candice sanchez


Virginia Beach, VA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Husband and I are both in the military and are about to own our first pembroke Welsh corgi and are very excited about it. we Have one child a year and a half old and she is a total joy to have! we also have two cats who rule the roost.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Haven't gotten him yet but we will be picking him up the day before my husband comes home from deployment. he is his "post deployment" gift.
I have:
No corgi

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Candice, and congratulations!
  • Mal Schaal

    Welcome and congrats on your new corgi! I was in the military and stationed in VA Beach before. Navy?
  • Mal Schaal

    Me and my hubby both did 6. As an FC and a CTT. Now we are both out. I miss it, but I definately wouldn't want to have kids while I was in the Navy. I have a friend doing that, and she's single. It's pretty hard. I'm loving my kids and my Corgi. Only thing that could be better would be a 2nd Corgi!!
  • Mal Schaal

    We've been out for 5 yrs. Sadly, no, we are in Tx. That sounds like a great welcoming home present! I was never a fan of corgis before. Then I saw a puppy and fell in love with them. She's the best dog. Esp for kids. I saw someone selling a corgi on craiglist once, and her reason was that she kept chewing on their toys or nipping them. Cookie is not super trained, but she caught on quickly and easily the difference between her toys or the boys toys. And with my one year old she is very nice, especially when you consider that he loves to hug her and lay his head on her head. Which is super cute. But all babies have a thing about dogs eyes and ears. She takes it really well even though I try to keep it from happening.
  • Mal Schaal

    And I've gotten a puppy from the HS once but within 24 hrs I had to take it to the vets. Turned out she had Parvo. We tried to save her, but she didn't make it. I was heart broken, and I just wasn't ready to try the shelter again yet. So I completely understand.
  • WhiteDove

  • Nicola Porter

    Hi and welcome to mycorgi. Tank looks ssssooooo cute.


  • Zigward & Kimberly

    Congratulations on your puppy!:)

  • Zigward & Kimberly

    Haha yeah that'll happen to you!:P It'll probably be happening to me too xD (I'm a HUGE fan of super light fawn colored fur, with the white streak on the face not really going past the eyes at all-either that or no white on the face with a black muzzle♥) But I'm not getting all crazy over a color, because I REALLY just want to wind up with the puppy I can't live without, the one that says to me, "You are my momma and I am your baby" type of deal:P

  • Zigward & Kimberly

    Awhh yeah haha it's about impossible to research the breed and not fall in love with it! I have my pups name picked out too ahaha:) I'm so impossibly jealous haha.. I can't wait to be able to actually consider a puppy, looking around to find my new soon to be fur baby:P I have soooooo many breeders' websites lol.. It's great haha, because I like variety! At first I thought it was really hard to find breeders then I just got real into it and now have a bunch of sources-makes me want to be a detective, digging for dirt! Haha which will be super awesome too because I'll have my trusty corgi companion to save my tail when certain doom is looming over the back of my neck!

  • Sadie May


    I just realized you had posted all these pics, they are wonderful, thanks.  When will you be getting Tank?  Hope to see pics of him, let us know.  Nice meeting you and your cute daughter.  Monica and Sadie

  • Robert and Ein Hayes

  • WhiteDove

  • Sam Tsang

    Thank you Candice! Our awesome members makes the site, I just simply provide a sandbox for all to play :) Have a great day!

  • Robert and Ein Hayes

    Early Cristmas for you all.

  • Suzanna van Eeghen

    What a gorgeous pup.

  • Sadie May

    Congratulations, he is adorable!!!  Can't wait to meet him!!!


    Sadie and Monica

  • Yuki & Ellie

    Aww, congratulations!  It's good to see that you finally have your pup home.  :)  Hopefully you're enjoying his cute little puppy antics!  Welcome home, Tank!