Kelli & Penny

41, Female

Glendale, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am an editor at production company that deals mostly with Disney.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Penny was born January 29th 2009. She is a PWC.
I have:

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  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome Kelli and Faulks
  • Kathy and Jillie

    Welcome Kelli and Faulks! Jillie says hi from South Carolina! What a cutie pie!
  • Max & Cody

    Welcome...greetings from Texas!
  • Christine & Fargo

    Aw I love Faulks's smile!
  • Elaine

    Happy birthday! Keep up the cute videos, too. (I first saw Faulks' antics on youtube. Very funny.)
  • Deanna

  • Sam Tsang

    Happy Birthday!
  • Libby and Dyddy!!

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Happy Birthday! : )
  • Genna, Dustin & Stewie

    Hey Kelli & Faulks!
    So you got a pup from Cindy on Saturday? I didnt realize she had pups old enough to take home!
    We are supposed to go visit this weekend as she said she has a litter that will be 4 weeks old then. Did you see the new litter?
    Jeez, a 10 week old set and a 4 week old set. Crazy!
    Your new little girl is adorable!
  • Genna, Dustin & Stewie

    Thanks for all the info! I'm glad everything worked out for you. Cindy is definitely one of probably 3 who we are seriously considering. Even if we don't go with her, we will still have to meet up for a puppy play date!
  • Susan Stanton

    oh, I love the floppy ear -- Ethel's one ear flopped a bit two, for months, and I was actually sad when it firmed up. Have fun! My two like having a fellow dog around --- but they both prefer my company! We are quite the trio.... I like the name Faulks, too, where is that from?
  • Alice

    Hi! I wanted to ask you another question about your dog's neutering. When he had a hernia, could you see it from the outside? I may be paranoid because I know it's a possibility, but today I noticed a sort of bulging/puffy area to the side of Finn's abdominal incision (not on the incision) and I'm not sure if it's something or nothing. I did ask the vet about this sort of thing before the surgery and he said signs to watch for are redness and bulging but that out off all the the neuterings he's done, only one had a problem with the internal stitches opening. I don't want to call him if I'm being paranoid so I thought I'd ask you first. :)
  • Alice

    Hmm, I'm not sure what to make of it. his belly is droopy when he's standing but he has so much extra skin on his body this may be normal. I'm just not used to seeing it without fur. :) It's not a defined bulge (like a marble under the skin) it's more of a puffy area (picture a low hill) and it's more noticable if he is lying on the oposite side of where it is. It's next to the incision though, not over it. I'm not sure if that makes a difference. He hasn't really done anything bad. Yesterday he stood on his hind legs to put his front paws on the couch and I stopped him quickly. I don't know if that's enough to do it.

    He's doing well. His surgery was on Tuesday and he was very mopy and sor that day. Yesterday he wa feeling better and wanting to play and eat and today he's acting totally normal except when he was taking a nap earlier and woke suddenly yelping and tried to lick his belly. I'm not sure what that was about because he was fine a second later. Maybe he was having nighmares.

    The lower incision is tiny and the one on his abdomen is bigger but looks good. All the stitches are inder the skin so you can't see them at all from the outside. Here he is when we braught him home:

    Here's his belly today (you can't see the lump in the picture and the red mark at the top right is where I think the clippers knicked his nipple):

  • Alice

    Sorry for all the typos in that message. I have a cordless keyboard and the battery is dying. :)
  • Alice

    Thanks for your help. I have a feeling you are right and it is not a hernia. When I press on it it feels firm but not like there is something in there really and he doesn't seem to be bothered by it. He's acting totally normal and we're having to keep him from overdoing it now where before he was happy to just nap all day. :) Maybe we'll call the vet's office to see what they say just to be safe as you said.

    Thanks again!
  • Alice

    We took Finn in today because he developed puffiness on the opposite side too. The vet said it's fluid build up which is pretty common with surgeries where you have to go through multilpe layers such as in the abdomen. He said the fluid will be absorbed by the body and it isn't painful, the only concern is while it's sitting there he could get an infection. The vet put him on antibiotics and said it may take a week or more to go away. Just thought I'd give you the update and let you know it didn't turn out to be a hernia. :)
  • Genna, Dustin & Stewie

    Yes! Its agonizing!
    We are going to see them for the second time on Saturday. I asked Cindy if we get to choose then and she said no, that we choose when we take them home. I dont really know how that works if we are the second deposit... I mean like, what happens if the 3rd or 4th deposit people get there first? Confusing and irratating!
  • Genna, Dustin & Stewie

    Phew! Thank you so much for letting me know! Dustin and I are much relieved. Will definitley take lots of pics! Stewie day is the 30th, unless deposit #1 flakes out!
  • Genna, Dustin & Stewie

    We didn't take pics last time... gotta get a new camera. Think I'll do that today! Cindy will be showing Flash (Hot-n-Spicy) I believe.
    So we will be getting a Red & White. Cindy wants a Tri boy and the deposit ahead of us wants a Tri boy, so that means R&W for us! Dustin said our female can be a tri, so we will try for that in a year or so.
    There are three R&W boys to choose from. One was big and a barker, the other was almost as big and a chewer, and the third was noticeably smaller, but a total love. Such a sweetie. Quiet, but not fearful. He played with his brothers and was very interested in us. I think hes the one. of the Tri boys is a fluffie! Cindy was pissed! He's adorable, but like over the course of a week he had like 5 times more hair than his littermates.
    Let us know if you plan on going this weekend!
  • Henrys Person

