

Phoenix, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Hi! I'm Nicola and my husband's name is Scott
We lived in California and decided to expand our family in the four legged way!

A few weeks after we adopted Brody into our family we moved to Arizona where we are all adjusting well!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I had a Pembroke named Bailey... unfortunately... I had to put her down due to severe congenital problems... I'm looking forward to welcoming Brody our puppy expected on Feb 11!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Nicola, Scott and Brody! Do you know about the San Diego Corgi meetup group? We have huge meetups once a month and several smaller ones. We've got a team for the Escondido Humane Society's Paws in the Park event, called Team Low Rider. It would be cool if you could join us (it's in March). Come check it out!

  • Zigward & Kimberly

    no:( it didnt work out as such. our city flooded the day i was going to go see him and then the humane society's facebook status was that some of the animals got adopted out to the people that had fostered through the flood and he was no longer in their available pets, so i assume he was one of them:) im sad i didnt get to see him, but at least he has a home now!

  • Zigward & Kimberly

    yeah.. i am wondering though if i can go visit a breeder who lives near me. i havent a clue what her dogs look like, but ive talked to her before and she was very informative and nice and then i got told that she was a great breeder so i am very interested in getting to know her some. hmmm. i dont know though, i wish that corgi in the humane society had waited to get dumped there until i could have a doggy haha.. i would have snatched him up. sighness, how awful:( i want a corgi sooo bad, any age or color, i dont care. just gotta be a male companion corgi who wont have the crazy herding drive energy haha. (of course, i still want an active dog, just not too active.)

  • Zigward & Kimberly

    for sure! but im also making sure that we live close to a park where i can play catch with them... i am going to just get a really long cord or something that i can hook into my pants and their collar and throw so that i can control how far they go-even with training, im not sure i would be comfy enough to have my dog off leash.. once my dog hailey got off her leash and bolted away.. never saw her again:( i always fear the worst lol.. better safe than sorry is the case to me, though. always.

  • Zigward & Kimberly

    there isnt a fenced dog park here.. but there is in the town right close by-which will be cool for when we have our car.. but there is a HUGE off leash dog park here.. mostly trails and fields, so that will be okay for now:)

  • Zigward & Kimberly

    i was actually considering one earlier, but i dont know.. it seems like it would be really helpful for when i had to clean or something similar, and dont want to wory about where the puppy is. buttttt...... i dont know if its a necessity. i feel like i could work around it haha.

  • Zigward & Kimberly

    hmm same place as before basically.. im just waiting on moving, getting settled in, etc.

    then the real search begins. im very excited.. i cant wait to actually have a corgi puppy lol.. i read this article on the FAQ and im pretty happy. i thought it would be way more expensive! in fact, i laughed out loud at how cheap it is. (well, not cheap... but way cheaper than what i was thinking.)

    good news, good news. owning a corgi is going to be a breeze! well... money wise. training, we will see! aughh i cant wait to have a bun bum in my arms lol.. i really cant!

  • Zigward & Kimberly

    haha it seems that everything is way more expensive in CA though.. i mean, everything. i was looking at apartments there, because i was daydreaming that i could convince hubby to move there so i could be close to my best friend again, but no such luck lol.. anyhow, yeah! way more expensive.. what you can get here for about $500 like starts at over $700 there though lol.. i was like "this is freaking crazy." its okay though.. i would die in CA bc of the heat haha.

    vet bills here are a bit much i think compared to some of the other places ive seen, but nothing too horrible. im so sadddd... in my hometown, there was the best vet ever. well.. he wasnt in my old town, but he was the local vet for us kinda. only a little bit away, and he was really great. weird, talking about it has made me have vivid flashback of his entire office haha.

