to add pics soon.


  • pauline arnold



    Their names are Flash and Brodie:)