Sherrys pups Kali & Kowboy


Phoenix, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Im a stay at home with my daughter Makayla and my son Wyatt. Well Makayla is now in school. So now its me Kali and Kowboy. My 4 legged kids!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My daughter and I just got our first Corgi her name is Kali. We brought Kali home at 9 Weeks and just love her to death. Kali is doing good!!

We are now bring our second Corgi home Kowboy. He is a Tri. He will be 7 weeks when he get here. Kowboy is Kali's brother from another time. They are 1 year and 6 days apart! Kowboy is doing great! I have him using the doggie door at 7 weeks! Woo Hoo
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome to the site, Sherry and Makayla!
  • WhiteDove

  • Robin

    You asked how my Kali got her name. That was actually what the breeder called her and when I picked her up, Kali just seemed to fit. It is short for her registered name which is Kaleidoscope. Neat to meet another Corgi with her name.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Agnes & Kona

    Thank you!  I can't tell you how much your advice helps.  I've been researching into this for a long time now, but nothing compares to honest feedback from an experienced owner. Kali is absolutely adorable!  :)
  • Agnes & Kona

    Posted  :)  She's doing wonderfully!  She's a little monster, but the cutest one I've ever met!


  • Agnes & Kona

    Hey there!  Kona's doing phenomenally!   Other than a few accidents here and there, she's pretty much potty trained.  We had a really strange incident the other day - she got really excited when she got onto the couch and was lying on her back and went all over herself and then kept going, even after my bf moved her off the couch.  That's never happened before, so not sure what to make of it!  We also tried transitioning her to another food and she threw up the next day, but has had no problem since.  She's so, so smart - and incredibly clever!  These little dogs really live up to the personalities I read about before I got her.  :)  Can't believe how big she's gotten in the few weeks we've had her!  How is Kali doing?
  • Roman Trinidad

    I will get Tali next Sunday so I am super excited. Her mother is corgi but the father i believe is a corgi/aussie/weiner dog mix :D


    Tali will have one blue eye only. 

  • Agnes & Kona, so sorry for the terribly delayed response.  I rarely go on here anymore!  You got another puppy????!!!!!  He is absolutely adorable!!! :D