  • Zigward & Kimberly

    haha yeah... i never thought that oregon was cheap until i met my fiance to be perfectly honest. i mean, i knew it was better than washington, but that was about it. then my fiance moved here and things are like WAY pricey over where he is from! i was like "HOLY COW!" when he told me about apartment prices there haha. sighness, what i want to do is move to canada.. we are looking into it soon. i mean, not for a couple years more than likely, but we do want it to happen. i just dont know how the process works, and i dont know when it would happen.. but america really ticks me off lol.. i would like to move farther away, somewhere like ireland or something, but thats something only i am okay with haha. so its out. but i still plan on visiting hopefully:) oh my gosh! about a month and i get to look for a corgi!! <3 im going to explode! i dont know how i am going to handle waiting any longer at all lol. i have the worst knotts in my stomach ever... sighness.. ohhhhhhhhhhhhh i cant wait. i wish i could just pick one now. i think that thats the worst part of it.. is worrying that i will find a puppy now (i cant help but look continuously lol..) and i wont be able to get him and then i wont be able to find the right one later, you know? i think i am just worrying myself though because i am so excited.

  • Zigward & Kimberly

    oh my gosh! you must be going CRAZY! i know i would.. i have the worst feeling in my gut that the last few days waiting for my pup to get to me is going to be the worst. i feel like my head will explode, you know? hahaha.

    of course its expensive! a lot of the good things in life are, sadly haha. in fact... even the not so great things in life are too most of the time!:P

    im not really worried about money though to be honest. were pretty set, and even if we werent doing half as well as we are now, i like to think we would still be okay. of course, that isnt to say im not greatful for what we have! im way greatful, even if im not the best at showing it:P

  • Alexa & Orbi

    Thank you! And of course I would love to set up something and give ya info on Dog parks and such. the only person I knew with another corgi moved a few months ago. :( Where in AZ are you moving?
  • Napolean (Joan and Gabby)

    Thanks! Brody is so cute! He's a tri right? He looks a lot like a red in your background image :p Love you pictures!

  • Zigward & Kimberly

    this one? there are a couple more if youre asking for a friend in oregon:) 

    like this one

    and this one

    and this one

    haha.. the lady i am most hoping to get a corgi puppy from if i get a puppy doesnt have a site.. but the first link i sent in this comment is runner up i think.. i dont know though:P we may be getting one from somewhere over in the new england area even now that ive searched some, because we are planning on visiting that area, so if i can widen my breeder search, why not, eh?:P

  • Zigward & Kimberly

    haha ohh okay. well this site has a bunch of breeders in mainly oregon, some in washington, and then one or two in other states, so you should pass that link on to your friend:)

  • Mike and Vicki Baylus

    I take them to P.O.R.G.I.E. puppy training classes in Riverside. We learned basic commands, walking on a leash, clicker training and understanding dogs behavior. She starts the training at 8 weeks old! It was great for socialization. The instructor is really good and it is fun to see the puppies of all sizes play.

    When Yolie was a puppy (the smallest in the class) she would get under this huge puppy, the size of a grown Saint Bernard, so the taller ones couldn't get an size advantage during play. LOL

  • Mike and Vicki Baylus

    I hope to meet you all tomorrow!

  • Mike and Vicki Baylus

    Today is the day!
  • Ciara & Macy

    I see you got your puppy yesterday! Congrats!!!(: he I'd adorable from the pictures I've seen
  • Annaglen + Piper!!

    Hey Nicola!!

    Thanks for the product update. I actually bought a bottle of the "regular" Simple Solution to bring to work with me. We'll definitely get a bottle of the Oxy stuff too. Turns out Derek has a deep cleaner like the one pictured, it's just green. I think we're pretty much set with everything, though I'm sure I'm going to buy a couple more toys for her ;) 

    Hope all is well with Brody!!
  • Annaglen + Piper!!

    Hi hi!! First of all, those are adorable pictures of Brody. What a cutie pie!! Piper is doing great and is coming home Friday afternoon!! I'm so nervous but excited about bringing her home. I know I couldn't do it without you :) Hope all is well!!
  • WhiteDove

  • Priscilla Fernandez

    Hi there. Quixote is from poso creek corgis too. Who was Brodys mom and dad? Quixotes dad was Gilby. She came from a June 2010 litter and has grown to be a beautiful corgi full of personality and mischeif. !

  • Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Who's the photographer in the family. Some of the photos are amazing. I'm glad you're taking lots of photos. The grow up too fast. I'm only sorry that I didn't take more videos when Lucy was really little.  Ricky (aka Rafa) was a rescue at 16 wks. and we did start taking more videos then. Brody is one of the cutest corgi pups I've seen, and I've owned Corgis all my life. He's full of spunk and personality. Who was his breeder?