David, Sons & Thia the Corgi

Tallahassee, FL

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I have 1 Corgi & 3 teenage boy’s as well as working a full time job(thank god) so of all the things I have lost it’s my mind I miss the least. We are very new to Corgi’s Thia was a pound pup, and since I vowed years ago no more furry dogs! I am not quite sure what happened but some how I ended up with the best dog I have ever owned who is very furry and sheds a blizzard of fluff.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Thia is a pound pup that ends 8 dog less years, she is Bright, loving, stubborn, protective, happy and at least a hundred other things from joyful to exasperating. Thia loves going on car rides, to little league games, the dog park, taking the trash to the dump, going to the river(just don’t ask her to swim to much) and best of all chasing her basketball in the yard.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello and Welcome!!  Your corgi is cute.  Hope Smidgen finds a home, such a poor excuse, a dog sheds too much....sigh.....that was one of the reasons Tucker was returned after adopted, although he was returned a few times, and he is sooooo sweet, so glad we found him!!!


  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome David and Thia! She's beautiful.
  • Lois B. Allen

    Welcome, Thia and family.  I am on my second fluff but it doesn't matter because Corgis are such sweet funny dogs.  I owned his great aunt before him and she was adorable. They are just a great breed and I know your family is enjoying her.  Good luck.