Aber, Ragnar and Kelso


De Forest, WI

United States

Profile Information:

DeForest, WI
About Me:
Hi :)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Ragnar is a gorgeous blue merle with stunning blue eyes. Kelso, his half-brother, is possibly the sweetest most dog I've ever met (and my secret favorite).
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Alice

    Welcome to you and Aber! I hope he makes a full and speedy recovery. How exciting that you're getting a blue merle! I love cardis and blue merles especially. Which breeder is Aber from?
  • christy fry

    welcome to my corgi!
  • Michelle

    What a handsome fellow.....Welcome!
  • Kevin and Buddy!

    What a beautiful boy! I hope he feels better soon, and im sure he will love the new puppy. I am getting my puppy next weekend and I can hardly wait.
  • Kevin and Buddy!

    Our little boy is a Pembroke. We just heard back from the breeder this evening and everything was perfect for the first puppy exam, so we get to bring him home next week!
  • Alice

    I'm glad to hear he's on the mend. Can't wait to see pictures of the pup you'll be bringing home. :)
  • Edward and Gemima

    welcome, we love the name Aber!!!


    Hello Shannon & Aber!
  • Geri & Sidney

    welcome Shannon and Aber. He's a very handsome fellow!
  • Kevin and Buddy!

    I will have new pictures to share from the breeder tonight!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Rachael & Waffle

    Aber is a really cool name. It reminds me of "Abner", which brings about some childhood memories of mine. I bet the puppy will put some spunk into Aber's bones and make recovery easy peasy. :D
  • Rachael & Waffle

    Paint Tool SAI and a drawing tablet help make my blog pics and my display pics possible. :D
  • Lindsey M

    i'm looking for a home for a corgi that is 8 months old that is in WV
  • Kevin and Buddy!

    Ugh, the suspense is killing me! We haven't seen our little guy in soooo long. I just need to survive 2 more work days then its go time. So does this mean you won't pick out your puppy till next weekend?
  • Kevin and Buddy!

    Yeah our breeder picked the puppy for us that best matched what we are looking for. I was so impatient about pictures, I asked week after week!
  • Alice

    Cute pictures of Ragnar. Where is he from?
  • Pa'ani

    Great original name! Ragnar! What does it mean?
  • Pa'ani

    What a great story behind Ragnars name! Pa'ani IS Hawaiian! (Great guess!) After having him for a bit we realized how playful he was and decided to name him Pa'ani the hawaiian word for playful. I love stories behind peoples/dogs names! Theyre so interesting!!
  • Derek

    I am sorry that the little one has worms. It is a common issue in puppies. Just make sure to clean his rear end after each bathroom break, the worms are hard to kill. It took over a month to kill them with Morgan as a pup. I guess they can servive for a long time outside the body and then return to the intestines. So scoop the poop and wash the baby well. I wish my Vet told me the First time I paid for a visit, not the third.
  • Steve

    Thanks! Steve used to sniffed the lens whenever the camera came out so i started to hold a treat above the camera while telling him to sit/stay and waited for his mouth to open (which doesn't take long since he drools so much) to get a smiling shot.
  • John Wolff

    Thanks for your comment on by food-bag post.  I edited it to make it clear this is no joke.