Jackie (Lilu & Loki)


Dallas, TX

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I live in north Dallas with my boyfriend and we have 2 corgi mixes, Lilu and Loki. Lilu was rescued from a human society, and then Loki was "rescued" via craigslist to be a playmate for Lilu. We love seeing other corgis at the dog park, and if I didn't live in an apartment, I might be tempted to get more... but it's probably good thing that I don't. (At least for now (: )
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My dogs Lilu & Loki are crazy, but I love them. Lilu is a beagle/corgi mix. We had her first and she's a few months older than Loki, who is a corgi/mini australian shepherd mix. Our pups have very different personalities, but they get along great and play all the time. Loki seems like a very typical corgi - energetic, playful, and "talkative." Lilu is a little more calm and reserved, but she definitely knows how cute she is and is good at getting attention from people. Living with these two is always an adventure, and I love how happy and excited they always are to see you when you come home.
I have:
Corgi mix

Comment Wall:

  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Absolutely adorable! Welcome Jackie and Lilu.
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Jackie and Lilu! What a cool looking dog!
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    My Corgi, Dylan, woke up one day with one ear down, when he was about 2. I kept laughing that he looked like half a corgi and half a beagle. He looked like Lilu, but super-silly with one ear up. Then about a year later, just as suddenly as one ear dropped, it went up, and stayed up for 14 years. Lilu is fetching and adorable. His puppy pictures remind me of our rescue, Ricky/Rafa, when he was a pup.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    We rehomed Ricky/Rafa when he was 16 wks. We were told he was a pedigree Corgi but he didn't have any papers other than an awful buy/sell contract. He was skin and bones, so we didn't care what he was, just knew he needed a new home. When I took him to the vet, I was surprised that people recognized he was a Corgi. I thought he looked part beagle. Lilu reminds my husband too of R/R when he was a puppy. We think Lilu is a beautiful baby. You can feel her sweetness in every photo.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    I don't believe that Rafa was abused physically or verbally; his abuse was in being separated from his mom and litter mates too early, left alone in the backyard most of the day and night, and not given enough food. I've owned corgis since I was a teenager, and we try to always have 2 for company, but in all my years, Rafa was the most challenging & the most rewarding. Rafa has grown into his ears. He turned out to be a big corgi. We thought he would be petite, like Lucy, but it was just that he was underfed. We don't see beagle in him now, but we love Lilu because she reminds us so much of Rafa as a puppy. Lilu has a spirit of sweetness that shines through every photo. Rafa loves to be a bad boy, with a heart of gold.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    PS Part of the reason we fell in love with Rafa and re-homed him were those big ears! Enjoy every minute with Lilu. She's a lucky girl and you're a lucky guy. Seems like you were meant to be together.
  • WhiteDove

  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    So sorry for the delayed welcome wagon!  We are glad you could join us on this Corgi corner of the internet!

  • Stephanie Starkey

    Yes we did! We toyed around with names and then it hit me!  The Fifth Element is one of my favorite movies!  Her official name is LeeLoo Dallas Multipass Starkey.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Jackie, keep the faith, LOL. I never thought I'd live to see L & R sleep snuggled on each other. It's been a long process and this is not an everyday occurrence yet! RR is a snuggler; Lucy isn't. So while I do love him snuggling w/ me, I don't know if we would allow them on the bed if we had it to do over again. They do make a mess. Oh well, they're my mess & we're stuck with it. Merry Xmas to you, your boyfriend, L & L!