    Well hello!! That's definitely him in that video, one ear up and one down! haha! Little Penny is so cute too! We should have a reunion sometime. I'm sure Henry would be ecstatic! :)
  • Henrys Person

    haha! cute, but very mischievous! :)

    Henry's about 17 lbs too. Getting heavy when I carry him now. But he doesn't look chubby yet so I think he's doing okay!
  • Henrys Person

    wow! Penny looks so much like Henry!!! I can't get over it! DNA for ya!
  • Gail and Ashton

    Hi Kelli, Faulks and Penny! The photos you've posted are all wonderful! I loved watching the slideshow. :)
  • Toby {Brenda}

    thanks for the add-- your babies are adorable....
  • Irene (and Pancake)

    wow thanks!
    What a coincidence, i took Pancake to Best Care Pet Clinic due to the raving reviews on google. But after I went there I was afraid that the reviews are just due to the cheap pricing! She was hospitalized there for a night and it was only 125 including tests n such... =O
    But its good to here alot of people like him, so i guess I'll just keep her with Dr. Tang, Thanks!
  • Irene (and Pancake)

    Btw, since you live in burbank so close to me, where do you take your corgis to play? Like any good dog parks or beaches around the area?
  • Henrys Person

    yeah, he had his opp a couple weeks ago. Since then he's recovered just fine. And you know how they say that after the opp they calm down?? Yeah, that's not Henry. haha!
  • Henrys Person

    Haha, that's so cute! I haven't heard Henry howl yet. He just does his little "yaps" when he wants attention. The funniest thing he does is when he's doing something bad and I say, "Do you want a timeout?" Sometimes, he'll put his head down and kinda do this little "rawwmp" noise. Like he's saying, "No." :)
  • Irene (and Pancake)

    Gosh they lowered it to $400 now? She looked like she is going craazy walking back and forth the little glass cage!! It is painful to watch

    A month ago I was picking between Pancake and her, she has such a sweet personality and is very bright. I ended up picking Pancake but I am soo tempted to take her home too! If only i lived in a bigger place.. I live in a small apartment at Americana (just across from Galleria) now >__/body>
  • Irene (and Pancake)

    On a happier note, we will be attending the picnic event in Burbank as well, can't wait to see Penny and Faulks there too! =D
  • Ginny

    Thanks for the friend invite! Hope to see you at more Corgi events in the future too!
  • Ginny

    Hi! Glad you enjoyed the picky-nicky! For the pictures, I'm not sure, but people should be letting Dolores know so she can spread the word, as she is the keeper of the email addys from the RSVP list. If I hear, I'll let you know!
  • JustVivi

    Awesome. Thanks. Can people download the photos they want? I don't want people to have to buy them, if that is how the site works. I just want people to have fun with their own dogs' photos.
  • Henrys Person

    Henry is prob around that weight. Last time we weighed him he was 22, but that was a little while ago. His skin seems fine. I bathe him about once a month and use this puppy shampoo.
  • Henrys Person

    how's penny doing?? i love the pea pod costume!!! :)
  • Henrys Person

    birthday tmrw!! you guys gonna do anything?? we had a small party for henry last weekend cause my extended family was in town. i'll be posting pics tmrw!
  • Henrys Person

    oh no! I'm so sorry. Please tell Penny Happy Birthday from me and her brother Henry!
  • Henrys Person

    i still have to post them up. how did the gift opening go??? i can't believe they're already 1!!
  • Sam Tsang

    Happy B Day!
  • Henrys Person

    aww i think it would be so awesome to get them together. I'm located in Torrance, want to try and meet somewhere halfway?
  • Henrys Person

    there's this one that i've taken henry twice that i love b/c it's just a small enclosed area, that's hidden within a neighborhood. so far we've been lucky and there weren't any other dogs in there either. but at the very least, we could try it and then it wouldn't be as crazy as one of those big parks.
  • Henrys Person

    I'm usually free Saturdays. Are you available the 20th? Here's a link to the park:
  • Henrys Person

    ok! u pick the time since you have to come from so far.
  • Genna, Dustin & Stewie

    He is doing great! He's such a big boy! He will be 1 on the 22nd. Shedding his winter coat right now, Im SO thankful for wood floors!
    We rescued a little rat terrier in December, I need to post pics of her. I really wanted a 2nd corgi, but Im impatient and the thought of spending all that money again was getting to me. We actually got her thru a corgi rescue, and she had a pretty rough first 6 months (backyard breeder, puppy mill, etc). Shes the happiest dog I have ever seen and Stewie ADORES her, so its all good.
    How are Faulks and Penny?
  • Corgi Mak & Buster McFatty Bear

    Take a look at my Pembroke Welsh Corgi Buster's compendium of tricks all in a row!

  • Ginny

    I just responded to your question on the Event page...hopefully it gets to you too...or check there? See you on the 19th!
  • Henrys Person

    Hey thanks for letting us know, we're planning on going. You and your crew gonna be there??
  • Henrys Person

    Henry and I are gonna go to this, we went last year and it was so ridiculously awesome. you guys should come!
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    I have been a big fan of Steve Ruggles Ziggy, since Doug (&Gromit) took photos of Ziggy at last year's PWCC of SC Specialty. Then I read that Penny and Ziggy have the same mother. Gromit and Ziggy have the same father, Chance! I met Chance at the specialty on Thur. Since I love your Penny, I was wondering who her sire is & any other info. re. her pedigree that you can share. I've owned corgis for 40 years and am amazed at the common genealogy shared by the Corgis I admire. I would love to get a male puppy if Cindy Pera repeats this breeding!