Heather Black


Apex, NC

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
New corgi mom to a 6-year-old adorable corgi named Cabo. Also mom to an 11-year-old cat named Finley. They are my "fur-kids" and I'll do anything for them!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
One 6-year-old corgi who had been living on a farm until we adopted him in March 2010. Now he lives a luxurious life in our home and has the joy of having a feline brother named Finley.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Lynne Cerny

    Welcome Heather, Cabo & Finley!
  • Roger/Laurie

    Welcome from 2 corgi's just a few miles down the road.

  • debra stanger

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Heather, Cabo and Finley too!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello and Welcome!!  Looking forward to seeing pics of Cabo.  We just rescued Tucker, a red and white pem.  March 6, 2010 was his adoption date.  Such a great feeling being able to give them a home :)
  • ♥Deborah

    Welcome! Looking forward to seeing more of Cabo ~ aren't Corgi's the best???? :)
  • WhiteDove

  • Jane Christensen

    You look like you are living a wonderful life now Cabo:)
  • Jennie Cooper

    I just love corgis! They are so animated. We are owned by our first corgi that came into our lives when she was 4 months old - so it's been over 4 years now!
  • Roger/Laurie

    Heather, It would be fun to have a Corgi get together this summer for us local Corgi families.  Not sure how many of us are in the area.  I have a very large fenced yard and we could take the dogs to the lake for a swim.  There are probably other places we could meet this is just an option.
  • Roger/Laurie

    We live in Seven Lakes (West End on maps).  We are about 10 minutes west of Pinehurst. My friends daughter lives in Apex and you are about 50 minutes away. After we get through with the 4th boat parade,fireworks and BBQ I will send you a note and we can talk.  We have 3 or 4 corgi's that live here in Seven Lakes.  "Molly's" parents do the games for the big NC Corgi picnic in the fall. This will be fun!!!